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Toddler constantly ill; bit worried


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Hi ladies, has anyone else got a little one that is CONSTANTLY ill?? I'm not just talking a few colds over the winter months, I'm talking illness after illness for the last 5-6 months (strangely since I moved here in August?!).

I remember last year she had about 10 or so colds, coughs, sickness bugs in total, but this year it has been relentless. Typically, she is ill and then has about 3-4 days clear before she comes down with something else. She doesn't go to nursery so isn't overly exposed to other sick kids. We do go to groups a lot, but due to illness we have only made it to say one or two over the last few months. I take her out for fresh air every day, her diet is good (when she eats!), I've recently added a vitamin supplement.

I don't want to sound naive and neurotic as I know kids get ill a lot during winter, but its really affecting family life. I'm constantly canceling trips, meet ups, we've only made it to swimming once in 4 months (due to illness!). She is TOTALLY knackered the whole time due to lack of sleep from being awake and ill in the night. My other concern is the amount of paracetamol and ibuprofen I've been pumping down her in the last few months. I'm a pharmacologist so I know how these things work and generally they are safe, but I question long term use in very young children, despite the doctors saying it's fine.

Anyway, I took her to the drop-in clinic this morning and she has a sinus infection and the dr has given me antibiotics (this will be the second lot in as many months). He told me to see my regular GP tomorrow and to think about a blood test to give me peace of mind.

So, in summary I guess what I'm asking is has anyone else experienced this level of illness in their kids? Do I sound silly for mentioning it and is this normal? My son (9 months) isn't catching as much as her and generally is well. Is there anything else I can do to help boost her immune system?

Thanks for reading x

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If you're worried, see the GP. My (then) 6 yo was very pale, frequently saying he felt ill, when he'd always been healthy before. The GP sent us for blood tests at Kings, they do it very gently. Once I knew his iron was Ok and no underlying condition, I felt much better.
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We had this problem the winter before last. Both children, then aged 2 and 1 were constantly ill from October - March. It was hell. I do feel for you and know all too well how tough it is. So tiring.

In my case I decided to take them off all dairy products because I have a sensitivity and had a gut feeling this was exacerbating the problem. It has made a big difference. They still get coughs and colds but are more able to shake them off. I haven't been able to reintroduce it as they get congested straight away whenever I try.

I'm not suggesting that dairy is the problem in your case. Just sharing my experience really. Hopefully it will get easier for you when winter is finally over.


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Thanks both for replies. I'm glad to hear they are gentle at Kings Fuschia - I'm also a bit worried about putting her through a blood test if this is fairly common/one of those unfortunate things. Plasters and ear examinations are one thing, and something we often play at doing, but a needle in the arm may be another!
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My 4 year old has always picked up lots of colds and barely seems to get over one before the next one hits - especially his coughing. He's otherwise pretty healthy and FULL of energy. The Doctor told us that he has an asthmatic cough and that's why it lingers so long. There's not much we can do - he has an asthma inhaler which helps relieve it, but he still picks up lots of colds, probably because his body is so worn out from coughing all the time. It's still difficult seeing him so sick every winter, but we feel so much better knowing a bit about why this is the case. Maybe something to ask the doctor if you go?
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My 19-month-old has had one virus after another all winter, and has just got over tonsillitis (with antibiotics). Docs just said it was down to her age and the season, and it wasn't anything to get worried about. She goes to childminder, but a stay-at-home friend's toddler of the same age has had all the same bugs too.

Spring can't come round too quickly!

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  • 1 month later...
I use homeopathic remedies to treat my 2.5 year old daughter for coughs, colds and constipation and they are doing the trick. The homeopath I go to is holding a workshop on 23rd Feb on how to treat common ailments in children (at the Clinic above Soup Dragon) although maybe your little girl would do better with a one to one consultation. Hope she finds good health soon.
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Hi Fuschia, my little girl is ill as we speak, so no change on the constant illness front! We were scheduled for a blood test at Kings today just to check everything is ok but we didn't make it....still not sure I can put her through it (even though I'm sure they are gentle). Her confidence in drs has been shaken recently when one tried to put a nebuliser mask on her with a bit too much gusto and she lost the plot! (she's a very sensitive soul).
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I hope she's better soon. I promise they are very skilled at it... if you get an appt for it you get seen in a special place and they put lots of the numbing cream on then hve someone to distract with bubbles and stuff... all 3 of mine have had blood tests at various points, some in a and e, and they haven't freaked out
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