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Everything posted by Scylla100

  1. Okay, if we're voting....Can I vote for a used guitar shop? Something that sells the nice stuff, only used Martins and Gibsons and those sort of things. I'm just saying. Scylla
  2. I was coming home down Whately this afternoon about 2.30 ish and there were two policemen at the bus stop and two police men standing on the front door stoop of someone up Whately Road a bit. I take it they were arresting people or something at the house, one policemen was talking into his walkie talkie. Oh and this older women was sitting on the stoop right in front of the policemen with a sort of small dog on a lead. I must confess, it made a rather odd tableau and I have no idea if its connected or if there is just something odd about that part of the Whatley.
  3. I had a chat with a nice policeman a few months back whilst he was doing door to door inquiries about an illegal crime-like situation in the area. I asked about the station and he told me the building is structurally unsound and that it?s not repairable or that it would be cost prohibitive to repair it (it sounded like a subsidence thing). He said they need to move out and the building has to be torn down. I think I did ask if it?d been sold to M&S and vaguely remember him saying something about sorting out the building first before anything else was to be done. I miss them riding around on the horses. A police lady let me pet the horses' nose once while the two of them were standing around outside the station . Awwwwwww.
  4. I used to swim at Crystal Palace; nice 50 meter pool. I haven't been in ages, is it still open? I've tried the East Dulwich Baths but the pool is too short (less then the standard 25 meters) and if it gets crowded you can't get a proper work out. And don't get me started on trying to swim around the slow people in the fast lane, uggggg!
  5. I've just done the new year clear out and I've got three bags of clothes to give to charity. I know there has been some discussion about charity clothes collections on da Forum, anybody know of a legit group that'll come an get my stuff? I don't have a car. I was thinking of lugging the stuff to St. Christophers (the charity shopt with the blue sign on Lordship Lane) but I did go there once and was told they we're full up and couldn't receive any more stuff, which is fair enough. Anybody else have this experience or was it just me going there at a bad time for them? I know that happens sometimes, you run out of space or volunteer time to sift though the donations...... Anyway, all suggestions gratefully received. Scylla
  6. I was buying some oh so meaty, oh so fishy Whiskas at at the store and the check out lady said something about how the East Dulwich Sainsbury's sells more cat food then any other Sainsbury's in the UK (or it might have been in London, one of the two). I'd love to know if this is true - it made me feel both proud (and a little lame) to be an East Dulwichian. Scylla
  7. I like the garish shop front. It makes me sad to see it take up all that lighting and space on LL though, I can never go in and drink a coffee at the nice coffee bar or sit in one of the neeto chairs. I don't wanna sell my house. I don't wanna buy anyone's else's house. I can only press my nose up against the window and look at where I can't go. Awwwwwwww.
  8. Nooo, I liked the tyre guy. He fixed one of my flat tyres once. Okay they need a used guitar shop. Something that sells quality items like Martin's and Taylors. Then I can go bankrupt.
  9. Does anybody else have the experience of putting stuff outside your house and then having someone take it? Instead of going to the dump or calling the council to come make a pick up, I've put my old MFI computer table, broken lawnmower, a chair I didn't want, and other such things outside the front door and people just come and take them. I think somebody once knocked on the door to see if I really was throwing the item out which was kind of them. Nobody wanted my broken up backyard fence...unfortunately.
  10. I dunno, I work in Lambeth and I think they'd give Southwark a pretty good run for the money for worse councel in inner London. People in Lambeth aspire to be as good a Southwark (its that baaaaad).
  11. If it keeps raining we're not gonna flood here...are we? Anybody in the know? Scylla
  12. Speaking of which, is anything going to happen with Golden City? There is something kind of Miss-Haversham-in-great-expectations about the way it just slowly rots away. Its never cleaned, it never changes, it just sits there rotting year after year. Will it be there - in a further state of decay - 10 years from now? Will the brown plants turn into mounds of gloop? Did someone leave a large order of Cod and Chips at the alter and the store has a broken heart that refusts to be mended until it gets some revenge? Enquiring minds wanna know....
  13. Does anybody know where the stuff we recycle goes to? Sometimes, the energy and pollutants produced by recycling an item is worse then making it new. I would think this would expecially hold true for recycling plastic. Even recycling paper and glass is hard on the environment. If Ken Livingston proposed a recycling plant in East Dulwich we would all freak out, those plants are nasty. You could put all our junk in a land fill but I bet those are pretty much near to over full. Maybe instead of picking on us poor over worked individual citizens they should do something that would make a difference like try and convince people selling us stuff not to wrap it in so much plastic.
  14. I'm from D-etroit Michigan which makes me a Michigander. :)
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