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Hariss Academy Peckham


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Hello everyone.

Does anyone can give me some insight on Harris Academy Peckham?

My son didn't get any of his 6 choices for Secondary and was allocated to Harris. Don't really know anything about the school and don't know anyone who's kid is attending. I did some Google reading etc but would like to know some insights from people who's kids actually attending this school.

Many thanks.

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Hi we didn't get any of our 6 either and was allocated an underscribed school. Have you asked Southwark for his waiting list positions. There should be some movement happening soon and if he is high on the lists for at least one of his preferences he may not end up attending the school you have been allocated.
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There are often mixed thoughts around harris peckham. Often unfairly, but if you live locally and did not want single sex or a religious school, options do start to reduce. Factor in tiny catchment re the charter schools and the kingsdale lottery it becomes even trickier.

Your best bet is to go and look at it, speak to the teachers and see what you think.

In terms of outside space/ facilities it is one of the better served schools in the area.

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The hundreds further up the waiting lists are the same people for each school, so it is not as frightening as it may seem. Some of these will also decide not to take up their waiting list place once they have attended the taster day/bought the uniform/tested the journey/made new friends etc I know a handful of children who changed school at the first October half term without any detriment as well as some who got places as preferred schools just after the August Bank Holiday, so hope is there - you may just need to be very patient.
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Yes harris peckham usually has mixed thoughts. Its best to view the school in person and see how you both feel. Also explore applying for other schools you didn't originally apply for as a back up/another option. I applied for 2 additional schools as late applications when i saw we got none of our preferences as tbh im not happy with what we got. The lists should hopefully move over easter. Late applications are being processed after 1st April so if you do want to do one you have to be quick
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