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Summer babies club (due June, July, August 2011)

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Good thinking Face. An afternoon of soggy sandwiches is not a great prospect. (I've just examined the Metcheck and BBC weather sites, mind, and both seem to think tomorrow's weather should be clear in the afternoon, although I guess if it rains early the ground might be a bit too damp to make a picnic an enjoyable option, unless we're going to be GI Janes and bring tarpaulins, groundsheets and the like. (Ahem, I do actually have a tarpaulin). So, 1.30 tomorrow at the Japanese Gardens, Peckham Rye Park. In event of rain/dampness underfoot the Rye pub?
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I'll be there this afternoon at 1.30 - looks sunny and lovely so will start over at the Japanese gardens, peckham Rye park and if no one is there, I'll head to the Rye Pub.


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sounds like a plan, there is a bit just in front of the Japanese gardens with black gates around it we should pitch there as the actual Japanese garden doesn't have much room in it!!

see you all later and if not at the rye.


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Hi East Dulwich Mums,

I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to join you all today. I was really looking forward to it, but after a hectic day yesterday and a sleepless night I'm not feeling too good. I hope you all enjoyed the sunshine (it looks like it's finally coming out now!) and I will keep my eyes peeled for any future get together's (maybe with our babies!) as it was really nice to meet you and your bumps last time.

Rachel X

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Hi all,

My toddler + inside venues is normally challenge, hence why we didn't show our faces today :( husband could have reigned him in but he's pretty much done everything for the past few days and I felt guilty :/

I am real, and pregnant, and not a strange lurkeri promise! Hope to make an outdoor meetup soonish if there is time for one before All the babbies start arriving...

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OK. Pregnant & grumpy here, also liable to burst into tears at any moment (homones, dontcha just love 'em).

I am the only pregnant person I know and haven't had a night out without the other half since March (he goes out regularly to watch the football, but apparently that doesn't count...). Is anyone around w/c 23 May for a meal somewhere nice (and local) and maybe a thimble full of wine each?

It would be lovely to meet some of you as I have missed the past 2 meet ups, plus it will also help pull myself out of the 'nobody is my friend' doldrums!

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Lovely to see everyone at the weekend... Ruth you should have come, we were only in the pub garden, which had lots of room for rampaging monster children. Those of you that couldn't make it were missed: hope you can make the next one.

LadyR, I have the opposite situation: I don't think I've had a night out with my other half in months! (He can't wait for the baby to come so he will have a legitimate excuse to stay in and avoid parties, having fun, etc). Anyway, I love a nice dinner out, so that sounds like a great plan to me. I am free that week on Monday 23rd & Weds 25th, if those dates are any good?

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Pregnant & grumpy lady ruskin - I've had those days!!

I can do w/c 23rd any time except Mon or Tues eves. Best for me would be Thursday 26th as the bump and I have the day off on the Friday!!

Anyone else?

Hannah x

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Great idea, particularly the bit about the wine ;-) I could do Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday post yoga (i.e. from 9pm), or Friday.

Lovely to see those of you who were out on Sunday afternoon and looking forward to the next get together!

Nadia x

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Count me in too, I can make weds. As the rest of you will be now figuring out I can usually make it to the opening of an envelope!!

And fingers crossed Audrey placenta will have lifted by then ..... Everything crossed.

I hope the moods are better!

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Hi all

My baby is due on 23rd August and my baby this is my second baby. Pregnany seems toughter second time round and im much bigger. Working full time at mo as well as looking after my first. Hows everyone coping with day to day living?

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Weds 25th sounds good to me. It's in the diary!

The second baby sounds like much harder work to me, mums4u. I think your first is great as everyone makes a fuss and you can allow yourself you relax and enjoy it a bit. With your second I imagine you have all the stress and hassle and hormonal upheaval to deal with, as well as a small child to accomodate. (THere was a good chapter about second children in Sheila Kitzinger's book which I flicked through this week).

TO be honest my entire pregnancy has just been one mad upheaval after another and day to day living is just that: taking each day as it comes, good and bad. I keep looking at all the happy loved up couples at my NCT classes and so on and thinking how nice that must be, but I expect below the surface there are all kinds of upheavals going on there too. Well, that thought keeps me sane anyway.

I hope you get some time to enjoy yourself during this time, mums4u. Why don't you come and join us on the 25th?

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mums4u, I completely agree pregnancy is much tougher second time around. I absolutely loved being pregnant with my first and as QueenMab says was the centre of attention, wasn't allowed to lift anything heavier than my handbag, enjoyed long lie ins and cat naps at the weekend etc etc.

This time, I've found myself a full time stay at home mum to an energetic 17 month old with a fledgling but booming freelance business to manage during my sons lunchtime nap and bedtimes. Just to complicate matters that bit more, we're caught up in a moving fiasco which will see us putting our stuff in storage and moving into a short term rental right when the baby is due too.

With a little less than 9 weeks to go I would give almost anything to have my son in nursery part time, family that lived close by or a bit of that wonderful thing called maternity leave looming on the horizon. Hey ho, I mustn't grumble as I suspect this is the easy bit. Juggling a newborn and a toddler is going to be a whole new ball game!!

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What sort of time are you thinking on Wednesday i was presuming because everyone is preggars it would be early and i have reflexology finishing at 6.30 so can do after that time?


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