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Sunday Politics BBC1 london


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I produce 'Sunday Politics' for the BBC and they have asked me to find people who live at Number 10,'anywheresville' Street to talk to them on camera and put their views and questions to a political panel in the studio.

I need to find voters who live at Number 10 and make a series of films about their concerns.

What you are arguing about over the dining table this election? What?s your message to the politicians? What questions do you need answering before you cast your vote? What are your local concerns?

It could be your family or you could widen it out to get friends/relatives/neighbours over for the debate.

The process would be very informal and would take up 45 mins ish of your time.

So if you live at Number 10 or know someone who does and would like to take part, please do email me -

[email protected]

Many thanks


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God this sort of vox-pop shit makes me want to claw my own eyes out.

The average resident of No10 anywheresville Street knows precisely bugger all about anything. They aren't economic or healthcare experts so why interview them about it?

The BBC is meant to be holding politicians to account, not just repeating the tired drivel of "get it done" or "we're full". Just because Mrs Miggins thinks we should spend our nuclear deterrent budget on hedgehog sanctuaries you shouldn't give her airtime.

Here's a better idea...go to a hospital and interview a doctor. Go to a school and interview a teacher. Go to a care home and interview the eastern european immigrant paid minimum wage to wipe the arse of the relative you forgot about.

Or go to a university and speak to an economics professor or someone who can explain spending forecasts.

You know, experts. People who might contribute something valuable rather than 15 second soundbites of trite bullshit. My nan used to live at no10 and for years voted for the politician who she thought had the nicest teeth. Make of that what you will.

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?...They aren't economic or healthcare experts so why interview them about it?...?

Bit elitist that DC. Why does a person need to be an ?expert? to hold a credible opinion?

There are probably many people who live at number 10 who do not know what the law of diminishing returns means but know the economic reality of shrink-flation and struggling to cope on their wages or the healthcare consequences of being on hospital waiting lists for a year or more.

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Because frankly I'm bored of hearing ill-informed opinions from know-nothings on vox-pops.

If Bob doesn't know what he's on about, why the feck do we have to listen to him? Does he understand about trade deals or the four freedoms that the EU is built on? No? Then put someone on TV that does so we can all learn something and educate ourselves.

Bob gets to vote. He doesn't get to be on my TV.

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Well I agree with you on the whole. For example, when Jo Swinson comes on telly I mute the sound. I can?t stand listening to her because I think she?s a bit thick.

But beware of so-called ?experts?, especially economic ones. Remember being encouraged to join the euro? Or triple A ratings for Credit Default Swaps and Collateralised debt obligations?

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Alan Medic Wrote:


> Hi Jerry,


> the only person I know of who lives at number 10,

> tells lies all the time and can't be trusted.

How did you get my address!??

Apart from that I agree with DC 100% (which is proof this is a VERY strange election)

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