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Rucksack & wallet stolen at Sainsburys - take care


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Just to let people know my rucksack (with wallet inside) was stolen yeasterday around 4.20pm in Sainsburys.

Though it was in front of me at all times (hanging from hook in front of trolley), I did have 2 children with me and I think that it got taken when I turned to hold my daughters hand to cross the carpark.

It all happened within 5 minutes - the time it took for me to pay and walk to my car, and I think that I was definately targetted. It has never happened to me before and I have lived in ED for over 10 years.

So try to be vigilant, specially if you have children with you.

And if anyone comes across a big yellow Gap wallet, please get in touch.



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I was told by security last week that a bag had been taken from the end of the checkout counter whilst a lady was

packing her bags.

There was a guy hanging around in the carpark at around that time yesterday, asking if he could 'return your trolley'.

I suppose in order to keep the ?1.

Definitely need to be vigilant.

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And there's no need to assume it was that guy either.

Thieves targetting bags are often more subtle. I've recalled before on here the time I followed a guy (he was on a bicycle) from ED station who was clearly (to me) scoping distracted women, to steal a bag and how when I got to Sainsburrys there happened to be two police officers in there anyway (and I reported him). The point being that the area is known for thieves that target women. Like all good advice.....keep your money and cards in a pocket that can't be picked. I really don't understand why women still use purses/wallets tucked in bags. That has been an easy spot for theives as long as I have walked on this planet.

But that is not to say either that the victim of theft is somehow culpable. In an ideal world theives wouldn't exist, but they do, so anything a person can do to stop themselves being targetted is good advice.

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I am fine, just really pissed off. I did report it to the police and sainsburys. It is also highly possible it got nicked as I was putting my bags inside trolley (as mentioned on thread above). if sainsburys are aware that a previous incident happened last week they should at least make us aware of it! Anyway, no point in getting irritated again. Just watch yourselves, and be more careful than me!
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A few months back a man 'offering to take your trolley back' in same car park actually tried to run off with mine before I'd finished unpacking - at first tried to claim he was working there and hadn't noticed there was still shopping in my trolley, then when I tried to get my trolley back was rude and threatening (he'd been drinking and was quite aggressive) before running off when I called for help. It wasn't helpful and he turned nasty quite quickly - so be aware.

Reported to Sainsburys who were pretty nonchalant and said they were aware of the problem but didn't seem to do much about it.

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DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> And there's no need to assume it was that guy

> either.

I wasn't assuming it was this guy, I was saying we must be vigilant...whilst I was reaching into my car, loading my shopping, he was standing next to my trolley and would have had an opportunity to help himself. It only takes a second. I purposely didn't describe him as being homeless/alcoholic/off the streets, etc because its not about that.

However, that stripey jumper, mask and bag over his shoulder with SWAG on it should have rung MY warning bells...

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Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to the guy who came over last night and brought my bag and wallet back. I was so shocked I forgot to ask your name. And if I didnt thank you enough then - thank you again!!

All contents of my wallet (minus the little cash I had) were still inside. Of course I had cancelled everything, but it is still great to get it all back (specially my drivers license).

He found it on a building site in Streatham. Great to be reminded there are good people out there too.


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If does make a mockery of Sainsburrys security when a bicycle wheel can be stolen from right outside the door. Obviously the security staff are there to stop shoplifting but it might be worth asking sainsburrys if the security desk which at present is positioned in store could be moved to the doors, where the exterior could be more easily monitored too.
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Apparently CCTV doesn't cover that area - we were not impressed. Car owners in the car park wouldn't put up with that response. I know that our bike isn't work as much as a car but it is still our main mode of transport and jolly expensive to deal with when key parts get stolen - luckily we are insured! - we will be complaining to Sainsburys about the poor security of their car park.
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