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Swedish/Scandinavian mums?

Lue Lue

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My name is Ida ad I live close to Lordship Lane with my soon 2 year old (in Feb) daughter and her Portuguese father. Are there any other Swedish or Scandinavian mums out there? Would be great for both me and the little one to practice more Swedish!

Kind regards,


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Hade aldrig kunnat ana att det fanns s? m?nga svenskar i omr?det! Vad s?gs om att ordna en enda stor playdate? :) Verkar ju som att kidsen ?r i ungef?r samma ?lder! Skadar nog verkligen inte att de f?r umg?s med andra sm?ttingar & ?va p? spr?ket.

Anabelle har varit p? dagis varje fredag i endast tv? m?nader (med n?gra extradagar emellan?t) & huxflux kan hon fler engelska ord ?n svenska!

"Cookie" verkar vara favoritordet (undrar vad det s?ger om hennes mamma hehe)

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Hej - bra ide. Jag bor med min italienske sambo och tva barn i Forest Hill och vill garna traffa andra svenska foreldrar! Var dotter ar snart tre och sonen sex manader. Jag PM:ar dig min email adress - hor garna av dig om teaparty/playdate.


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H?r ?r en till svensk mamma, med en liten Astrid p? 1 1/2 och en bulle i ugnen ber?knad till i Juli. Vi k?nner redan s?ta Ida och bed?rande Anabelle men tr?ffar v?ldigt g?rna resten av er ocks?!

Med risk for sura miner fr?n resten av forumet, ska vi f?rs?ka f? till en tr?ff? Kan n?gon komma p? ett bra st?lle p? rak arm? Sj?lv ?r jag hemma med lillan m?n,tis & ons s? de dagarna passar oss klart b?st. Om jag inte minns helt fel s? ?r Ida och Anabelle bortresta tills den 20e feb.


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I translated the above messages to see if the girls were talking about me. They were not, so I thought I would post the translation here instead of wasting all those electrons:-

(Jag ?versatte ovanst?ende meddelanden f?r att se om flickorna pratade om mig. De var inte, s? jag t?nkte jag skulle l?gga upp ?vers?ttningen h?r ist?llet f?r att sl?sa bort alla dessa elektroner:-)

Swedish / Scandinavian mums?


Posted by: Lue Lue 25 November, 2011 22:07


My name is Ida ad I live close to Lordship Lane with my soon 2 year old (in Feb) daughter and her Portuguese father. Are there Any other Swedish or Scandinavian mums out there? Would be great for bothering me and the little one to practice more Swedish!

Kind regards,



Posted by: midivydale 26 November, 2011 19:21

Hi ida!

Caroline is my name and mittens my first baby in March. Living with my partner in nunhead and would love to meet other Swedish mums .. Coffee?


Posted by: Bozza 28 November, 2011 08:52

Swedish fathers may be involved as well?

I live here in the ED with my partner from Australia, our son is 15 months old. Boris


Can also tell if [www.princesstillysteaparties.co.uk] run by Agneta who also lives here in the area.


Posted by: Lue Lue December 1, 2011 00:12

Mostly fathers also may be with!

Tea Party sounds interesting, I must check out! PM: s!


Posted by: Lue Lue December 1, 2011 00:31

Had never imagined that there were so many Swedes in the area! How about organizing one big play date? Seems to be like the kids are about the same age! Damage probably really is not that they may interact with other toddlers and practicing the language.

Anabelle has been at the nursery every Friday in just two months (with a few extra days at times) & huxflux she can more English words than Swedish!

"Cookie" seems to be the favorite word (wonder what that says about her mother, hehe)


Posted by: Stina December 7, 2011 22:20

Hey - good idea. I live with my Italian partner and two children in Forest Hill and would love to meet other Swedish Foreldre! Our daughter is almost three and son six months. I AM: s you my email address - please let me know if teaparty / play date.



Posted by: Roy 17 December, 2011 09:22


Jaaaaaaaaa, I also want to be with: D My name is Roy and I live with my husband and engelsa undet only daughter Liv (15 months) in East Dulwich. It would be great to be seen, both for me and Liv.

Merry Christmas


Posted by: Tilly's Tea Parties on January 31, 12:06 AM


What fun. I and our daughter Tilly (18m?nader) would like to meet. We live in Nunhead so next door.



Posted by: Minder on January 31, 11:54 PM

Would probes have been better to pm'd These messages!


Posted by: sandy_rose Yesterday, 09:24 PM

Here is one of Swedish mother, with a little Astrid at 1 1 / 2 and a bun in the oven coming to in July. We already know Ida sweet and adorable Anabelle but hits very much like the rest of you too!

At the risk of sad faces from the rest of the community, we will try to get a hit? Can anyone think of a good place off the cuff? I myself am at home with the little one Mon, Tues & Wed so the day suits us clearly the best. Unless I remember wrong, it is Ida and Anabelle out of town until the 20th February


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I dont really see the problem with continuing this thread in Swedish considering the intitial message specifically asked for Swedish/Scandinavian mums (so if you're not, there's probably no need to worry that "we would be talking about you")??
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sandy_rose Wrote:


> H?r ?r en till svensk mamma, med en liten Astrid

> p? 1 1/2 och en bulle i ugnen ber?knad till i

> Juli. Vi k?nner redan s?ta Ida och bed?rande

> Anabelle men tr?ffar v?ldigt g?rna resten av er

> ocks?!


> Med risk for sura miner fr?n resten av forumet,

> ska vi f?rs?ka f? till en tr?ff? Kan n?gon komma

> p? ett bra st?lle p? rak arm? Sj?lv ?r jag hemma

> med lillan m?n,tis & ons s? de dagarna passar oss

> klart b?st. Om jag inte minns helt fel s? ?r Ida

> och Anabelle bortresta tills den 20e feb.


> Sandra

Goa du! :)

Vi ?r r?tt tr?ngbodda, annars hade hel g?nget varit v?lkomna till oss! .. & sedan sa du Sandra att Electrical Engineers hade lagt ner sitt familjerum? Annars hade det ju varit en perfekt plats! Annars vet jag att det mysiga & fr?sha Victorian In (undrar om det var det r?tta namnet?) pubben/hotellet i h?rnet p? Bellenden Road har ett stort lekrum.. Kanske g?r det att ordna n?got d?r (har n?gon v?garna f?rbi f?r ni g?rna fr?ga). Vi ?r tyv?r bortresta tills den 20/2, men efter det hittar vi g?rna p? n?got!

M?ndagar brukar vara r?tt tr?kiga & inte s?rskilt m?nga lekgrupper att v?lja p?. Vad s?gs om att ses d?? Kl 10? Hade varit kul att ordna en fast playdate (f?r b?de mammor & pappor med barn i alla ?ldrar som har svenska anor) 1-2 dagar i m?naden! Intresse f?r det?

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Kul att vi ?r s? m?nga! Vad s?gs om att vi alla ses ?ver en picknick i Dulwich park n?gon dag? :) Jag ?r bortrest just nu men vad s?gs om ons 25/4 kl 11, funkar det f?r er andra? Sk?nt nu n?r det b?rjat bli lite varmare s? att man kan vara ute!
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