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Booking Appointment with midwife

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Hi all,

I'm newly pregnant and trying to get my head around midwife services and timing of appointments. I've seen my GP to confirm pregnancy and she informed me she would be referring to midwife service (unsure which one) and for my ultra sound at Kings. She was unclear as to the timing of midwife appointment stating that it would be in 8-9 weeks time which would be after my ultra sound appointment (14-15 weeks pregnant). From what I've read and heard from new mum friends (not living in Dulwich) is that the booking appointment should be between the 8-10 week mark. Can anyone shed any light on this for me? I'm also keen to hear of other's experiences of midwifery services in Dulwich. I'm with 306 medical centre and not sure who they are affiliated with.

Thanks for your help.

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If you haven't specifically chosen a local midwife service and you are planning to have your baby at Kings, then you will have your booking appt at Kings too - you should get this between 8-10 weeks as you thought. I'm on my second pregnancy with Kings and both booking appt's were done around those times. Re: midwife care during pregnancy - that depends on whether your GP practice has their own midwife or not - mine does and she is great (Dionne at Sternhall Lane surgery), so at the relevant times (16 weeks/20 weeks/25 weeks/30 weeks then fortnightly after that until birth) I just go and see her at the GP practice. A friend did not have a midwife at her practice so had all her antenatal/midwife appt's at Kings. Some people opt out of GP midwife service for local midwife groups eg. The Lanes, but these can be booked up very quickly due to excellent reputation so difficult to get in.

Kings now do 3 scans through pregnancy - 12 weeks, 22 weeks and 32 weeks (this is a new scan done for their research purposes - you don't have to have it, but who would turn down an extra scan!!!)

At your booking appt you will be given a set of notes that you are supposed to carry with you everywhere until birth - they have good info - like a list of all relevant dates when you need to see midwife/have scans/relevant blood tests etc...

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I think it depends on the team of mws you use and what their caseload is like. I'm with Oakwood and this time had my booking in appointment at 11 weeks so a week before my scan. Last time i didn't have it until 17 weeks though. In both my pregnancy s Kings have been been very quick at sending me a scan date- or it could just be my gp was quick to refer me. Hope this helps. Good luck!
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