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Life Saving Defibrillator - Not in our Area


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Hi Everyone,

After moving to the area I noticed a lack of defibrillator, there is only one at Sainsbury's and the access is with limited to the opening hours. Surrounding areas have no access. I was thinking about starting a fundraiser to get some machines in our local areas if there are enough people interested? I'd also need some suggestions of where they should be located - somewhere with 24 hour access ideally?

These items are essential to saving life if you call an ambulance and it is required they will instruct you to the nearest one and give you a code to access it. They are simple to use, you just attach to the person in need and turn it on. The machine will determine if the shock is needed and monitor their heart rate until an ambulance arrives.


"A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart through the chest wall to someone who is in cardiac arrest. This high energy shock is called defibrillation, and it's an essential life saving step in the chain of survival."

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Defibrillators are essential to help save an out of hospital cardiac arrest and statistics show only a 5% survival rate of a cardiac arrest without a defibrillator being available.

The more defibrillators that are available the more chance of saving the life of a person having a cardiac arrest. Please help support this campaign to get more defibrillators locally.

Restart a Heart Day 2018

Help us to train the nation in life saving CPR skills.

Last year 195,000 young people were trained in life saving skills across the UK.

This year Restart a Heart Day will take place on Tuesday 16 October 2018. Whether you work at a school, or you want training for your workplace or community group, this is the time to get involved.

If you suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the UK you have less than a one in ten chance of surviving. We want to change that.

World Restart a Heart Day is an annual initiative which aims to train as many people as possible in CPR in one day, so that more people know these life saving skills.

This year the Resuscitation Council (UK) along with the British Heart Foundation, British Red Cross, St John Ambulance and Yorkshire Ambulance Service will be working together to help train as many people as possible in the UK and make sure they know how to save a life.



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Hi Hazel81,

This sounds like a great project to apply for funding from the councils Cleaner, Greener, Safer project - https://www.southwark.gov.uk/engagement-and-consultations/grants-and-funding/cleaner-greener-safer/applications

Previously I used this route to ensure all local East Dulwich schools have AED's.

you'd ideally find locations for them locally and ideally some training as part of any application.

If you need any help or advice on how to apply please get in touch with me.

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> Previously I used this route to ensure all local East Dulwich schools have AED's.

James, are you saying then that all ED schools already have AEDs?

Hazel81, are you saying that there is only one in ED, at Sainsburys?

Is there any authoritative list of AEDs available in the area?

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Type in the postcode, i.e. SE22 and it shows where AED's are located.

Can I add that it would be a REALLY good idea if organisations, businesses, public buildings etc.. who have one, displayed something something outside the building that clearly indicated that they have an accessible defibrillator. A standard sign for this does exist which I believe the London ambulance Service can provide.

These pieces of equipment can and DO make the difference between life and death. Had I not been in Kings' when it happened to me, I would likely not be here to tell you what happened.

Please in any way you can, show your support.

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Hi all,

Thank you for all the support and information! Keep it coming :)

As far as i'm aware this is the registered map to check locations - http://www.heartsafe.org.uk/AED-Locations

I think the main problem is 24/7 access? The majority are in GP'S/schools/sports halls so there is no access when they are closed. We have no access out of office hours to this equipment.

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True! Maybe we would need to fundraise to have the current ones fitted outside the doctor surgery/schools? As in the below post they can be fitted to external walls in secure boxes and when you call 999 they can give you the code to unlock it.


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Am guessing more rural areas like Devon have more AED?s/signs about their use as there are typically longer delays with first responders/ambulances getting to them. When my Dad collapsed in Suffolk (with a fatal pulmonary embolism)my Mum had to do CPR for 20+mins before an ambulance reached them - would be very surprised if it took longer than 5mins for an ambulance to get to a cardiac arrest in this area. Even in Suffolk (& likely across the country) there are now local first responders to improve this.

AED?s are only useful if enough people have had training in how to use them, and must be used with effective CPR which can maintain oxygenation to brain and muscles until (if the correct sort of cardiac arrest) the shock can restart the heart

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