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Everything posted by Scylla100

  1. Great vid JUED.....okay people driving your cars on slippy roads, pump the breaks when you wanna stop! PUMP those baby's rather then slam down or your you'll turn into Gordie Howe of the Red Wings. Scylla
  2. Actually, Washington D.C. grinds to a halt when it snows too. When I was living there, one winter it snowed just a few inches (less then we're getting now) and they shut down the entire US government (pretty much) and made the announcement on the news - after - a lot of people had gone to work in the morning. There was a big massive head ache for all those people trying to get home that afternoon. There were lots of people complaining in wonder "OMG, the nation's capitol shut down do to a weenie little bit of snow? It would never happen in Minnesota/Ohio/Michigan/South Dakota/North Dakota/East Nowhere Pennsylvania." Scylla
  3. Harumph....whatever, dumb old superbowl. They can play it in the middle of the night with all the commentary coming from British cricket experts for all I care. (Native of Detroit) Scylla
  4. Very smokey there right now. The nice man in the chicken/pizza shop across the road said the place was empty. I was wondering if it was the butchers smoking some gammon or something. Scylla
  5. Okay, I?m just guessing here but I think they would have been assessed by a social worker under community care legislation. They would have had to have a need for assistance such as a mental health problem or a disability, or they came out of a long stay institution or were brought up in a care home - drug and alcohol misuse don?t count as having ?a need.? It sounds like they just weren't able to cope - I wouldn't have wanted to live next to them but I'm glad they seem to have been moved on to someplace more appropriate.
  6. This is terrible, some community minded people in Peckham took some derlict land and built a no-cost community centre. Now the counil wants a once time only cash boost for its budget (okay just my cynical guess). Its the same thing as selling off school playing fields to balance your budget - once its gone you can never ever get it back. I wonder if its all about the council wanting money, right here right now to go into something like last year's budget overspend. Its also really dumb to do it now as they'll get a crap price if they sell the land and building - at least if they'd sold it all before the credit crunch us taxpayers would have got a better deal. For a no cost community centre it does very well - you have to invest money and develop a place before you get more people hearing about it and using the space. Instead of closing it down the council should be helping the Spike to develop a plan for expanding on its good work and developing the centre further. I'm personally interesting in living in a community with good schools, nice parks, well run care homes, youth schemes, and locally run vibrant, viable community centres - even if I don't personally use all of these services, I still want them to be okay. Its definately worth it to make a fuss. Scylla (with more then my 2p worth) Scylla
  7. Wouldn't it be 'the staff doesn't speak English well?' Isn't it incorrect to say they don't speak 'very good English' ??? So your both wrong, ha bloody ha! (Just don't look too closely as my spelling folks) Scylla
  8. I'm always torn about the blue brick - great food and atmosphere, but I gotta reckon on possibly hitting it on one of their sloooooooooooow days. Not a place to go if your in a hurry, S'okay if you're happy to hang out and read the papers.
  9. Does anyone know the deal with Golden City on Watley Road? The same house plant has been dying in the window for 10 years now, I swear. Scylla
  10. Hey maybe it'll be turned into an M&S - the police station rumor was just that little bit off. Scylla
  11. Nya ahh - They had the cutest little shores for kids, these little bootie things. Awwwww. Scylla
  12. I was with NTL and then it just magically switched to Virgin at some point. Its fine until recently - the connection goes in the evening and that's that, I can't get it back. Its been out two evenings this week (I had to go read a book OMG, how old fashioned). Its okay now, hope they've sorted out the problem. Scylla
  13. Ya know, as to the question of "where are they going to go?" I put an alarm on my house and a lock and I have other burglar proof methods to protect my home. What that means is the person thinking of breaking into my house will go somewhere else. I'm not going to stop all house break in's with my protections, they'll still happen. And I can't really take responsibility for someone's elses decisions. I can't think "oh dear, if I don't let them break into my house, they'll break into someone else's house and I'm responsible for that. Maybe if I let them break into my house someone else will be spared." Same with a person breaking their tenency - the law is the law, you break it you face the consequences. It isn't the responsibility of the people of Whateley Road to take it on the chin for the rest of us.
  14. It would probably be very difficult to evict them as I'm guessing they have secure tenency rights. I would image the police are very sympathetic and I've seen the police over there talking to them a number of times - all pretty much to no avail. All the community mental health support services in our borough have been cut to the bone (anybody keeping up with the cuts to the Maudsley?) so anybody thinking these people are going to get help from a mental health service are badly mistaken. There will be no community support help for them (or the people living by them). Technically that is what should happen, they should have a housing officer and a community mental health nurse working with them in their home making sure they are coping with life in the community. It won't happen though. They are breaking their tenency with their continued harrassment of people (I've seen them do it too) but one would have to gather a lot of evidence agaisnt them to take it forward with their housing association or the council. I'm assuming they aren't private tenents. If anybody has corrections to my understanding of housing law and rights, do chime in here. My understanding is its unbelieveably difficult to effectively deal with nuisance neighboors in inner London boroughs. The best outcome I've come across is the nuisance neighbor was arrested and given a custodal sentence for something unrelated and with them gone, the harassment stopped.
  15. I take it you live close to all the fun?
  16. 48. Some cactus named Fluffy was sexually harassing my cat, and now she's missing!
  17. Hey, last night during dinner I had a cactus knock on the door an offer to clean my windows. Now I'm wondering...... Scylla
  18. Right, I'm gonna get the Mona Lisa and put it atop a 176 bus shelter. I think it has to be a shelter in East Dulwich. Scylla
  19. I was taking the 68 into town yesterday and I noticed, on top of two of the bus shelters, these little weird pin cushion- things. I think it was up Kingsway past Holborn. On one bus shelter was an electric blue pin-cushion-y thing with spikes come out of it. And just along a few bus shelters down the road there is was again in a different colour. I've seen odd stuff before on top of the shelters, not just your usual deteriorating banana peal or a shoe, just stuff that makes you go "huh? How did that get up there?" I?m wondering if anyone else has noticed weird things on top of the bus shelters whilst they travel around our great capital? Is this just me? Scylla
  20. I've seen monster tabby, he hangs out in my garden and intimidates my cat. He's a big guy innit? Scylla
  21. So I'm meant to be hangin out at the white stuff bite'n yer head off?
  22. Not safe at all Peckhamgatecrasher! I've brought up the place and I'm re-naming it "Bite me and lick your fingers Chicken" Scylla
  23. What I can't figure out is why some of the letters in Lick'n chick'n are missing and some aren't. I sat there across the road waiting for my bus trying to figure it out. I also was looking at the sign wondering about the name. I mean is it me or is there something vaguely R rated about the name? Scylla
  24. I had a vet once tell me that cat's don't have to worry about being hurt by foxes. Apparently the foxes just run away from the cats. Dunno how true this is, but 'swhat I eard. Scylla
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