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Blue Traveller's Van parked in our street

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Don't mean to piss on anyones lentils, but it is so SO comical to watch all the liberal antagonists back-track now they've realised that these 'travellers' (can't say pikeys on this forum without setting off a lynch mob) aren't quite the ingratiating neighbourly types they were thought to be....

"Oooh just go round a take them an organic bulgarwheat cupcake and casually enquire about their tax status"...... Really?!

If someone set up a tent in your front garden, I presume you'd be equally forgiving?! Come off it...

*Insert obligatory statement RE not being a mail reader, aggressive psycho, christian.. blah blah blah...*

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lina Wrote:


> Yeah that must be it! Thank you ..

> I'm cured now... What a careing, thoughtfull

> community I live in phew!


Just out of curiosity, why do your posts appear

to take things personally? This isn't about you...

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Why can't you see it isn't a matter of being caring?! It's about the audacity of someone pitching up wherever they feel like it and moving on to avoid tax. This isn't a 'respect their way off life' issue - people can live wherever and do whatever they want as far as I care (provided it its not disrupting my life) - but why should people have to tolerate paying council tax whilst others make 'the lifestyle choice' to put their house on wheels and avoid it?! Does that not strike you as unfair AT all?!

But thats just it isn't it.... This forum is a self-perpetuating game of oneupmanship, whereby whoever can whip up the most tolerant statement gets his/her arse licked by everyone else.

Please remember that liberalism, whilst still my ideology of choice, can become terribly dogmatic, as this thread demonstrates so exquisitely. (And, in response to a thread in the lounge, is the reason why so many of the original forumers have left.... repetition sickness, no doubt).

*Edited for poor spelling - I'm sleepy and my eyelids are closing of their own accord...

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No-one has backtracked that I can see.

Some people slagged-off people in a van suspecting them of x, y and z.

Then people in the van ended up doing a, b and c instead and the insulters said told you so.

The 'liberals' had initially suggested not being presumptuous, they did not suggest that van people can do anything they want to whomever they want, when events turned unreasonable the 'liberals' did not support their activity.

Be accurate and admit bigotry. You foresaw nothing.

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If it pleases you then, yes, I am a bigot and I'll probably carry on being so if my presumptions come under heavy fire from the magnanimous PC brigade and is then corroborated by the people whose 'lifestyles' they purport to defend.

Besides, why can't you tolerate other peoples intolerance? And be careful of wielding the 'not being presumptuous' card when you have just called a complete stranger a bigot.

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KK is absolutely right in everything he/she says. I personally tend to not accuse or presume anything of someone until they give me reason to do so. Parking a legally taxed vehicle (oh yes see they do pay tax) on a public highway (not someone's front garden or private land) for a few days is not a crime. They won't be there forever.

Until they threw an anti-social party, every criticism was nothing more than unwarranted prejudice towards someone with a different lifesyle. And as much as some of you might like to think otherwise, people do not choose to live in a van to avoid council tax. There could be any number of reasons and every one of them valid.

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Firstly it's not 'PC' just to believe that people shouldn't be judged the second they turn-up. More like basic human courtesy.

Secondly, there's nothing to be careful about in my saying don't be so presumptious - there's a big gulf between slagging off a complete stranger for not having the 'lifestyle' you choose and calling someone a bigot (stranger or not) who has demonstrated a classic case of, ermm, bigotry...

"A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs."


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I've just popped over with a sausage casserole - and offered them the use of our (downstairs) toilet - on alternate Tuesdays.

They seemed grateful, but it was hard to tell with 'No Limits' playing at full blast on their Bang and Olufsen system.

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Ok, back to the subject.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of me or anyone else involved in this thread (so let's not waste time making 'assumptions', eh?), I have a guy in a traveller's van camping in my street, very close to my property - AND I DON'T LIKE IT. End of.

I have been informed by some other neighbours that they've contacted the police, also noise patrol. I am now about to contact the council. I'll keep you all updated, as there's obviously a lot of opinionated & interested people out there.

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Hi guys, I am the guy who lives in the Campervan..

Firstly, I would like to apologise for Saturday nights antics...I can understand your annoyance, it was my little sisters birthday, it did get very out of hand..Apologies.

The reason I have been there so long is due to the fact that I am experiencing a mechanical problem which should be resolved tonight.

I would like to inform you that yes I do work and pay taxes, I run a vehical rental company in London Bridge (hence the flash car and massive campervan) but due to family problems I have been forced to live in my van untill I get back on my feet.

It is legal where I am living as I am technically not right outside your property, it is taxed, MOTd and insured and I would like to agree with other people that all you needed to do was knock and speak to me, I am not a pikey/thief/champagne-traveller or vegetarian.

Sorry for any upset caused, I will move asap.

Thankyou to everyone who realised there is no harm living in a van, I understand the concern over the party and I can assure you it won't happen again and I will be on my way very soon.

Also...can I point out to the guy who seems to be under the impression that I run my engine all night every night, this is completely untrue, I run it for ten minutes each night at 7pm when I return from work.

For those of you who are concerned about the sanitation surrounding the Van issue, I have a fully working toilet and I take my rubbish to work with me where it can be disposed of properly.

Anything else I need to clear up for you?

Thanks and Apologies,

The Campervan Man.

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I for one am deeply dismayed that Campervan Man has failed to conform to stereotype - as portrayed in Channel 4's totally fair and balanced documentary shown earlier this year.

I can only hope that the next van that parks-up is chock-full of freckly pink misogynists sporting 'war hair' and thick Irish accents.

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@ *Bob*

I for one am deeply dismayed at your assumption that Campervan man is actually

the person in question and not some cheap shot alias? just saying ;-)

I also hope that the next van rocks on up outside your house, as they will clearly

have a warm welcoming from your kind & understanding self.

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KidKruger Wrote:


'there's a big gulf between slagging off a complete stranger for not having the 'lifestyle' you choose and calling

someone a bigot (stranger or not) who has demonstrated a classic case of, ermm, bigotry...'

I presume you didn't read the part where I said that I don't have a problem with anybody elses lifestyle; 'people can live wherever and do whatever they want as far as I care (provided it its not disrupting my life)'.

I was just defending RS's right to be annoyed simply because it was disrupting her life, and I'm sure The Campervan Man will agree, after an extremely disruptive party (intended or otherwise)she and other neighbours have full right to be.

Anyone can see that, in hosting a party in a quiet residential area in an unknown van, TCVM has fulfilled the negative expectations of his newfound neighbours BUT at least he came on to apologise.... what more can you ask for? Especially since it provides the necessary closure for this otherwise extraordinarily tedious thread.

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