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Summer babies club (due June, July, August 2011)

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Hi Ladies,

I was really looking forward to this but am having a bit of a nightmare with house selling/buying etc. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to miss this one in favour of trying to find somewhere to live so I'm not homeless at 8 months pregnant with a toddler in tow! Hopefully catch you all next time.


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Hello all,

My apologies I start organising something then fall off the face of the earth! Why do such dull things like work get in the way when all you want to do is sit at home at think about buying cute tiny clothes?!? (While secretly trying not to panic....!)

Anyway, The Recreation Ground (QueenM you do make me smile!) is easy to find - follow the link above. Its always empty so I don't think we need to book. They should be glad we're making the place look lively, even if it is OJ and fizzy water all round!! 2pm sounds great.

Look forward to seeing you all then.

Audrey xx

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Hi ladies,

Unfortunately I can't make Saturday either; with my sieve like memory I said I could and then realised we were going away this weekend... doh! I was really looking forward to it :( so please keep me posted on any future get togethers!

Have fun!


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Afternoon Ladies,

I think I just about qualify for this group with an EDD of 28th August! Would love to join you for the ride despite being right at the back of the line! This is my first pregnancy so feeling quite clueless at the moment!

I've only just spotted this thread and can't make it to the meet up tomorrow but would love to join you next time.

Am hoping to go to my first JAGS yoga class on tues so may see some of you there. I've left it a bit late to find an NCT class - the only one left is the thursday night course in Nunhead - anyone doing that?

Also booked in at Tommys rather than Kings. i will probably sign up for their ante-natal classes but not sure where they are held. Anyone else at Tommys?

Looking forward to getting to know you all

Annie xx

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Sorry I missed you all! My toddler was ill on Thursday and Friday meaning everything I was meant to do then had to be put off until today when Husband was around to lend an extra hand (also, Toddler was slightly better today).

Children: always put a spanner in the works with plans being made!

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Hello all,

Great to meet all of you as well, Ruth - we live in blissful ignorance!!!

Love the idea for a picnic next time, and lots of long weekends coming up as well to make the most of.

I had a scan this morning and they told me bub is already over 4 lbs with 10 weeks to go - I am not waiting until 11 June to have this baby! Midwife better start taking me seiously now - had a feeling this was the case all along and was fobbed off at the last appt. Need to know my options!

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Audrey, I know it's worrying when you are told things like this. How are along are you, 30wks you say? At 33wks, I was told my eldest was 'already over 6lbs'. It was utter b*llox, he was born at 39+2, at 8lb6oz. So don't let the estimated weight upset you. If you're unsure about your dates (or, you're sure but your MWs etc disagree) then do put your foot down with your MW. It may be worth speaking to one of the head MWs at Kings- Katie Yiannousis (spelling probably totally awful...) or if there is a supervising mw at your practise.

My MWs, first time, were lovely. This time, not so much, and I left their care around a month ago and went with indepedent midwives. Costly, but worth it as there is no way I am being pushed into a repeat section if I haven't delivered by 41wks.

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QM - I'm at the midwives at the Camberwell Green practice. They are all lovely, but I have seen 1 person twice, and have all been different apart form that.

Thanks Ruth, great to have a name - thanks for that! I actually had a sensible conversation today as they finally acknowledged that I was measuring big for my dates. MW talked about a trial labour at 40 weeks (rather than let me run over), so need to find out about more about whats involved with that. Thankfully I have another scan at 34 weeks so hopefully won't have to rely on MW 'best guess'. Ruth - did they give you that nugget of 6lb info by scan or by 'feel'? I dont see what was the point of scaring you like that.

And another piece of info I thought I should share (this may be obvious but never crossed my mind), all your notes that you have been faithfully lugging around for the past 5/6 months wont be given back to you after delivery so if you can, photocopy them before you go into hospital. You have to pay to have them retrieved and we have all heard about 'lost notes'. May help if your planning to do this again.....

How fab is the weather??? PLEASE, summer, don't peak too soon!!! We need you in July and August when we're out and about again!

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Great weather. Sorry about the weight issue Audrey seems to be going around. 2 people I know have also been told that their babies are big and that their EDD might be brought forward, which has left me worried as I had my scan today and was told my baby is a bit on the big side but not to worry as they are still within the percentile.

Picnic would be lovely.

Great meeting everyone on saturday, hope to do it again soon.

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Audrey, it was via scans. Palpatations revealed nothing except I was measuring around a week ahead and that he was head down from 21wks. I have a bit of worry about my dates too, currently have two EDD! Good to hear you had some success today, hope it's made you feel a bit better :) weather was amazg, my baby boy certainly loved it, running around the park and lying in the grass :)
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Yes what lovely weather! I have been cycling around, gathering disapproving or concerned looks from onlookers, who clearly feel that cycling when pregnant is wrong and irresponsible, and who knows what.

I have been doing pregnancy yoga at Brockwell Lido. Previously I did the sunday drop-in class at 4pm, which is nice, but the 3pm sitaram one I did this afternoon was much better in terms of how precise the teacher was about what we were supposed to be doing. Think I will also try and make it to the King's class which also sounds good (I block booked a few Sitaram classes to encourage me to attend regularly).

Good luck with your monster baby Audrey. I suppose they just make a fairly wild guess initially based on possible conception dates, but they still can't be sure, and we're all different.

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Hi all,

It was lovely meeting up with everyone a few weekends ago, good to chat to other pregnant mums to be. I know it's short notice but have the day off work tomorrow and was wondering if anyone was around to grab a coffee in the morning? Also shall we put another date in the calendar to meet up - am loving the picnic idea.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine.


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Hello all,

Ris - would have loved the coffee but have to work tomorrow and agree about setting the date thing.

rant begin

Is anyone else getting annoyed about the fact that they cannot touch their feet any more. Tried fastening my shoes today and I literally could not. Not a good way to discover that I cannot bend normally any more have to do the bend knees thing. And have been getting really fed up with the nice 'wow, you really are big' comments. And don't get me started on the fact that I have outgrown even my maternity clothes. Need some exercise, if only I could get off my lazy %%% and attend a class, third time now I have booked and not attended.

And the next time hubby says to me 'let me get that for you' or 'are you sure you can do that', I promise I will bite him.

rant end

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Reneet; I feel your pain! However, at least your husband offers help- mine seems OBLIVIOUS to the fact that I am pregnant, looking after a 16mo old, working, trying (and failing) to do all housework etc. He actually said 'I don't know why you're so tired/hungry all the time...' the other day whilst we were with the extended family. You could hear a pin drop...
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Hello ladies!

I have only just discovered this thread, I'm due 3 July with my first baby, and would love to meet up with some local mums-to-be.

I'm a Pilates teacher, and so I wondered if anyone would like to do any pre-natal Pilates, I don't have a venue for local Pilates but a big enough living room would do. It would be quite nice to teach a preggers class while pregnant myself! (This isn't a self-promoting business thing, rather an attempt to make friendly connections). I do a lot of yoga/Pilates myself at home obviously, the Dulwich therapy rooms classes are a bit pricey and at the wrong times for me, so I thought it could be a social thing really as I get nearer the due date and into maternity leave.

QueenMab: I'm also still cycling and receiving odd looks as my bump gets bigger! It would be good to have people to share gripes with! I am due to start my NCT classes on 26th April in Nunhead. Anyone else?

Hope everyone's well and bumps are happy

anya xx

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