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Bugaboo bee or cameleon


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I have the cameleon (well the Gecko but that is basically same as Cameleon).

Think main thing about Cameleon is that it has great suspension and is very very comfortable to use. Great for walking over most terrains (so if you go on basic country walks for example it would be good) and it also meant in early days I was happy to go out with baby most days on walks. It has a carry cot and then converts into a seat, both forward and backward facing - so is a great pram that will last you to the toddler years. Cons are - it is a bugger to put in back of car and if you use bus alot (which I did) its a bugger to fit into pram area and if you are asked to collapse down it is virtually impossible whilst holding a baby.

I haven't tried Bee but from what friends say and what I can see it is Bugaboo's attempt at a city pram - much lighter and slimmer. However doesn't have carry cot and have seen toddlers looking a bit big in it beyond 2. Have heard really good things about it though, not sure if suspension is as solid as Cameleon. Also alot cheaper than Cameleon.

Best thing to do is to go to Peter Jones on a Sunday (you can drive and park) and try them out as its usually a quiet day and staff are very helpful

Hope that helps!

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I have a Bee and it is a city pram. If you plan to do a lot of off-roading its not great. Otherwise I think its brilliant, light enough that I can carry it and my toddler onto trains, great on public transport, can be steered with one hand. The 2010 model expands to accommodate bigger babies. You need to buy a cocoon for a newborn as it doesn't lay completely flat. Its also forward and backward facing, folds down really easily and nice and small, fits easily in car boots, and can be adapted to take a car seat.

Hope that helps, and good luck with your search.

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i think they are both great prams and i doubt you would regret either. i had both on my list and chose the bee because os its size and weight.

i did feel like i would have liked a carrycot option initially but am happy without it now. its more important for me that its light and can get on the bus. but it depends on what you think you will be doing (i.e. the muddy walks vs city pram as others say above)

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Ah thank you both. It's a tough one as I think the Cameleon is probably more sturdy, but I'm quite a weakling so the bee appeals as it's lightweight. I've done a few test drives and now just have to choose.
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As others have said, both fab but fulfil quite different requirements. Chameleon is brilliant as an everyday pram for long walks etc and the carrycot is lovely and snug for little babies. I had one for my first child and never regretted it. Downsides are it's a bit bulky when folded and a nuisance to fold as you have to take it apart. Plusses are it's comfort, suspension, sturdiness and excellent resale value.

About to have my 3rd baby and have gone for the Bee this time as life will revolve more around school runs and nipping out and about rather than having the luxury of long walks and lazy days! My priority now is to have something small, easy to fold, and easy to store amongst all the scooters/bikes we seem to have accumulated over the last 5 years. We also wanted something that would fit in the boot of the car and leave room for other things.

Bugaboo are a great brand, expensive, but worth it in my opinion. I've had other prams along the way, including a double, and always much preferred my bugaboos.

Definitely go and have a play at John Lewis or similar, and have a think about what your main usage will be.

If I were having my first all over again I would opt for the chameleon again.

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I had exactly the same dilemma - had a Bee and then got a refund from John Lewis after 2 years, and then in the end, opted for the Chameleon. I love the Chameleon too and I think generally, it's better for the baby/kid. Used to find that our little one used to slouch a little bit in the Bee which isn't the case with Chameleon. However, Bee is definitely more versatile and lighter to use.

If I could, I would have both!!!!

Hope this thread helps too:


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I have the chameleon and it's fab! I go for daily walks for 2 hours and he is so snug in the carry cot.. I can steer with one hand so can drink and push at the same time.. I don't use public transport so the size thing isn't an issue for me and nor does it go in the car all that often (but when it does it does take up a lot of room), I think if I was on the bus and in and out of the car I'd go for the bee.. I initially wanted the bee but the carry cot sold me..

Make sure you look on the forum as there are some fab ones avail to buy generally for a third of the cost brand new..

Good luck!!

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I had the Cameleon for my first child and loved it! As others have said easy to push (much more so than the Maclaren and Phil and Teds I've had since), great suspension loved the carrycot and E looked so much more comfy in the seat than she did in the Maclaren where she looked slumped. I used it on the bus a lot, it's actually quite narrow for a proper pram/travel system. Having said all of that I would love a Bee for my 2nd child, so neat and would probably mean we could get rid of the Maclaren because they don't take up much boot space. The cameleon has really good resale value which is worth thinking about, not sure about the Bee- you don't see as many 2nd hand on here...
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I've had the Bee for 2 years now, never regretted it. Have walked loads with it (even through the snow once time!), not off road though. Very nippy and manoeverable. Biggest plus point is its size, will fit into the tiny boot of our car, and as it's so slim fantastic for the bus. Didn't find the lack of carrycot a problem really, daughter slept loads in it as a baby. I think she'll be in it till she's 3.
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Yes we chose the bee and we never felt the lack of a carry cot in those early weeks as the bee cocoon is so snug our daughter loved to sleep in it. as you use the carry for for a relatively short amount of time if you choose a buggy with a carry cot, it's prob a good idea to think about what would suit your needs best in the longer term. I think even if we had been sold on the idea of needing a carry cot, we still would have opted for the bee as after the initial period the carry cot element would have stopped being useful and I felt the manoeuvrability of the bee and the size was the best choice for us longer term
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