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Pampers Baby Dry - chemical burn?!


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I've been using Pampers for my son for 15 months now and have never had any problems. But after using a nappy from a new Pampers Baby Dry 4+ pack within hours he had a horrible, blistery, weeping rash . "Rash" is not even the right word, it looks more like a burn all over his bottom and at the top of one of his legs. He is in severe pain, screaming every time we have to change his nappy. We've a doctors appointment this evening but I just wondered if anyone else has experienced something similar ?
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I have experienced similar with the Pampers simply clean and also Sainsburys baby dry. I have gone back to Pampers baby dry and have no problems of yet. We have been using Pampers baby dry again now for 4 months, we used them for the first 15 months or so before switching to the cheaper brand and had no problems at all.

My daughter has eczema thats runs in the family, does your child have it? Is there family history of allergy? I wonder if that could be it.. See if other people reply in regards to similar experiences.

You'll see a doctor soon, try not to worry.

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we had a very similar experience, even contacted pampers to see if there was a different chemical in the baby dry type as we had never had a problem with the other kind. They refused to tell us and advised that we get in touch with their baby experts to talk about treating nappy rash. We have gone back to the normal ones with no probs. I strongly suspect there are different chemicals, hope your bubs is better soon x
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Thanks for everyone's replies. The doctor agreed & thought it too looked like it was some sort of chemical burn - he has prescribed a mild steroid cream for the next three days & advises to return if it hasn't cleared. I've left a message with someone at Pampers - will be interesting to see what they advise as the more I search on the Internet about it the more common it seems to be with that particular nappy type. We've switched allegiance to Huggies for now and will see how we get on....
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So odd because we had the same experience this week, but with Huggies! My son is almost 2 so was able to sort of communicate that he was uncomfortable, tugging at the nappy, continually crying about his penis, saying "hurting" etc. As soon as I used cloth or a different brand he was fine. Quite worrying really!
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my son has been out of nappies for a few months now but we used to use (after trying many brands) pampers baby dry for 20 months and they were the only ones that didn't give him any rush! Just started on baby no2 who is also fine, better than sainsburys or boots ones. Hope your little one gets on better with huggies :)
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OMG, that's terrible! I've never even heard of this. Baby Nappy Expose??? Any documentary film makers out there?

When you give your LO nappy-free time, have you tried a little tea tree or aloe gel (the kind for sunburns)? I had a mild chemical burn on my arms a few months ago, and this was very soothing.

Poor little bubby. I hope things resolve soon. x

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Yes, the Huggies were a change in nappy for us. Since I've been using disposables I've used Pampers Baby Dry at night because I found the more eco-friendly ones always leaked and Pampers have always been fine for us. The first day I tried Huggies he seemed very irritated and uncomfortable!

Maybe a case of different batches of nappies having different levels of irritants? Makes me miss my cloth nappies but he grew out of all the ones I had and I really don't want to invest in a new batch in an XXL size when I hope he will be potty training in a few months (ha ha ha).

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Would avoid using Tea Tree based products on a baby under six months (& Personally even after that Id be wary) as it is one of the stronger oils and some babies develop sensitivity to it which is then hard to shift. Aloe Vera based stuff is brilliant though.


> When you give your LO nappy-free time, have you

> tried a little tea tree or aloe gel (the kind for

> sunburns)? I had a mild chemical burn on my arms

> a few months ago, and this was very soothing.


> Poor little bubby. I hope things resolve soon. x

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Sorry, should have been more specific. Tea tree essential oil is very potent and should not be used on the skin directly. The gel formulations contain highly diluted tea tree eo, which is very effective at preventing secondary infection with bacteria (eg, staph & strep). Do be careful to read labels. Some gels contain parabens. You might not want these on children's skin (although - weirdly - they're in some nappy creams) Tea tree oe is also effective to relieve inflamation in the skin caused by other allergy reactions. But if you're unsure, just stick with aloe! :-)


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Little Zoe has had the same, with pampers baby dry. We use washable nappies during the day, and disposable at night. She woke up with very nasty rash and crying when trying to clean her.... Been trying to work out why.. look forward to hearing any news from pampers
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Pampers did try call me today but I unfortunately missed the call as I was at work. I will update once I've managed to speak to them. The "rash" hasn't really changed either way but nappy changing isn't as dramatic as yesterday so perhaps it is healing
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having read the cbs news article I was wondering which govt agency in this country would be responsible for overseeing this matter? Now that I see they were aware of a possible problem with the nappies way before we contacted them about my sons rash I'm feeling pretty cross that they fobbed me off so readily!
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I've come across quite a few articles now certainly in the US about this. I also came across this lady who had exactly the same issue back in May and the pictures show exactly the same as what my son has too - apart from in a different area


It would seem they (Pampers) have been aware of this issue for some time now. I am sooo cross!

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OMG this is just dreadful. My daughter is going through exactly the same thing. Just in so much pain and sudacrem just doesn't touch the sides. I was recommended Metanium today so will go and get that tomorrow (can i get it at any normal chemists?) We've been giving her as much nappy free time as possible but as a 4x a day pooer it's a bit difficult :)

Oh our poor babies, i just feel so so so guilty. I can't believe I continued to use wipes and not water - oh i feel dreadful.

I will be at the supermarket first thing tomorrow to buy new nappies.


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We buy all of ours from the big Sainsburys. We've just had a huge clear out (you know how it is with nappies in every single bag you've ever owned) - anyway, it looks like the ones that have affected her are the ones with orange patterns (dots and squiggles) on the bottom compared to the other ones which seem to be fine which are bluer on the bottom. She's size 4+ and they're pull ups but not sure of the name but they're pampers.
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