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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Pls HELP ME!


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Dear all... I have CTS in both my hands and tonight has been the worst yet as I have only managed an hours sleep before waking again in agony.

I am 7 and a half months pregnant with twins and CTS came on approx. 3 wks ago and has got worse each day. At the moment, my hands and completely pins and needles, shooting pains thru my wrists and my fingers feel as if they are going to explode such is the swelling.

I have tried acupuncture and have bought splints/ wrist supports for both hands and nothing has helped.

The only slight relief I get is when I put both hands in a bowl of ice water for 30 mins which means I can then attempt to do things i.e email, make food, apply make up, anything!

Does anyone know of anything I can do or treatment I can get to ease this constant pain?

I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and help me.

Thank you,

A sleep deprived Emma!

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Sorry you are suffering.

You are doing the right thing icing. Do this regularly even if only for a few minutes. You might find alternating between hot and cold may help too.

You could also try soaking them in epson salts solution.

Drink plenty of water. Ash at health matters for safe teas to drink with diuretic properties. I'm pretty sure dandelion tea is safe.

When the weather cools down you might get some relief.

Try sleeping with your arms/hands slightly elevated, and when your awake periodically hold up the hand and open and close the fist to help boast drainage.

You could try Osteopathy or gentle drainage massage but it doesn't help in all cases. Are you having any neck/shoulder stiffness too?

Avoid repetitive movements.

Hope that helps.

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Hi Ramble 66,

Thank you so much for responding with your suggestions!

To be honest the thought of heat on them really does make me think they'll explode straight off my arms! But i do agree, I think regular icing is the way forward... on and off throughout the day.

Soon as I leave the house my first stop shall be for Epson Salts!! God knows what they are but I am prepared to stick my hands in them if there's any chance of relief!

I have an Osteo appt on Tuesday to see if he can help and I do drink lots of water (approx 2L per day) but will also get some tea from LL too!

I've tried the 'hands up to sleep' thing but got pins and needles anyway so to be honest bedtime is just something to be dreaded and somehow 'got through' and the knowledge I will be up every 2 hrs waving my arms around like a mad woman!

Do have a bit of stiff neck but nothing to complain too much about really.

Thank you so much... really appreciate your comments and shall act on the advice immediately!

Have a good day,


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No problem.

Yeah I can imagine you don't like the idea of heat. It can help if you alternate from one to the other, 30seconds of each reported a few time, finishing on cold. It helps boost blood supply and therefore drainage without congesting the area which heat alone would do. But if colds helping stick with it.

Glad you are seeing an Osteopath.

Have you tried just putting a small pillow under your hands to raise them slightly? Again it might not work.

Are your hands noticeably swollen?

Hope you find some relief soon.

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Not got experience of carpal tunnel but I went to 38w+ with twins and suffered terrible night time discomfort by the end - mostly my back and neck, so you have my sympathy.

Are you Off work? Can you nap in the day time? In my experience, towards the end I was totally exhausted and needed to rest a lot.

Can the gp refer you for Physio? There was an acute clinic at kings with immediate appts

Are you taking paracetamol? It's allOwed

What helped

Me most was a personalised mp3 hypno track from Christine Neillands, listening would help me doze off for an hour, only way I could get to sleep

I hope you can get some relief

A twin pregnancy is pretty hard going

Hang in there x

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Thank you all so very much for your kind words of support and suggestions... I've been really touched by all the messages whether on Thread or on PM.

Firstly, yes my hands and fingers especially are visibly swollen and it is nigh on impossible to pick up small things or open anything, jars bottles or those silly Tetra Pak foily bits.

Am definitely going to try the 30 sec hot cold combo Ramble... and have got my Epsom Salts ready for tonight's bath so thanks for that super tip! Got Osteo tomorrow which I am sooo looking forward to.

And yes, I've just discovered the Walk- In Physio appts this morning! Thank you and am going on Wednesday to Kings.

As for injections... would definitely have them but not til babies are born. Soon as they are though...if CTS not gone, its injections and operation if all else fails as will have 2 bundles of wriggly fun to look after!

38 wks with twins is super impressive... you are my idol Fushcia! Am taking Paracetamol hun.. temporarily helps which is great.

Too much typing for me now guys so off to watch some rubbish daytime tv with hands in Hot and Cold bowls!!

Thanks again... you've all been so thoughtful,


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Thankfully, pregnancy induced CTS usually resolves quite quickly post pregnancy so fingers crossed you won't have to face an op.

CTS in pregnancy is usually caused by swelling, whereas CTS at other times can be caused by thickening of tendons and the carpal sheath impinging the nerve. Hence the need for an operation.

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Not sure I have any suggestions except to wait for the birth. I got CTS in the last 2 weeks of my 40 wk twins pregnancy and found it got worse initially, afer the birth. Accupuncture worked like a charm for me. but you've already tried. Since I now have it back again in one hand, (15 yrs later) I'd like to know what the vitamin supplement was that made scareyt's mpther better.
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Cate - it's riboflavin (B2) and I think b6 deficiency which can caused CTS.

B vitamins should only be taken as a complex. Solgar is a good make. Probably start with B100, you could then reduce this after a month or do.

And lots of dark leafy veg.

If you are mainly getting symptoms at night then maybe try a wrist splint for a few weeks.

Emma - how are you getting on?

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Acupuncture? Tracey Goulden is excellent - she treated me when I was trying for a baby many moons ago and was lovely - friendly and relaxed yet professional and reasonably priced.

Essential Therapia is her website

She works at a place on Crystal Palace Rd and from home too (also central ED)

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I am 56 and developed CRT at the start of the menopause

It is so very painful but completely disappeared after about 6 months.

I did wear splints at night-not very comfortable but I think they helped

Have you tried a TENS machine?

I think you can buy them from any chemist and this might help

Congratulations and good luck with the birth of your babies.



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