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Everything posted by EDguy89

  1. Metallic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I loathe nimbyism. I don't live anywhere near > there, I don't have a share in the current nursery > business, I just think the risks of allowing that > more expensive nursery, more staff working there > and much larger, will probably see the end of the > existing one. That would seem a shame wouldn't > it? I don't think it will be the end of the neighbouring nursery. My wife and I have been shopping around for child minders/nurseries for our toddler and EDG nursery had a 6 month + waiting list. AND you've gotta pay a one-off fee to get on the waiting list. So you're paying just to sit and wait. As far as we're concerned, our recent experience has shown that each nursery is generally already full and have waiting lists that can range up to 48 months +...so if a new nursery moves in, even though we can't afford it, we welcome it because those who can afford it may go and leave waiting lists at other nurseries, lessening our wait.
  2. uplandrd2020 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oh dear :) might be best if you join this lot > https://www.bitchute.com/video/CsOMOXwEhyAq/ Don't send me mixed signals talking about sheep needing to wake up. You're just teasing me. You and I are the same breed. We both know that these deaths aren't COVID related. It's coincidental at best and insidiously malicious at worst. This entire pandemic has been a ruse to keep us cooped up in our houses while our rights are stripped away from us piece by piece. I mean, yeah, there was a 14% increase in excess deaths over the 5 year average in 2020. Those numbers can so easily be fudged and it's super normal for major spikes to occur arbitrarily. We are 100% right to question each and every single death that's been caused by COVID. I wanna see the full reports on each one of those deaths attributed to this so-called "pandemic". INCLUDING Captain Tom's. We CANNOT leave any stone unturned. I don't use Bitchute either, too liberal for me. I prefer to spout my garbage the same way my father did and his father before him. On a corner with a big sign. Of course, due to the pandemic I've had to limit my visits to my corner, so the east dulwich forum will do. Anyways, look forward to the 12th when Trump finally reveals his master plan. You and I will be sipping liberal tears on a beach somewhere watching immigrants get deported in no time. It's gonna be beautiful.
  3. uplandrd2020 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If this is not enough to wake the smallest lamb, > the world is lost forever. Wake up sheeple!!!! COVID is a lie brought forth by the liberal media as a way to make you complacent. Patriots like myself and Uplandrd2020 have woken up by the alarm bells all you clowns are missing. Here's some other hard truths for you all to swallow: Trump is still president. Q is real. The Storm is coming. Starmer is a pedophile and all labour MPs abduct children in the night to feed to their lizard overlords. We've opened our eyes and it's time for you all to do the same.
  4. So at the end of 2020 the rules on what sort of drones need registration changed. Anything above 250g needs to be registered. If the drone is under 250g and has a camera then it needs to be registered. If it doesn't have a camera or is a toy drone it doesn't need registration. Here's a guide to where drones should and shouldn't fly: https://register-drones.caa.co.uk/drone-code/where-you-can-fly The interesting bit is that most of the regulations don't apply to drones under 250g. That's why so many of them are 249g. So, as long as the drone is registered (if necessary) it's pretty likely the operator was flying legally.
  5. The times I've been to the playground at Peckham Rye, Goose Green, or Dulwich park, I've always felt that I've had plenty of space between me and other adults. I feel I get into closer proximity with people when I'm just walking along the road or queueing to get into a shop. Do you and your kids count the number of people walking along the street not wearing masks too?
  6. 1983groke Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Even with online advertising, if you don't want to > see the adverts, you can switch off your phone or > close the laptop. You should get a nice adblocker. Then you can do all the things you want online without seeing many ads.
  7. Hey there's already a thread about the market.
  8. Chocolate Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > They have survived > this whole year of Covid, so to inject a Vaccine > that hasnt been out for long, should we risk it. > The government are delaying the second jabs so > there is a risk of catching Covid. My mother has > underlying conditions so am really worried, any > advice please Yes. Your mentality of "well they made it this far, so does she REALLY need it?" is dangerous. Mostly it's dangerous to your mother. ESPECIALLY if she has underlying conditions. They're providing vaccines to the most vulnerable first because they have the greatest probability of dying from COVID. If your only hang up is that it doesn't provide 100% protection, then you don't have anything to lose from getting somewhere between 70-95% from Pzifer or Astrazenaca. It is better than just relying on the current methods your mother is using for protection.
  9. Jules-and-Boo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Are there really that many local babies? Yes.
  10. Neoralp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It seems that this topic is quite relevant now, so > I would like to express my opinion. > I completely agree with the author of this topic, > because the protesters are not talking about > equality and equal rights of all people, they want > to separate their race and this is absolutely > wrong. > I would recommend that you review statistics on > the safety of various states in the United States > and the population of the African American race > there. If you find these statistics, you will see > that the safest states in the United States have > the lowest number of African Americans, so such > statistics probably say something, but no one > wants to pay attention to it. > And for supporters of this movement, I would > recommend reading the Harlem Renaissance cultural > movement, which fought for the revival of African > - American art and literature centered in Harlem, > Manhattan, New York, spanning the 1920s. At the > time, it was known as the New Negro Movement, > named after the New Negro Anthology of 1925, > edited by Alain Locke. The movement also included > new African-American cultural expressions in urban > areas in the northeastern and Midwestern United > States affected by the Great Migration, of which > Harlem was the largest. > I'm sure. that it will be useful and interesting. > And it will be a bright example for you of a real > civilized struggle for your rights. I mean, you're just wrong. First, your correlation by just looking at "safest states" and "whitest states" don't tell the whole story. I'd know because I'm from New Hampshire which routinely lands at the top of both of those lists. What you're implying is that the safest states are the whitest states, and the more black people in a given state, the less safe it becomes. You're implying that black people are the cause of the problem. That's racist. It's also wrong. How well have the states at the bottom of the list made opportunities for people to advance? How do the safest states vote? How much do those states spend on education? How well do those states adhere to keeping religion out of school? You can take that list and start making correlations in different areas. Many of the states that are the "safest" are also the states that have the highest education spending per capita. I'd wager that education makes a larger impact on the safety of states rather than the color of the populace's skin. However, since you like looking at some statistics and making assumptions, I'll do the same. New Hampshire is the third whitest state in the US with 95% white people. It's also the 4th highest for opioid overdose deaths. How come white people are all drug addicts?
  11. Blah Blah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Europe will have its vaccine rollout well under > way in the next couple of months. Not sure what > your point really is here, when the UK only made > that one initial order with Pfizer and that > arrives in batches that could take 10 months to > complete delivery of. This government, and no > doubt many others, are pinning hopes on the > Oxford/ Astrazeneca vaccine that requires no > special refrigeration and can be distributed to > GPs and much wider types of outlets as a result. > It is much cheaper too. Irregardless of when > vaccine rollouts start, we are talking differences > of months and it will take at least a year to get > even half a population vaccinated. There is no > fast track on this for anyone. His point is we'll all be sitting pretty here having our sausage rolls and tea whilst those disgusting, gross, deplorable continental Europeans get what they deserve. As an immigrant myself, I hate all those immigrants trying to claw their way into the UK to get a hold of the vaccine that they're not gonna be able to get. They can enjoy all the camembert and wine they like. I'll have my locally sourced fish n chips thank you very much. Something something something the sun never sets on the english empire god save the queen. Edit: Blah Blah it seems I got a little too hopped up on tea and our newly acquired SoVeReIgNtY that I quoted you for no real reason. Keeping in line with premier Johnson, I will not concede that this was a mistake, and ensure you that it was intentional.
  12. KidKruger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I hope he is man enough to commit suicide. > But I guess his narcissism will never allow that. > Narcissism is the key word here. What we're gonna see over the next few months is a narcissist kicking and screaming as much as possible. The presidency didn't help his narcissism. People just saying yes to him and the echo chamber of people saying "they love you" or "you're the best president" emboldened him to believe he's legitimately the greatest person to have ever lived. It's gonna be glorious to watch him thrash and kick about whilst every member of the GOP bails on him as they value their career more than Trump's. It's already happening in some instances. He's gonna get hung out to dry. The country is better off without any members of the Trump family around.
  13. EDguy89

    BBC news

    I saw what OP is referring to. It showed a few shops along LL. William Rose, the fishmonger, that cheese shop, and A J Farmer. Maybe another. Shot relatively early in the morning as the streets and roads were quiet, looked like the shops were only just opening. I was running the blender at the time so I don't know what they said, but it was pretty generic footage that moved on after about 10 seconds, so I don't think it was all that important whatever they said.
  14. Robbie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I found 1 item myself on their website - an infant > night light which had a known pedophelia symbol on > it, again only 1 in stock taking 4-6 weeks for > delivery and was on sale for $20k. This item was > worth ?50 max. Very suspicious. Still got a link to this item? What is the "known pedophelia symbol"? Also, the notion is completely ridiculous. So if I were rich and I bought a piece of furniture openly displayed on a website, 4-6 weeks later a child would be delivered to my door? Isn't that way too out in the open? Wouldn't some rich person unknowingly buy a child and then report it to the police? If they were peddling kids, wouldn't that be WAY too obvious? I feel like if I were rich, and my aim was to get a trafficked child, I'd probably go through much more secure means than, you know, a public website. There's loads of people that believe this garbage. If they all chipped in and bought one of these "kids" wouldn't it blow the entire thing wide open? At that point it wouldn't be a conspiracy. Did none of them think to consider this option? It seems like, if they actually cared about stopping child trafficking and GENUINELY believed that kids were being sold on furniture websites, then they'd try it and inform the police the entire way. Surely there's some rich person out there who believes this junk who would have tried. Nothing has come further from it because they're not selling kids. Here's a BBC article refuting your claim that the Wayfair scandal isn't linked to Qanon: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-53416247 Here's a good one about your fact checking statement: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/22/fact-check-wayfair-not-involved-child-sex-trafficking/5460739002/ - Essentially, there's more than just Wayfair saying they're not doing it. Beyond that, Qanon's ties to the Save Our Children protests is well documented. It most certainly IS a political movement. Save Our Children continues to attract the same people that follow the Qanon conspiracies. Here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/28/technology/save-the-children-qanon.html Regardless of how the movement started, Save Our Children is tied to these clowns now.
  15. Yeah Pizzagate was bad. It's a highly dangerous group, and unfortunately it's not an issue only in the US. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/20/the-qanon-conspiracy talks about some people in the UK who are in support of it. On the surface it seems fine which helps lure people in. They're against pedophiles. Great, who isn't? Then when you go further down the rabbit hole and it turns out that Tom Hanks is a pedophile who was arrested earlier in the year but said he had COVID to cover it up. 5G towers have been set up to distribute deadly viruses and keep people in check. Whose behind it all? Well the left-leaning government funded by jewish pedophiles. Who are the people susceptible to this? Uneducated, disenfranchised, and sometimes vulnerable people who feel like they've been kicked to the curb by society. They feel like life has done them wrong and, in reality, there isn't some nice convenient answer to resolve the problems in their life. Sometimes life is just cruel. So, what's easier than that? Shadowy figures who operate their seedy businesses from their high positions of power, of course. If you or anyone you know start touting this nonsensical rhetoric, challenge it HARD. It's not enough to brush people off as being delusional or out of their mind. We all know two or three people like this. Unfortunately, we're in the age of technology and that brushing them off isn't good enough anymore. Once upon a time, the platform those people had to voice their opinion was as far as their voice would carry. Which is to say not very far. Now, our social media platforms have created such fantastic connectivity, but the downside is that these people have found one another and determined that, no, they're not alone. For every 1 person at those rallies that attract small numbers, just remember that there are probably hundreds upon hundreds who believe it but didn't show. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
  16. Robbie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > There was a conspiracy though. Plenty of documents > have been declassified this year which allure to > this fact. Whether they are pedophiles or not is > another thing. > > The John Podesta emails, Anthony Weiner laptop, as > well as the cases of Epstein and Maxwell, indicate > that there are indeed a large number of prominent > individuals involved in pedophelia. That's not a > baseless theory by any means. Well duh there have been pedophiles in political positions. Tale as old as time and they should all be weeded out and destroyed. However, the real cases shouldn't be used in any way to attempt to legitimatize ANYTHING that the Qanon followers believe. Here's a shortlist of some of the things they've claimed: -Merkel is the grandchild of Hitler -The Clintons organised the mass shooting in Vegas a few years ago -The Kim family of North Korea was installed as a puppet leader by the CIA -Claimed that a chlorine solution would help cure COVID -Whenever they've been wrong they've claimed to purposely be spreading falsehoods so the REAL truths will shine through The most hilarious to me is the child trafficking ring that they're supposedly uncovering via furniture vendors. Crate and Barrel selling expensive furniture with human names = selling children....Apparetly. All these things derived from "coded" messages. For example, recently when Trump tweeted the whole thing about getting COVID he ended it with "TOGETHER" which they've taken as code "TO GET HER". As in Hilary Clinton. Do people in positions of power use their positions to exploit and abuse children? Of course they do. However, as Qanon would suggest, it's a left-wing issue that the right is righteously trying to fight. News to them would be to know that their right wing hero probably had sex with plenty of underage girls while hanging out with Epstein.
  17. Blah Blah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I shouldn't laugh but that is funny Cat :D > > Live update from his doctors at the moment and the > interesting thing is the level of detail around > his symptoms and the various immune responses that > could happen and when. I say interesting because > there is an unknown percentage of hardcore Trump > support that thinks this virus is a hoax. I wonder > what they make of it all. > > Another Whitehouse advisor has tested positive > meanwhile. Seems as though anyone who was at the > party recently is going to test positive. Beyond the supporters that think the virus is a hoax, there's the Qanon crowd who think there's a massive conspiracy from high ranking pedophiles to take down Trump. Earlier in the year when various celebrities stated they got COVID these wackos believed it was a cover used to mask the reality, which was that they were arrested for being pedophiles. I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics they'll have to do to justify Trump getting COVID. Easy to pass these people off was wackos (which they are) but the head of the NYPD union ended up on the news with a damn mug showing his support for Qanon. So unfortunately some significant people do believe this garbage.
  18. Rockets Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I wonder if there are residents on the closed > roads (any of them) who may like the quietness and > change to their situation but do also harbour > concerns about the impact the changes are having > on roads and residents elsewhere. Yeah I'd fall into this category. My experience since 2016 is that my street, Melbourne Grove, had a very large amount of traffic regularly that just passed through. A lot of the time it was at higher speeds and with traffic aiming to go both north and south and the amount of times cars stood facing one another honking their horns until one backed up was pretty high. They installed speed humps at one point but they didn't achieve all that much. It was a mess. However, it was a mess that most people didn't see. For the longest time it was completely irrelevant to me because it was just myself and my partner. I've got a kid now and the dangers of the road prior to the closure became really apparent to me. Now we can walk along the road without having to be more vigilant than normal when crossing the street. So yeah the closure of the road has been really nice for us. I get that local traffic has been displaced elsewhere, and in reading the other threads, I don't really have anything to add that hasn't already been voiced repeatedly. There isn't a solution that makes everyone happy and there will be people who get the short end of the stick. My opinion on the matter is that car usage needs to decrease dramatically. In 50 years we'll be looking at a wildly different world due to climate change and clinging to our cars isn't helping (for that matter we should also aim to decrease the amount of meat we consume regularly as the farming contributes greatly, but that's beside the point). Obviously there are minority groups that should be able to maintain use of their car. Even then, there should be real financial incentives to drop fossil fuel burning cars and move to electric. An increase of spending on infrastructure and investment in public transport would likely lead to a situation that's more amiable for most people.
  19. Charles Notice Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "It absolutely was a rat run. I've been living on > the southern side of Melbourne Grove since 2016 > and it was used constantly as a way for people to > bypass LL. > > Often times people would speed by simply because > they could. The difference in the amount of > traffic on this end has been like day and night." > > So like the poor residents in Camberwell Grove, > they went to bed one night and the next morning > like in Independence Day when they woke they found > there instead of aliens there were cars all over > the shop. > > Where did all these cars come from they cried we > must get the road closed. Think of house prices. > They even wanted a toll gate like Dulwich Village. > > > You say you have been there since 2016 so you > would have known that cars used this road to come > from LL to EDG when you bought and did not appear > overnight. > > The closure is just a way to get a gated private > community/road and inflate house price should > you/others you find you might not have a job in > the new future and have to sell. > > If I were you I would do the same. Has it occurred to you that not everybody on Melbourne Grove owns their own place? Has it occurred to you that some people rent? Or that some people living on this road aren't somehow financially benefiting from this? Has it occurred to you that some people just live here? Of course it hasn't! It hasn't because you seem to have some delusion that 100% of the populace on this road are somehow operating in the shadows, pulling strings, and influencing local government to help raise house prices. The reality is a lot less interesting than that. Here's the reality: I just rent here. So please, make sure to tell me again what my personal situation is like. I'm sure it will fit your "us vs them" narrative just wonderfully. However, here in reality, I find it difficult to discuss these changes from the perspective of someone who lives on the benefited roads because someone will be sure to make some ridiculous assumptions about house prices.
  20. macutd Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > it's not a "rat run" it's just a street in East > Dulwich that enables people to get about without > having to clog up the roads that are left in a > dangerous and polluting way. It absolutely was a rat run. I've been living on the southern side of Melbourne Grove since 2016 and it was used constantly as a way for people to bypass LL. Often times people would speed by simply because they could. The difference in the amount of traffic on this end has been like day and night.
  21. EDguy89

    Back to Work

    JohnL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Government has to be careful > what it says as it's not a case of people refusing > to go back they are being told to stay at home for > now. It'll be interesting to see what this campaign looks like and whether it works. The BBC article regarding this campaign opened up with this: "Employers will be asked to reassure staff it is safe to return by highlighting measures taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19." I can't really see how the government can ask companies to tell their employees this. My company has taken incredible steps towards preparing for a return to the office. The effort made has been very impressive and most people within the company are confident of their safety within the office. However, that's not where the concern lies for my colleagues. The main concern is about travel. It's all well and good that the office is safe, but it doesn't matter at all if you are stuck on crowded public transport. For someone like myself, it's less of a concern because I can use alternative means of travel to get to the office that don't involve being in a metal cylinder with other people. However, many of my colleagues commute into the office from far outside the city. Some having commutes via public transport of up to an 1.5 hours one way. I'm interested in seeing how all this plays out.
  22. niledynodely Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Alternatively this sort of stuff, especially > taught to them by their school teacher could > actually just put them off sex for a good while. > We do know young people are having a lot less sex > than my generation (I was born in the 60s) > although they are having a much higher proportion > of anal sex. > > Finally the real issue is that parents values and > beliefs should be respected in the education of > their children. You were so close. SO CLOSE to getting the point. You did it miss it though because you were too busy thinking about children learning about anal sex. It seems to consume your life. You should probably see a therapist about it. You've got problems that not even Jesus could solve. However, I would like you to go back to the point where you talked about younger generations having less sex. Is it perhaps because, oh I don't know, they were taught what sex is? The consequences of sex. Pregnancy, STDs, abuse, things to look out for, etc. I'll give you the answer. It's yes.
  23. EDguy89

    Back to Work

    My company is currently working from home and working towards a return to the office at some point. Been WFH since March and it seems we might not be returning until late 2020 if not early 2021. Even when we do go back, with social distancing, we can't really occupy the same amount of office space we had once previously done. It's unlikely they'd let out more to accommodate the employees. I figure we'll be doing on and off days. Personally, I'm glad to be home. I've gotten so much more time with my child as a result. It's been great.
  24. niledynodely Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > (I > do not want my child to think anal sex is okay, or > that the primary purpose of sex is pleasure or > that porn is alright in moderation for example) My teenage years weren't too long ago and I don't imagine there's been some massive radical shift where kids are being taught to just have sex with anyone because it feels good. It's better to demystify the subject of sex with kids and be open and honest and allow them to ask any questions without being shamed. Do you really think their teachers are getting up in front of their students and saying "Anal sex is fine, kids. It's God's loophole. Doesn't count if it's in the butt! Save yourself till marriage, but till then..." I mean, if definitions of an act in a book are bad enough for you to get concerned over, then I suggest we ban words like "kill", "maim", and "assault". Because as we all know, now that the kids know what a word means, they'll do it without a second thought. Everytime.
  25. Abe_froeman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Of course I read it and the two paragraphs > pertinent to this thread are as follows: > > Central government funding of the police: > > "Priti Patel said crime was up in the capital > despite London having the ?highest police funding > settlement in the country? and a cash increase of > over ?190 million this year." > > Sadiq Khan funding of the police: > > "The Mayor of London has warned of potential cuts > of almost ?110million to policing as a result of a > collapse in City Hall?s income due to the economic > impacts of coronavirus." These bits you've quoted are so cherry picked it's ridiculous. The mayor is planning for a decrease of funds to the tune of 493 million due to reasons stated here: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/police-tfl-cuts-city-hall-sadiq-khan-a4480986.html This next article outlines the cuts: https://www.mylondon.news/news/zone-1-news/sadiq-khan-announces-500million-cuts-18497949 What's not being discussed is that the largest proportional cuts are being made to TFL and the Mayor's office. The smallest are to the police and the fire brigade. The article also mentions a reserve of 118 million being kept on to keep police officers affordable. Perhaps these potential cuts wouldn't hurt so badly if the police force hasn't already lost 47% of their officers since 2010. Here: https://www.gmb.org.uk/news/shock-figures-reveal-23500-police-staff-cut-under-tories Guess what mayor was in office when the worst of those losses happened? On a side note, Mr. Bailey's pledge to bring 8,000 new officers is a good start, but he should recognise the mistakes made by previous government's austerity measures. It seems Priti is implying that Khan is spitting in the face of the government's generous increase of 190 to the portion of the country that, rightly, has the highest budget. Looking back, specifically here: https://www.london.gov.uk/press-releases/mayoral/budget-confirms-110m-for-met-police, Khan has done his part in increasing spending on the police. There's also a nice little bit in there regarding the spending on police since 2010 which saw a 40% drop. I think this entire matter is being viewed as a "what have you done for me lately?" matter. The current government has set out a big increase in spending to recruit more police officers. That's great. However, this is only making up for the 15% drop in officers between 2010-2018 and the 20% budget decrease from 2010 to 2015 (national). (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47225797). Suggesting that Khan is knowingly working to reduce the number of officers within the city is laughable. Leveraging a singular article to make that point is also laughable.
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