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Steven Taylor

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Posts posted by Steven Taylor

  1. Ill be launching plenty from my garden tonight and tomorrow night, with some friends and partners present since the displays are all cancelled. I wont be setting any off after midnight though, as is the law.

    Why would you think you can say people shouldn't let them off after 9?

  2. Just dump it somewhere quiet at an abnormal time of the night, 3am tends to be an ideal time. If you dump on the street, eventually the council will have to come and collect it, despite them trying to say they dont do it- they do.

    If you want rid of it quicker, find a nearby brook, or some woods.

  3. I doubt this poor woman with a pushchair was forced into oncoming traffic on the M25. I live on Lacon Road so its likely she just went down a slope onto an empty road prior to crossing it, as you said it was on the corner.

    Ridiculous, pathetic whinge about something so petty only well off middle class types with no other worries in their lives would post about.

  4. Its a shame this thread is so old, as i enjoy shooting and hunting, particularly on Boxing Day and other big hunt days on the calendar.

    Im not able to say where these take place because of the lefty types who try and sabotage these fine events nowadays, but if anyone is interested please send me a message.

  5. I walk past these 2 shops every day, i must say, a dog grooming shop seems like a very unnecessary thing in life. I have plenty of money to spend, but getting my dog minded in a shop would be the last way id spend it. It will do just fine in my house with a bowl of water and a bit of food left out.

    I have gone out with some vegan women in the past and it was jolly hard trying to find a restaurant to schmooze them. In the end, i vowed to never go out with a vegan or vegetarian women again.

  6. This is one peculiar forum- i dont know what half of you are on about! Still, it is still much more exciting than the Surbiton forum which died out due to continued boring posts from folk, mostly about Pilates etc.

    Anyhow- who's going out tonight down Lordship Lane? The last evening before yet more restrictions kick in. If you are, keep an eye out for me- ill be wearing a smart suit and will happily buy you a pint to say hello to the neighbourhood.

  7. Lordship_local Wrote:


    > Sue Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Siduhe Wrote:

    > >

    > -------------------------------------------------

    > > >

    > > > ;-) Although the tone of the OP is so

    > similar

    > > to

    > > > some other posters who've passed through here

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > My thoughts exactly ....



    > Same. Other than when the posts veer into the

    > offensive, the worst part about them is how low

    > effort the various characters are.


    > I'd respect the craft if there was some proper

    > character building stuff, rather than launching

    > straight into lazy, stereotypical/extreme

    > opinions.


    > That said, Steven here is just getting started -

    > welcome Steven, don't cause any trouble and you

    > could give some light relief.

    Sorry, is this some kind of in joke im not privvy to?

  8. malumbu Wrote:


    > Sadly you have to go outside SE22 for great pubs -

    > the Ivy in Nunhead, not too far away, which was

    > saved by the community a few years ago and is not

    > too far a walk, and a little further the Blythe

    > Hill Tavern, Catford side of Forest Hill, on the

    > South Circ. A nice walk via One Tree Hill and

    > Blythe Hill. SE22 pubs are a little generic but I

    > expect others here will disagree.

    oh right ok, thanks. Is Nunhead a safe enough area to visit and socialise in? I have been advised by friends at my golf club that while East Dulwich is nice, the surrounding areas are non too desirable, particularly Peckham! Im only really interested in upmarket places where mature conversation can flow.

    I had a jolly good pint of IPA yesterday at another pub on the corner called 'The Palmerston', it felt like it might be up my alley, but there was a real lack of socialising going on beyond individual tables- one of the unfortunate side effects of so called 'covid', i suppose.

  9. Hi there,

    Just thought i would say hi to my fellow East Dulwichians (is that a thing?) as i have just moved to the area from Surbiton and was looking for some friendly advice!

    I assume everyone here tends to socialise and mingle around the Lordship Lane area? If so, you'll probably get to know me sooner or later as ill be spending a lot of time in the pubs saying hello and making new friends (i was known as quite the socialite in Surbiton).

    Which pubs are hot and which ones not(so much)? I only moved to the araa this week and so far have only been to the pub on the corner by the zebra crossings, not sure what it was called but there were lots of young people in there making too much noise, and manual labour types staring forlornly into their pints- bad vibes!

    Which pub is best for a debonair family man who can sup on a few expensive whisky's with locals whilst exchanging the latest news? And which one can i bring the wife and kids to on a Sunday for a luxury, slap up roast?

    Im aware i could just google all this, but i would far rather hear it from a locals perspective. Any advice greatly received- thanks!

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