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My son is due to start school next September but as he is a summer born child we are exploring the possibility of him delaying his entry into primary school until September 2018..

I wonder if anyone in the local area has experience of this or is considering it for their child next year? He will most likely go to Ivydale Primary School.


A friend of mine has a summer born son and he has started 4 days a week. I know others than have done half days for a set period of time. It maybe worth considering reduced hours as an option? Appreciate only you know whats best for your child. I myself have an August born very shy 4 year old and decided not to delay her start. I am so glad I didn't delay as she is really growing in confidence and loving it. I thought she would struggle with the social and emotional side but the school have been fantastic and she seems to be settling in better than I could have expected. She gets tired and finds the after school club a little overwhelming but all in all its been great.

You can definitely delay/defer (our younger is May born, but was due in mid-July and we are going to do it because while nursery/reception can be fine, the jump to Year 1 is apparently a huge change so we'd prefer her to be older). Try FB group "Flexible Admissions for Summer Borns" and local FB groups out of that main one - there is definitely one in Lewisham. You need to speak to the school head teacher, but if a state school then it's the LA's decision. Lewisham is very supportive, I imagine Southwark is too. You do need to make the application as usual for schools and also submit a delay application. Good luck!

It's not 100% the LA's decision. The head teacher also has a say in it, but ultimately needs to take a decision 'in the best interest of the child'. If you join the FB group that devsdev recommends, there is a 'pinned section' (or whatever it's called) at the start which has all the relevant sections of the school admissions code in it. Apparently Southwark is pretty good in allowing it, but again the HT needs to be on board too.

We're looking at delaying as well.

That doesn't immediately make sense Passiflora. There are guidelines in place that allow for this and many teachers (including my sister in law) are generally supportive of allowing summer babies to be held back when its in the best interest of the child.

I should add, I have a winter baby so I'm not defending anything I've done personally. My sister in law teaches reception though and she absolutely thinks for some children its the appropriate thing to do.

From what I have heard of Ivydale they are very supportive in these circumstances so I would def speak to the head about it. She is very experienced and I have found her very sympathetic when speaking to her over the years. (I should add that I am not affiliated with the school in any way other than that I live very close by, my son goes to reception at a different school).

Good Luck!

Either is possible. It all depends on what the school and parents think is most appropriate for the child. If your baby is born after April 1st and before August 31st there are a host of options available, including going part time, skipping reception and going straight into year one when they turn 5 (only if they are born in the summer) or starting reception at 5 (only if they are born in the summer).

Here is the statutory guidance.


Ok so mine are well beyond reception but on reflection my concerns would be that if they were to join straight into year 1 then they would not be going back over the work they had missed out on and so they would be behind in that way. My eldest is summer born and has just done her mock GCSEs but way back when she started primary her school had a split start and automatically put her with the January starters. Nobody went back over the work she had missed out on during that first term. I was new to the whole system and wasn't aware of this. Looking back she can remember feeling behind the others and aware that she didn't know stuff they did. However her learning really kicked in during year 1 and her age soon made no difference. So I guess what I'm saying is if you are delaying their start and they are going to go into year 1 then make sure you are teaching them yourself so they are not behind unless they are going to be able to start in reception a year late and then it can be a more relaxed extra year before school.

I know all children develop at different rates and will take different things in at different rates but for a child to miss out on reception then they are missing out on lots of learning opportunities that they will take in at their own pace and also a gentle intro to the formality of school life.

Mrs TP - current guidance means a summerborn child can delay the whole year (and therefore start with a new cohort in reception rather than skipping reception altogether which is what the old rules used to mandate). But your point about missing a term in reception (since no child has to be full-time till January in any event) is well noted.

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