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piano lessons


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If playing piano is one of your dreams just go for it.

I know how to help you to make this dream real. In the 21 years of my music journey I have explored all aspects of piano technique and successful preparation. I have completed a Masters degree in classical music and 2nd degree focused on popular music, composition and production. All my students are proficient in sight-reading which I consider to be one of the most useful skills in music.

I have had success in teaching adults and teenagers on all levels, including complete beginners.

Teenagers and adults only. No traveling to student residences. First 1/2 hour lesson free of charge. Roksana 07796 173583 P.S My student performance

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  • 2 weeks later...

ahhhh, daigoro here, the student in the video above linked by my dear piano teacher :P

just to give her a shout out, and say that she is a really incredible and passionate teacher - one from whom i have learnt alot from over the past year, as i have sought to take my own piano studies to the next, post-grade 8 level. am finding that even my sense of rhythm and phrasing, two fundamental skills have improved greatly.

the vid above is actually quite old now - but here is a much newer one of a livelier piece!

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I've just begun piano lessons with Roksana a few weeks ago. I have always had problems sightreading, but since having lessons with her, it has improved dramatically. With my sight reading being improved, i am able to prepare each piece of music a lot faster. She is extremely easy to get along with and i feel comfortable with her as a teacher. I feel like i am progressing well under her instruction and am happy to continue with her as my piano teacher.
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Finding a piano teacher in London isn't very difficult - finding one with both great teaching skills and understanding of human nature is a different story. Roksana is a gifted teacher - she adapts her methods to her student's needs, she is an extremely good observer and she uses her abilities to find your weakest points and fix them without making you lose your confidence. I had a pleasure to be Roksana's student for a while - we went through five grades of sight reading together (something I would never think I would be able to do before) and it made me believe in myself and gave me a solid foundation for my future studies. Not only I've learned how to read notes, but my sense of rhythm has largely improved - rhythm dictations became my favourite thing, and while I was watching my fellow students struggling every time we had one (I have just passed my Access to Music course and have been accepted for a degree in music at Royal Holloway), I couldn't appreciate more Roksana's teaching skills. I have discovered that it is never too late to pursue your dreams and as long as there are wonderful people who are willing and able to help you with that, it's not even that hard.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Just wanted to add, that apart from teaching me how to sight?read with ease, Roksana has spent some time with me explaining sometimes very complicated theoretical questions about musical analysis.

I?ve been extremely pleased to meet teacher whose knowledge is so complex, and who has the rare ability to simplify complicated matters in a way they become likeable.

Being Roksana?s student is a highly enjoyable experience!

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I'm keen to share my experience with my piano teacher Roksana. I'm 36 years old have always wanted to learn the piano. I'm now on my 8th lesson and love every session. I wasn't sure If I'd be able to learn but Roksana makes me feel very relaxed and I've progressed after each session. Looking forward to my next lesson! oh, I was recommended by a friend who's 11 year old is taught by Roksana.
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  • 3 months later...

Hello. Another Roksana fan here!

Having never previously touched a piano in my life, I started piano lessons with Roksana in September 2011. I can now read music, play sharps/flats (the black ones) and keep time!

The piano is such a big instrument with so many aspects that I almost gave up before I begun, fortunately I found Roksana and my confidence went from a 0 to a ten after my first lesson.

Roksana prepared me for the journey and gave me honest, realistic expectations as to how long it would take for me to learn to play the piano. It is challenging but I never feel pushed or under pressure to perform, always just to enjoy learning.

As stated above, she has an amazing knack at spotting my problem areas and clever methods to bring me on track, sometimes without me noticing straight away.

She is extremely patient and a wonderful person.

I can not recommend Roksana enough and I am grateful for everything she has tought me over these last few months.

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  • 7 months later...

I was in Cheners bookshop recently when Roksana came in with a beautiful notice for the notice board with a tiny (origami?) 3D piano on it!

I wrote down her mobile number, which is 07796 173583.

I have grade 8 piano but haven't played for a long time, and I was so taken with her ad that I think I may have some lessons - I've even just ordered a new piano stool :)

ETA: My sight reading has always been a bit crap, so I'm encouraged to read the posts above :)

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Dear Sue

Thank you so much for such a lovely comment about my advert. It is very kind of you.

Can't wait to meet you.

I like creating things no matter what kind. It could be music, art, food.

Some people called me or sent text messages just to say that they like this advert. They weren't interesting in taking classes.

It seems like hand made advert can win people hearts.

Have a great weekend.


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Dear Rachel.

I will have piano workshop for adults in near future. It will be in piano shop in Wimbledon.

I will invite all my students there. They are local: East Dulwich, West Dulwich, Brixton, Tulse Hill, Herne Hill areas. I want them all to meet up and keep in touch. It would massively help them with sight-reading if they stay in touch and practice together.

I will post advert about this workshop as soon as I get the date. It would be around first week of January.

The workshop will cover topic of relaxation and time management in piano playing context. I am qualify yoga teacher so I know some relaxation and breathing techniques which I would like to share.

Have a nice weekend.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi all

Roksana is a great teacher if you are an adult that wishes to learn to play the piano. She is kind, patience and is very good at spotting individual difficult and suggest helpful ways to overcome any problems. I have been having lessons for just over a year and I am proud to say I can sight read simple pieces confidently as well as play one or two pieces with both hands on the piano!! a GREAT achievement! All this could not have been achieved without her. Roksana is very flexible with lesson times and so it is easy to accommodate learning around a busy life style which was one of my concerns when thinking about taking up lesson.

Happy playing all!

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  • 1 month later...
Thought I'd chip in my two cents as the East Dulwich forum really helped me when I was looking for a piano teacher! I contacted a few teachers I'd found on here - they were all really nice but Roksana got back to me first so I've been having lessons now for about 7 weeks. I can only echo what aimz33 says above - Roksana's an awesome teacher, very kind, very patient and most of all very fun to learn piano with! I actually ENJOY things I thought I'd hate like sight reading and rhythm practice. I'm 29 and wasn't sure how I'd find learning an instrument but Roksana has made it so enjoyable and I've made so much more progress than I had been when I'd just been relying on 'teach yourself' books. Last week I was so chuffed to have *almost* got to grips with this tune after just a few weeks:
I'd completely recommend Roksana to anyone looking to learn!
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
I've been learning with Roksana now for about 5 months - starting from almost nothing - and I'm now contemplating doing the grade II exam shortly. She is an absolute pleasure to learn with. She is very encouraging and supportive, but also not afraid to point out where things need improvement! I really like her focus on the fundamentals - for example rhythm and sight reading. And as a few other people have already said; its never too late to learn - even if you are, as Roksana described me in our last lesson, "of a certain age"!
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  • 3 months later...
I think I first heard about Roksana on this forum so I thought I'd chip in something back. I've been having lessons with Roksana for about 6 months now, not only have I learnt how to plonk some fingers on some keys and play a nice tune (WITH TWO HANDS :O), but my understanding of the fundamentals, of sight-reading and rhythmic control have grown immensely. I love music but years of treading water with other instruments (like guitar), left me despondent about playing music as a hobby. I was left feeling that understanding/playing music just 'wasn't for me'. However Roksana's focus on the importance of sight-reading, rhythm and phrasing pave the way for you to truly grow as a musician, no more of those 'brick wall' moments down the line because you've simply been memorizing but not understanding for months... Roksana is also extremely encouraging and thankfully also very patient. She intuitively understanding how to get the most from her students and can pick up your strengths and weaknesses very early on (for me for example? I naturally picked up sight-reading quite quickly, but my sense of rhythm is far from metronomic to say the least, so I am working extra hard on rhythmic exercises at the moment :)). My only regret is that I didn't start lessons earlier!
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  • 4 weeks later...

My wife bought me piano lessons as a surprise gift for my birthday. (After extensive research on this forum).

Truly one of the best gifts I've ever received. I was unable to read music and hadn't touched a piano for thirty years.(I'm forty now). Roksana has shown patience, diligence and experience. I'm now able to sight read and almost ready to sit my grade one after only four months.

I would highly recommend Roksana to anyone who wants to learn the piano, novice or experienced player.

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