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Does anyone else find that certain pieces of music really get to you since you've had a baby? The intro music to 'In the Night Garden' just makes me want to pick up mini-bonfire and give him a massive cuddle (although the rest of the programme makes me want to bash my head off the nearest wall:) ). There's also a classical piece on his cot mobile (not sure what is is) which makes me want to wake him up and cuddle him. Has anyone else felt like this (not necessarily to ITNG obviously!), or have I just come over all hormonal and over-sensitive?

I think the Night Garden music is purposefully emotive - whoever wrote it is a genius really. Always pulls on the heart strings and makes me never want my little mischief to grow up.

Also Brahms and some Mozart lullabies.

Adele's version of Make You Feel My Love makes me always think of motherhood and I have a little weep - though am sure Bob Dylan never intended it for the hormonal mum brigade! But the lyrics really sum up how I feel about being a mum i.e. really protective


Rather annoyingly the Gigglebiz theme tune will always have a place in my heart as it makes me smile to watch my 2 year old bop to it...

There was a lovely 'love songs for your babies' thread last year. Just reading it made me a mess let alone listening to the songs. It was started by gwod if you fancy a weep!

I love the Adele song too - she makes it seem totally relevant to motherhood. And I have been known to cry my eyes out whilst listening to the relaxing music we play to baby when he goes to sleep.

And don't get me stated on Monsters Inc or Toy Story 3 since having a baby. So sad to think of him growing up, they really affect me now!

I'm a huge fan of musicals, particuarly Blood Brothers. Went to see it when Baby #1 was 14mo and I was 5mo pregnant. Cried so hard I could barely breathe when "Easy Terms" was sung.

Otta, wires always made me cry but now even more so!

Also "Your Song". Either version.

And and and, obscure so huge brownie points to anyone who knows them- "Coming Home" by Dallas Green and "Ever" by Team Sleep- give 'em a YouTube, both excellent songs.

Omg I love Blood Brothers, however it's up there with the film 'Life is beautiful' and the book 'My sister's keeper' which I have vowed not to go near since having a baby!!!

I used to cry at the 'hello to the sun' song from Baby Sensory - still makes me well up now, remembering those special cuddles... In fact I was a mess at the whole 'date with your baby' Valentine's class! Total sap alert here!

I also love Ben Fold's 'Still Fighting It' about his son. It's lovely, love the words 'you're so much, like me, I'm sorry' - sums up the incredible connection and the fear that they get the bad as well as the good from their parents...

Oh god how could I forget my Number One Sobfest song- "The first time, ever I saw your face".

Guiltily, I can only admit to feeling sheer terror and confusion when I first clapped eyes on Cheeky Seb but when Lex was born, I was in a much "better place", on all accounts.I was absolutely and utterly in love with my daughter thmoment she was dangled (!) at me above the curtain seperatoon in theatre. I can't listento it w/o thinking of that first day post surgery, with my lovely little Lex barely crying and looking all around and nursing with gusto.

"The first time, ever I saw your face. I thought the sun rose in your eyes".

So apt.

Off to weep now.

To be honest for me its not just music. Its adverts as well. Aggggh!!!

There was an ad for google chrome entitled 'Dear Hollie' recently where a dad sends an email to his daughter every day of her childhood. That really got me weeping - ugh.

And there is a new Apple ipad one with a girl holding a baby.

I really need to man up.

Come What May.... Ewen Mcgreggor and Nicole Kidman.

I challenge you to listen to it, thinking about your children it without bawling. Its not possible. Its got a long intro though so feel free to scroll through the 1st 30secs to get straight to the schmaltz.

Argh - I forgot adverts! I know the Google Chrome ad you mean Lochie, it got me as well! Also, that John Lewis ad (with the 'She's always a woman' track by Billy Joel) unfortunately worked its somewhat contrived magic and made me get a lump in the throat whenever I saw it.

The song in Mama Mia that she sings to her daughter "slipping through my fingers all the time"; even typing the words a big pathetic tear has plopped onto the keyboard. If you have a daughter who is, well - any age really don't listen to it or you'll be a blubbering mess too.

Oh, just seen that catgirl already mentioned it. Good call catgirl.

Also Annie's song by John Denver (really showing my age, or rather my parents age, now)!

On a roll here...

"Daniel" by Bat For Lashes. Came out right around the time I found out I was pregnant with Seb (so, April 2009) and I decided if I had a boy, we would call him Daniel. That didn't happen, clearly. I'm not that trendy, "Halo" by Beyonce was released at the same time and it just got me all weepy. Still does.

I remember I had an acoustic compilation CD which i listened to on loop whilst breastfeeding around the clock, and Fake Plastic Trees makes me all hormonal too.

For me, it's always the father/son songs that get me. So I'd chuck into the mix Vehicles and Animals by Athlete, the Living Years by Mike and the Mechanics, and the Dive by Show of Hands. The last one is not well known but it's based on a true story about a father and son who go diving off the South Devon coast. The son dives but his marker buoy floats away, so when the son resurfaces his Dad and the boat aren't there and the night is closing in. The song's about what happens next and what the son wishes for his own children. Has me in floods every time.

And that Google chrome ad has a lot to answer for. Definite wet eyes here every time that ad plays.

Yep, it's Slipping through my fingers for me too - cannot listen to it, or watch the film Mamma Mia without blubbing.

My 7 year old now puts it on jus to watch my reaction, she giggles but then throws her arms around me & says she's never going to leave me - waaahhhhh!

I'm pretty soppy at the best of times but that song definitely gets me worst of all.

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