Ruth_Baldock Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 Just a quick one; has anyone had a baby with a transverse lie that then changed into the cephalic (sp?!?) position later on? Had my anomaly scan today, baby is transverse (noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I'm having another scan at 32wks, which is apparently normal practise now (...really?!) and then one at 36wks. If baby hasn't shifted by kind of goes without saying what the outcome will be.Any anecdecta anyone? No chance of an ECV either, so that's out of the window. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
craigy Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 Plenty of time to move 100 times over, don't worry... My 1st was breech at 22 weeks and my 2nd arched over my belly button in a very scan unfriendly position and both were cephalic by 28 weeks and stayed that way.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bizzylizzy Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 I would say that at 22 week there is still plenty of time for the baby to turn. Some babies don't get into the right position until the very last second!! I would say, try not to worry for now. If he/she still hasn't turned by the 32 wk scan then think about things then. In the mean time, make sure you are not slouching backwards etc to encourage baby to move into the right position, sit on a birthing ball, scrub the floors!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buggie Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 Buglet was breech (and sucking her toes) at the 28wk scan, turned x3 between 30-32 wks (felt it each time as was really, really weird!) and she was cephalic by 32wks and stayed down! Isn't it meant to be No. 2 takes longer to settle as the muscles are a bit more relaxed/bit more room! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowboarder Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 Newest baby sb twisted and turned literally until my 36wk scan - did quite a lot of transverse to breech action. I think buggie is right - his brother had simply left him loads of room.Did entertain myself with the website though.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuschia Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 My recent baby was transverse until 36w when he went breech.. was booked for an ECV but he was transverse on the day,. he was turned anyway and stayed head down Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mellors Posted March 12, 2011 Share Posted March 12, 2011 I'm hoping there is time to turn, as naughty Mini-Mellors Mark 3 is still breech at 32 weeks *sigh*. Given that my midwife described my enormous uterus as "like a ballon that had been blown up a few times before" am just assuming that there's space to get sorted prior to D-day? Not had any mention yet of an extra scan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ClareC Posted March 12, 2011 Share Posted March 12, 2011 I'm 32 weeks too and Baby C Mark 2 was transverse at my 22 week scan.... No mention of a 32 week scan either, let alone a 36 week one! Seems odd for these to be added as standard in cost cutting times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuschia Posted March 12, 2011 Share Posted March 12, 2011 Those of us with scheduled additional scans it probably was for some sort of risk feature (previous large baby, clotting disorder etc) though midwives will usually refer for a scan to check position if there is any doubt in the final weeks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruth_Baldock Posted March 12, 2011 Author Share Posted March 12, 2011 No one else having an extra scan has ascared me :( on the form it said 'follow up-growth' but consultant said it was just to check position waaaah I dunno!!! Still on the brightside I have something new to worry about and also 'a fantastic cervix' yet again (have been told this before, must have the Gisele of cervixes or something...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ClareC Posted March 12, 2011 Share Posted March 12, 2011 Don't worry, I had 4 weekly scans from the 22 week one last time which was Kings being overly cautious! If they said it's now standard to have a scan at 32 weeks it's more likely to be the case that Mellors and I just missed the changeover date! I would love another scan!! Btw total pregnancy brain, baby C mark 2 wasn't transverse at all!!! He was (and still is) posterior!! Could be that 32 week scans are standard with transverse babies .......If your worried ask you midwife, although in my experience Kings always tell you exactly what their concerns are! X Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuschia Posted March 12, 2011 Share Posted March 12, 2011 Ruth_Baldock Wrote:-------------------------------------------------------> No one else having an extra scan has ascared me :(> on the form it said 'follow up-growth' but> consultant said it was just to check position> waaaah I dunno!!! The form just tells the receptionist which room to book you into, i think.. they have special ones for amnio, cvs, heart scans etc etc... mine were always follow up/growth even when they were for position Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doulady Posted March 12, 2011 Share Posted March 12, 2011 Hi R_B,as a student midwife I can reassure you (and any other worriers) that we don't even start to think about importance of position until around 34/35 weeks (with the hope that all heads will be facing down by around 36 weeks). I would go so far as to say that I would be amazed if your baby was head down at 22 weeks. Most tend to lie transverse or head up during earlier pregnancy.Don't panic - you have plenty of time. And for all those further on who are beginning to think about wanting to turn their baby best advice is not to slouch on sofas/chairs. Especially important for those posterior babies. If you do need sofa time lie on it (preferably on your left but don't worry too much about this.) Otherwise birth balls, leaning slightly forward when sitting, eg turn your dining chair round and sit cowboy style. And yes there is always the traditional floor scrubbing!Ellen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruth_Baldock Posted March 12, 2011 Author Share Posted March 12, 2011 Fuschia; that's interesting to know! I always wondered what they did in the rooms at the 'back' of the unit, so to speak. Also, v reassuring; thankyou! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruth_Baldock Posted March 12, 2011 Author Share Posted March 12, 2011 Hi Ellen,I think I was just 'lucky' with my first; head-down from 21wks and engaged from about 36 weeks! EVerything I have been told/read over the past day or so has told me not to worry one jot, and to relax (and have another donut, ahem...)Am feeling slightly better about things, thanks everyone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doulady Posted March 12, 2011 Share Posted March 12, 2011 Ooh, and one more thing that might help to know while I think about it...1st time mums will normally engage early (36 weeks onwards) but second etc time mums don't tend to until labour, or if they do the baby may play jack in the box and move in and out of the pelvis. Again this is normal so if you get there and are wondering why your baby's not engaged it's because s/he doesn't need to be! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mirabelle Posted March 14, 2011 Share Posted March 14, 2011 Hi R_B, are you at King's? just to say that I had my 20 week scan on Friday and everything was fine but they've booked us in for another scan at 32 wks - the doctor explained that this is new and only King's is doing it. I didn't know, but apparently King's sets the standards for the rest of the country and they're currently starting a 2 yr research project to see whether adding a 3rd scan at 32 wks helps prevent certain complications such as high blood pressure, etc. If it does then all other hospitals will start doing a 3rd scan at 32 wks. So don't worry! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sanne Panne Posted March 14, 2011 Share Posted March 14, 2011 My first one was head down early on and my second one was transverse (on and off) from 20-something weeks until around 30 weeks and then definitively head down after about 32 weeks. I also think it's too early to worry although the sooner the baby turns the better as it does get a bit uncomfortable for you when they're transverse later on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruth_Baldock Posted March 14, 2011 Author Share Posted March 14, 2011 Mirabelle; yep at Kings. I too had my scan at Kings; at 11.15 (got seen at 11.30 in the end). Perhaps our paths crossed? Ha, anyway. Glad it's not just me having the 32wk scan, now I feel quite lucky to be having one and 'helping' with ante-natal medicine. I do love Kings, for reasons like this... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ladyruskin Posted March 15, 2011 Share Posted March 15, 2011 I'm having more scans from King's at 32 and 38 weeks to monitor growth, despite there being no problems whatsoever. Personally, I think they just like playing with their toys, plus it all helps with their research. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mirabelle Posted March 15, 2011 Share Posted March 15, 2011 Hi Ruth, yes you must have arrived as we were leaving! mine was at 10 so we probably left around 11.30. When's your due date? mine is July 28th. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruth_Baldock Posted March 15, 2011 Author Share Posted March 15, 2011 July 12th, or 13th or 14th or 15th. No one can seem to agree! The first fortnight of July or thereabouts. We had the cheeky 15month old in the black phil and teds, sitting right by the door, if you were paying attention to that sort of mundane thing ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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