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Sydenham and Dulwich Wood


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As a regular walker in Sydenham and Dulwich wood I wanted to alert you all to a problem encountered this morning. Whilst walking my dogs in the wood late this morning, I ran into what appeared to be a homeless man in his late 20s sleeping rough under the foot bridge off Cox's Walk. Unfortunately, as we encountered eachother I was looking at my mobile phone. He followed me through the wood, picking up his pace to match mine. Luckily, I bumped into a lovely couple who called the police as I moved on.

Despite repeated calls to him, he would not stop following me. And he was by his nature more than threatening.

The incident has been reported to the local police and I am waiting for their feedback as to whether they found the man.

In the meantime, be careful. He wasn't put off by the fact I was with a German Shepherd. My thanks to the kind couple I ran into who called the police having witnessed what was happening.

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I've walked through this wood a few times in the last year, and each time I have noticed some belongings and a sleeping bag under that bridge. Luckily I've never actually seen their owner! It seems like someone is bedding down there on a permanent basis though.

I'd have been really scared in your situation - well done for calling the police! Hopefully they will move him on.

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See the post from LWT. You might want to let them know about this, and tell them exactly what you experienced, as if they still have no intention of moving the guy on (if it's the same person) they should be aware that his behaviour is threatening to other people using the woods....

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There have been many rough sleepers in the woods over the years - some have mental problems, some don't want to be sucked into the system and some just don't know what else to do and the woods are preferable to a doorway in the Strand. It is a real shame that this person was threatening, and as they may well have mental problems it was probably a good idea to call in the authorities, if nothing else they may well be able to help him.
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"Send for Carter USM. He'll 'cure' the problem."

I don't understand, Salsaboy. Please explain explicitly how he would "cure" the problem. Please keep in mind any possible libelous or offensive claims.


Edit - this post was made by Ren - Carter's other half.

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Just to clarify the last post. Carter made the original which read

"Send for Carter USM. He'll 'cure' the problem."

I don't understand, Salsaboy. Please explain explicitly how I would "cure" the problem"

I am Ren. I am asking

"I don't understand, Salsaboy. Please explain explicitly how he would "cure" the problem. Please keep in mind any possible libelous or offensive claims."

Just so we are clear, Salsaboy. Cool name by the way - I'm Spanish. Please can you clarify what _exactly_ you mean by ""cure" the problem".


Ren x

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Alan Medic

I am Spanish. I am a translater for a large Law firm.

Do you think all Spanish should only speak like Manuel from Fawlty Towers? Is that not racist? Please rethink your reply.


I refer you to section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 -:

(1)A person is guilty of an offence if he?

(a)sends by means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character; or

(b)causes any such message or matter to be so sent.

I asked to bear in mind libelous or offensive claims.

So, again, can you clarify you meant by Carter can "cure" the problem. He has specified he is an engineer, therefore not qualified in Social Working nor Charity Work. So how can Carter "cure" the problem?

Edit - this is Ren. I feel no need to have my own log in. Lots of couples post under one log in on this forum.

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"...I am Spanish. I am a translater for a large Law firm.

Do you think all Spanish should only speak like Manuel from Fawlty Towers? Is that not racist? Please rethink your reply..."

Is translater with an e a valid word (US English?)

Also shouldn't that be

"Do you think all SPANIARDS (or Spanish people) should only speak like Manuel from Fawlty Towers?"

Just asking, seeing as you translate for a large law firm

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Carter Wrote:


> Alan Medic


> I am Spanish. I am a translater for a large Law

> firm.


> Do you think all Spanish should only speak like

> Manuel from Fawlty Towers? Is that not racist?

> Please rethink your reply.


Hola Ren

I'm Alan Medic's partner and Spanish too. I'm from Sevilla. I don't think he is racist though as he wouldn't have married me. Anyway isn't Manuel from Barcelona? Those Catalans aren't really Spanish are they?

Dolores x

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Haha Ren, the term is 'grossly' offensive, and I'm afraid getting lampooned on an internet forum for gunslinging doesn't even touch the sides on that.

You may be unfamiliar with libel, but it requires an untrue damaging claim to be made about an individual and presented as fact. It doesn't apply to criticisms or parodies of anonymous online personalities. In particular it doesn't apply to satire or humour.

You've just got to stop this silly outrage and threats when people don't agree with you.

You or your partner pick arguments with people in pubs and suggest they should be hung from lamposts, you think burglars should be shot, and now you're threatening on websites.

This is a pattern of aggression.

Just think how you would respond if someone had threatened to lynch you from a lampost, or threatened to shoot you. THAT is subject to Section 127, but the guys who are doing it are you and your other half.

Yet you are 'revolted' by people who do nothing more than take the piss out of you.

Think about that.

You've got to stop this. It's an illness.

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