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I've had enough of........

rifleman harris

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Getting back to the scantily clad females, I really hate it when a woman/young girl wearing a belt/micro-skirt or whatever kind of mini skirt acts like she didn't mean to put it on or put it on by accident and spends all evening pretending to try and pull it down while trying to look slightly embarressed, I feel like saying, what did it shrink on the way to the club then, as I am sure it was that short when they put it on and checked it out in the mirror before they left the house.
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Old women trying to dress young! women please age with class and dignity! You can still look sexy, without looking like an old slapper, tits hanging out and ar*** showing is not sexy if wobbling/swinging all over the place with a mind of their own, batty riders at 44-50 yrs old are seriously not sexy, (well not on the old bag I saw with the saddle bags for hips and cellulite!) Noooo.... put it away pleeeeease..........And the trowels of 3 inch makeup do not hide the lines, bags under eyes, serious crow feet, they accentuate them!
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Bill Oddy

Rolf Harris

Tony Robinson

Bruce Forsyth

and any other pathetic unfunny over the hill entertainer, who cannot make me laugh and yet embarrass me enough to shout things like 'SHUTIT'.

Old comics would conveniently drop dead by the time they hit fifty, have they no shame now?

Or have they just lost their timing!

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Bad manners on buses.

1) People who put their feet on the seats. You'd never do it at someone else's house, or even in a different public place like a cafe or pub, so why is it alright to do it on a bus?

2) Those who sit in the aisle seat and put their bags on the window seat, thereby signalling to others that they are anti-social and selfish.

3) Of a similar type are those who, when you need to get off the bus, only swivel round in their seat rather than standing up and letting you out properly. It is worse when you need to get into a seat and they do the same, and they're usually the kind of person who does 2).

And 4) People who stand on the lower deck but crowd round the narrow space between the entrance and the stairs. Move back you morons!

There. That feels better.

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Amen on the buses points barry

my gripe - airport security. I have never ever ever bought into all of the "increased security" checks at airports since that thing in Nuevo Yorica happend - especially all of the hand-luggage 100 ml liquid stuff

Am I to really believe no-one had thought of these things before? Of course not

In any case, as of this week where some airports have relaxed these rules and some haven't, the whole thing is revealed as the shambles it really is

Now - can I keep my belt, shoes and dignity the next time I go through teh gates please?

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Grrr. Airports. Going to Atlanta last year I was x-rayed, frisked, shoes x-rayed, frisked & bags searched at the gate, and then bags & shoes x-rayed getting off the plane!

The whole liquids & sharp objects (razors!) make it a real pain if your travelling anywhere for just a night or two. Then there's the one piece of carry on which depends on airport, airline, country & phase of the moon! Always handy if you're doing an overnight trip with a laptop.

I'll stop ranting now. I've really had enough of current airport security!! (6)

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Agreed SMG - though airport security here is nothing compared to what we experienced coming out of Kenya a year ago. We went through several different procedures: your basic x-ray of luggage; someone then rummaging through check-in luggage; metal detectors and footwear bomb detectors; a pat-down search; and finally someone going through your hand luggage. And that's before you get through to duty free! You are then subject to a further scan/search just before you get on the plane. In all, about three hours of queueing.

Mind, coming out of the UAE last year was a breeze - straight through the x-rays and detectors and into the lounge - which is odd because one would have thought it a bigger target. Odd.

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I've seen that mentioned by a few people on here (about YMs not being very Y) and have to take issue

First it's a shade mysoginistic and secondly it's untrue. Many of the mum's I see out and about seem very nice indeed.

And I've met several forumites who happen to be "mummies" as well who are well worth of the decription YM - so there

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I didn't say it was - just suggested there was a shade/undercurrent. And not to your post but in way it's just TOO easy to reverse the phrase

And do you honestly observe none when you are out and about? High standards indeed that man

Kel - it probably varies from person to person. Some people expect Monica Belluci standard. Others are happy to anser the "would you?" question in the affirmative ;-)

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People who stand in the supermarket queue for ages - then only when they have had their groceries put through the till - and bagged them do they start to look through there enormous handbag for their purse... spend ages, looking for it - checking every pocket.. pulling out all the junk for everyone to see - then finally locating it... Grrr - could they not have perhaps started looking for it whilst they were queuing..?!

Oh - and bus drivers who stop the bus directly next to a litter bin or tree so you have to negotiate getitng on or off the bus like an assualt course!

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    • The very best advice.   People often use aggressive behaviour to hide their wrong doing.   A solicitors letter will give them a little reminder of what is right.
    • It's usually if your property is adjoining or very close to the property where work is being done. As others have stated, chimney breast removal and structural walls removal definitely require your consent and your neighbour will be responsible for paying your party wall surveyors fees. They probably don't want to pay additional money but that's the law so the law is on your side. It's a safeguard at the end of the day and if you want to quote the law at your neighbour to make them take responsibility I would get a solicitors letter (few hundred pounds but money well spent as property worth a lot and a lot can go wrong with building work so best to cover yourself). https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/preventing-and-resolving-disputes-in-relation-to-party-walls/the-party-wall-etc-act-1996-explanatory-booklet you may find useful 
    • Good luck and look after you and your families future.  X let us know what happens if you can. 
    • Thank you, yes I'm going to contact the freeholder about the building insurance.
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