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plumber recommendation - Aria - AFE plumbing


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We chose to use Aria, AFE plumbing services, after reading many good posts about his work on this site.

Aria made himself available at short notice to come and look at our bathroom plumbing issues and in the early evening which was convenient as we both work in the day.

He suggested a range of options to solve the problem depending on our budget and gave good advice about fittings which would be easy to maintain.

His plumber was friendly, efficient, clean and tidy.

I would be very happy to use Aria again.

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I too have just used Aria - to replace bath taps, which was not easy because there was very little room to work in aqnd the 30 year old fittings were tight. He did he job very efficiently and left the bathroom clean and tidy. I would be happy to have him for any new plumbing job.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Another recommendation for Aria at AFE Plumbing who fitted a new electric shower for us. After being let down by other plumbers he came out the same day to inspect and fitted the unit the next day. Professional, tidy and friendly. Will definitely use AFE again if we need any other plumbing jobs done.
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Hi sinalto, Aria's number is 07739734895. I've used him twice, first for some pretty substantial work in the bathroom and just recently for replacing a kitchen tap. He's professional, quick, polite and friendly. He cares about the job and will check with you afterwards to ensure that all is well. He's also fair: the tap job turned out to be more complex than expected but he didn't ask for more money.
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Another recommendation for Aria and AFE plumbing - came very quickly to assess work required and then returned soon after in two visits to get it all done. Three new taps needed and two toilets with problems. All sorted very efficiently.
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