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Scratching rich persons' cars: a moral quandary.


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Now I'd like to state at the beginning that I am essentially a pacifist and feel that differences are best resolved through debate rather than physical violence wherever possible.

But in the recent weeks there has been a growing urge within me, and I am unsure how to deal with it.

I spend some of my time in one of the wealthiest parts of London, where it is not uncommon to see expensive cars parked up on the street. Usually with a driver in them, presumably waiting for the car's owner to complete whatever self-important business he is engaged in.

When I say expensive, I don't mean Audis or BMWs. I mean Bentleys and Rolls Royces and vehicles which I'm unfamiliar with but which it's obvious cost a lot of money. There is no way of disputing the fact that these cars are simply egotistical status symbols. That is their primary function.

So, here we are, waiting for the government's ruthless spending cuts to kick in. Millions of people will find themselves unemployed, and many others, mainly at the lower end of the wealth scale will find their incomes reduced. There will be hardship. And yet these rich maniacs with their expensive cars still see fit to display their ill-gotten gains on the street. Rubbing some extra salt in the wound.

As a result of this I feel a compulsion to take my keys from my pocket and calmly drag them along the side of one of these vehicles. An impotent act perhaps, but these people need to know that we hate them.

This has left me in something of a quandary. My morals are all in a whirl. I can't decide what is wrong or right.

What do you think? If I do it will I be possessed by a terrible guilt? Will I have lowered myself to the level of the petty vandal?

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Is it that you are genuinely saddened by people that have been successful in life enjoying nice things?

Is it that you were wronged in some way buy a wealthy person?

Or is that you are just jealous that some people have things you presumably cannot have yourself?

Having nice expensive things does not necessarily make these people better off than you!

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stevebailey Wrote:


> Is it that you are genuinely saddened by people

> that have been successful in life enjoying nice

> things?


I am genuinely saddened that they feel the need to display their wealth and privilege so ostentatiously. I would use the adjective "lucky" rather than "successful". What is your definition of success - increasing the wealth gap between yourself and others?

> Is it that you were wronged in some way buy a

> wealthy person?


Wealthy people who use their wealth to generate more wealth for themselves with no regard for the conditions of others are constantly wronging a large proportion of the population.

Also, the environmental impact of their cars and lifestyle wrongs many people.

> Or is that you are just jealous that some people

> have things you presumably cannot have yourself?

Not especially jealous as I am lucky enough to be in a fairly comfortable financial situation. In addition I would never want a status symbol of this kind - it would indicate that I had lost my mind.


> Having nice expensive things does not necessarily

> make these people better off than you!

What do you mean?

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Jah Lush Wrote:


> jrussel Wrote:


> Will I have lowered myself to the level of the

> petty vandal?


> With any act of mindless vandalism. Yes. Of

> course.

Is it mindless, though?

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Jesus, can't be arsed replying to all of that.

On the basis that you are being serious, why shouldn't people who can afford nice things buy them, what you expect someone who can afford a bentley to buy a nissan micra as not to offend others?

If you are comfortable then would you be fine with someone poorer than you scratching your car as its better than theirs?

What I mean is just because they have wealth, they may not indeed be happy in life.

On the basis you're on a wind up then.......................b0ll0x :-)

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jrussel Wrote:


> Jah Lush Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > jrussel Wrote:

> >

> > Will I have lowered myself to the level of the

> > petty vandal?

> >

> > With any act of mindless vandalism. Yes. Of

> > course.


> Is it mindless, though?

Premeditated perhaps but then vandalism is what it is and it's a pretty mindless and stupid thing to do. Would you like it if someone did the same or something similar to you? I think not.

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stevebailey Wrote:


> Jesus, can't be arsed replying tall of that.


"Can't be arsed"? I'll take a guess about what that really means.

> On the basis that you are being serious, why

> shouldn't people who can afford nice things buy

> them, what you expect someone who can afford a

> bentley to buy a nissan micra as not to offend

> others?


By displaying their wealth in such an ostentatious way they are showing a disregard for the feelings of those less fortunate than them.

Buying nice things you can afford is one thing.

Buying things primarily to display your massive wealth is distasteful. I'd say it's not indicative of a very nice person.

> If you are comfortable then would you be fine with

> someone poorer than you scratching your car as its

> better than theirs?

I don't have a car.

But say for example someone mugged me for my smartphone. How I would feel about this would be affected according to the wealth gap between us, and the reasons for its existence.


> What I mean is just because they have wealth, they

> may not indeed be happy in life.


This is true; however, you cannot deny a general relationship between wealth and happiness especially at the lower end of the scale. If you cannot afford decent food and shelter then this is very likely to impact on your happiness. If you have access to wealth you may well be able to access better healthcare resulting in higher levels of wellbeing.

> On the basis you're on a wind up

> then.......................b0ll0x :-)

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And yet these rich maniacs with their expensive cars still see fit to display their ill-gotten gains on the street.

these people need to know that we hate them.

writes jrussell.

I do not think for one minute that they are maniacs just because they are rich.

How do you know they are ill-gotten gains, many people work hard, save, and buy what they want.

Some years ago I went through a high earning phase whilst working seven days a week and could have bought a good S/H one but did not care for the damn great things and I don't think people like them too much as they suggest troughs and snouts.

I would not have appreciated anyone keying any car I have owned, least of all a collectors item Roller/Bentley.

I do not hate people because they are rich, in fact I rather envy them their wealth and good fortune.

I hate people who behave like inconsiderate selfish sh!ts, who wantonly damage or break stuff deliberately because it does not belong to them.

jrussell's attitude will no doubt change as he eventually becomes richer and acquires more possessions, I can only hope he is spotted by another up'ncoming jrussell who keys his car.

It is all well and good having anger jrussell,

but you have to harness that anger as a positive force for your benefit, not a destructive and wilful act of violence.

Could be, one of these days in the not too distant future, that the flash car is yours.

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Next time you see a Bentley don?t do something as unconstructive as key it. Nick it and then give it to a homeless person. The homeless person will then go to gaol and no longer be homeless. Hey presto you?ve helped a person off the street.
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By displaying their wealth in such an ostentatious way they are showing a disregard for the feelings of those less fortunate than them.

Ok, I'm feeding the troll here, but it's Friday...

Do you mean like using drinking water for flushing your toilet, whilst a lot of the world goes thirsty?

Or by throwing away a large percentage of perfectly good food whilst a lot of the world goes hungry?

Relatively, this whole country is, in world terms, that ostentatious person you hate.

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Posh people's car tend to be nicer to look at and reasonably new. I'd be happier to make this regressive and torch any of the myriad old, ugly, clapped out, polluting, dangerous bangers that London's streets are full of.
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