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Everything posted by Sally81

  1. I had my sister as well as my husband. I was previously at the birth of both of her sons too! My son is nearly ten months old.
  2. Oh I'm so happy she's been found! Been thinking about her since I read your post. Take care x
  3. My son is due to start in a couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to it. I've found the staff to be really warm and friendly and very keen to help with any of my concerns/queries. On all of my visits and having to pop in and out for paperwork reasons etc the kids have been happy and engaged and the staff have seemed very attentive. We're all really anxious as parents about the whole nursery/childcare thing so any negatives are likely to nag at you. I think it's worth remembering that babies will get scrapes and bumps in any environment (Mine has had two at home today) so I wouldn't see anything like that as a negative towards the nursery. I think that goes for bugs and illness too! They pick up stuff everywhere as we all know and all nurseries will have their fair share. Totally agree with StraferJack too that the reason for them having spaces is probably because they are so new and people might be associating them with the old nursery on that site. Good luck and feel free to PM me in a couple of weeks after we've started there if you would like to know anymore. I know that the whole childcare thing is stressful.
  4. Oh I know, Thank you. I am WAY too sentimental about this soft toy. My husband is seriously questioning my mental health! I have told myself he is off travelling and having a great time! Was he actually on that daft table though??
  5. Thanks for that Designerjooles. I have to say my heart skipped a beat when I read you'd seen him because I'd dearly love to get him back. But I'll try to keep my sense of humour, I do know he's just a soft toy and hope that he has gone off for new adventures!!
  6. Hi all, We've lost our lad's beloved jellycat grey mouse.I Think I'm more upset about it than anyone else but anyway just in case it's been spotted... It could have been in ED between HSBC and ED train station. But then we got a train to Beckenham Junction and back between 3.30 and 6pm - just in case anyone goes that way daily, saw it on a train tonight, that sort of thing?? Here's hoping... Cheers.
  7. DMC patients slot in Tuesday 9.30am - 12.30am. (Used to be Weds lunch). Best thing to do is just call them. 020 3049 7470.
  8. I know what you're saying - i use ear plugs a lot and for me, my baby's cry always gets through, it's almost like a sixth sense thing...i always hear him. They just dim out some of the major noise on the ward that's all. There is no way that you will sleep so deeply and soundly that you won't hear your baby. You're too tuned into them at that point and it's all your brain can think about. Actually, i say you wouldn't sleep properly but the woman next to me was snoring her head off at every opportunity, which amazed me! Ear plugs might not be for everyone, they just allowed me a tiny bit of, slightly quieter rest - i wasn't having marathon sleeps or anything.
  9. Haven't read the thread in depth so sorry if I'm doubling up but I always say take foam ear plugs for the ward. They really saved me. It's noisy and you need some rest. They will be top of my list next time around. Good luck.
  10. Hi Bonfire, My little man had very, very angry nappy rash recently too and when it wouldn't budge I took him to GP and she did say it was fungal - didn't actually say thrush - though I assumed that was what she meant and there were certainly no white rings. She gave me a cream which did clear it up. Just thought I'd add that in case it doesn't go. x
  11. I think this is a really lovely idea Josh. Wishing you loads of luck! I agree an hour might be too long for younger children though - needs some thought but it's not an idea killer. Go for it!
  12. Agreed. Especially re the nutter count.
  13. I've stolen the idea from the TV advert where the guy is emailing his daughter stuff for them to read together one day. I can't remember what the ad is even for (Windows ?) but the tag line is 'Ive been emailing you all of your life'. So, I've set up an email and I try to email him pics and funny anecdotes etc, a paragraph here and there about his day or if he's done something new. I only do it every few days or so, or when I remember, but with the phones we all have now it's quite quick and easy. I do have a baby book too and I try to fill it in just when I remember. The trick for me is keeping it in sight - I keep it on a central table in my lounge that I look at hundreds of times a day -so I get a lot of memory jogs to do it! xx
  14. Thank you everyone. These replies have really helped to make me feel better. I can't really explain any specific reasons for my anxiousness that don't sound like silly little worries. I guess - as with all of us - it's just the fact that you've been with your baby every day since they were born and suddenly you won't be, which might be hard for both of you. But - i know I mustn't spoil the next few weeks by being overly worried about this - so thank you all, you have helped me to take a deep breath and move on! (Nearly.)
  15. Hi all, I'm just looking for a bit of reassurance/opinion/experience/honesty about putting my son into nursery full time. I'm totally stressed and anxious about it and feel like I'm going to give myself a stomach ulcer. It's really keeping me awake at night. Here's what the plan is: He's going to go to nursery for two days a week from the end of Nov when he'll be ten months old. Then from the end of Jan he's going full time, every single week day when he'll be One. I don't feel too bad about the two days a week but at the moment I feel so worried and upset about him going full time, even though I need to go back to work full time for financial and career reasons - both of which will benefit us as a family in the long run. I have lots of lovely friends who of course tell me it'll be fine, he'll be fine etc - a few of them will no doubt read this! But most people i know are not going back full time and I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me their experience of working full time and using full time childcare in the hoping of getting some peace of mind - however please feel free to be honest if it just didn't work for you and your child....???
  16. Yep we also went to baby premier in Harley Street. Not as expensive as you might think - not sure on prices now but it's worth it. It was a lovely place and a lovely experience. I still look at the amazing pics I got and they look just like my boy! (obvs, I suppose, but you know what I mean!) Enjoy and good luck.
  17. KEEP things factual. Twitter is unreliable as is any hearsay. For the sake of our community can we please only post about what we have seen with our own eyes....don't spread unnecessary fear.
  18. Sounds good Melbourne groover- is that using the power plate too?
  19. yes, i think my missing post was also stuff that looked like it could have contained money. Two birthday cards and something similar. Can we put in some sort of combined/area complaint?
  20. Yes me too! quite a few items of post not turned up recently and I'm so annoyed as it feels like there's nothing that can be done! What is going on?
  21. For what it is worth Fuscia I really think you did the right thing and I can't believe that anyone would disagree! The idea of a four year old playing out alone feels very odd, regardless of whether or not he is known by locals etc. It's just ridiculous and has also preyed on my mind since reading this. I have a four year old nephew who lives on a culdesac (not in London) and having asked my sister, his mum, if she'd be happy to allow him to play with older kids, yet essentially on his own, outside, the answer was a definite no. As she pointed out, it is easy for your own kid to slip away from you unnoticed if you are distracted for a moment, so even if this boy did know those around him, anything could still happen to him. They are not responsible for him and he is certainly not old enough to be aware of how to be safe when alone. We are all so terrified to get involved sometimes - far too busy with our own lives and I think it is no bad thing to take notice and do what you did. If there is no problem and the boy simply gets taken home, it may just make his parents question how sensible they are being. If there is a problem, then just maybe you have highlighted it.
  22. Yeah i'm another one in the surprised camp...Go there very regularly and the staff often make a fuss of my baby, are friendly and the place is rammed with kids, pushchairs and babies with no problems. There was one member of staff who was slightly 'off' last week and made an unkind remark to me about her colleague which was a bit unprofessional. I do also think the food and cakes are a tad over priced for what you get. But I must say, on the whole, the place works very well whenever I'm there and I think they are more than happy to be a baby hub. As Jennyh says, the owner is often around with his own child and would probably be upset to hear some customers aren't satisfied.
  23. Thanks Sophie...I just watched the little vid from the link that Ruth posted too. All really helpful. I'm quite excited about trying now...it does seem to make a lot of sense and seems much more fun than spooning in mashed stuff that all seems the same! I'll see how we go over the next few days and if it's okay will possibly pm you if I come up against anything I'm not sure about or just for general tips. Thanks very much everyone for taking the time to advise! Happy eating.....hopefully.
  24. Thanks Fuscia. Can they try toast fingers and rice cakes before 6 months? What shouldn't I give him, do you think?
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