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Melbourne Grove GP - new lows


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That sounds potentially very serious and I would be reporting these incidents for investigation. This practice seems to have had a number of dodgy doctors over the years, so much so that one wonders if some of them really are doctors.

Although I no longer use this practice, I have in the past experienced a number of incidents that concerned me. One was where I required investigation for something quite serious and was sent off for x-ray of the organ thought to be involved by an MGP doctor, only to be sent back by Kings Hospital in disbelief, since apparently it is simply not possible to x-ray the organ in question. They asked me if I was sure I had actually seen a doctor as this was a very basic error.

I have also been given inappropriate medicine by this practice.

I think it will take more than a few management techniques, piecharts and agolrithms to sort this place out. There is something deeply, deeply wrong with the place and it has been going on now for years.

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I've been with Melbourne Grove since 2009 and never had any problems with them and that includes the reception staff, though I have heard patients being quite rude to them. I have a good doctor and on the few occasions when I have needed a same day appointment, so urgent, I called at 8am and got one. In January I was sure I had norovirus and called surgery to get some advice, mostly that I was self-treating myself correctly. They don't actually do these over the phone calls any more but within 15 minutes a doctor called me back to advise (it was norovirus)and arranged for medications to be delivered to me.
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I've now moved practice, yet to find out if the new one is any different but I'm hopeful so far.

I still haven't decided if it's actually worth the bother of making a complaint. They just never seem to change so I'm a tad cynical as to whether it would achieve anything.

It is a shame as location wise they were convenient and I've been at the practice for 7 years, my families recent saga (and it went on from my original post) was the final straw unfortunately.

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While being no fan of Melbourne Grove Surgery, and having every sympathy people registered there, I feel

Chloramphenicol can be given on prescription to under 2yr olds (& babies as young as 5wks), the labelling is probably because it can be bought over the counter for older children/adults.

Guessing an eye swab was taken because there was discharge from the eye, the most likely cause is conjunctivitis - & by prescribing the anti-biotic most likely to treat the infection, as well as taking a swab to check what the bug was/to check which anti-biotics would work incase something else was needed (not as accurate if swabbed after being trested) having a paediatric A&E background, this course of action doesn't seem an unreasonable course of action.

Natty13 Wrote:


> In one case, Dr Barnwal took a swab from my baby's

> eye and then prescribed Chloramphenical eye drops.

> I asked if we should wait for the test results but

> she said no and that it would be fine to start on

> these drops now.?


> When I went to the pharmacy to collect the drops,

> the pharmacist asked if my baby had conjunctivitis

> and I told him no, not that I was aware of. He

> explained that the drops were for conjunctivitis

> and when I got home and read the label I noticed

> it said in bold print not to give to children

> under 2! My baby is five weeks old.


> I called Dr Barnwal about these concerns. She was

> quite curt over the phone and told me to 'just

> take what she prescribed' again making me feel

> quite small and stupid for asking such questions.

> She then abruptly ended the call before I had a

> chance to finish asking questions. I called back

> and asked the receptionist to have her call me

> back. I waited all afternoon but no return call.?


> I have been going to MGMP for 6 years but will be

> changing to a new practice after these recent

> incidents.?

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Is there seriously no way that we can officially complain about this through a medium where it is taken seriously? This is quite easily the worst GP practice I have ever had the misfortune of being a patient at.

Firstly there is the rudest of the staff both on the phone and in person which i have experienced on numerous occasions (and I'm not overly sensitive). This actually makes me hate having to call them and must be awful for people who are already feelng apprehensive about their health.

Then I experienced the rudeness of the actual GP as I mistakenly had more than two problems to talk to him about. The Doctor was extreemly rude about how "he wasn't going to get home on time" and "do you have any idea how many patients I have to see in one day" Of course I understand this, however I didn't do it on purpose and neither did I expect him to erupt in this manner, it isn't something you want to hear when you are worried about things. He could have just poitely reminded me to book two appointments in future, which I appreciate.

He then said he was going to refer me on to Physiotherapy clinic that can carry out scans as I had had a problem now for 6 years. I then of course waited about 3 months for my appointment at Kings (standard for physio and I have no problem with this) however then it transpired that the physio wanted to do a scan but I had been referred to the wrong clinic for this! So he referred me back to the GP to then refer me on - this was in August and I'm still waiting for the GP to send the letter, despite chasing the surgery for him to do it and they have confirmed that they have it and cannot explain why the GP won't refer me on!! I echo the sentiments above, good job that it isn't life threatening.

I am wanting to move to the Gardens Surgery as I have heard better things, but I am relunctant to do this in the middle of a referral process as I'm going to have to take time off work to start this all off again.

I used to work in a hospital so understand the pressures that they are under, but this simply isn't good enough and I'm not alone...

What can we do?

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I've just received a letter from the NHS saying there will be 2 workshops taking place at the below address and times to listen to the feedback from patients

Date: Thursday 21st March 2013

Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm and 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Address: Chapel, Dulwich Hospital

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14 months ago I said I was voting with my feet...last night I did(slow walker!!) and have now filled in all the necessary forms for The Gardens. After re-reading the comments on this forum and the NHS rating/reviews I cannot believe I stuck with the Surgery for so long for the sake of an extra 5minute walk.
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It seems like swings and rondabouts. I had my full medical history transferred to a local practice. But that seemed to mean nothing to them. They sent me to A&E for invasive surgery instead of a prescription. Need I say more.
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TD Wrote:


> I've just received a letter from the NHS saying

> there will be 2 workshops taking place at the

> below address and times to listen to the feedback

> from patients


> Date: Thursday 21st March 2013

> Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm and 5:30pm to 7:30pm

> Address: Chapel, Dulwich Hospital

We had the same letter - although it's on NHS headed paper it's written by and signed by the MG practice manager Sonia Hall and strikes me as a PR exercise. They're becoming aware of the bad press and are panicking.

I too have had too-slow feet - I kept thinking it was improving - and am now heading for the exit after the reprehensible Barnwal spent an entire consultation detailing the private clinics/services now used by Concordia and attempting to schedule a scan for my OH not at Kings (where it had been done before) but at Thornton Heath because they deal with them now - bunch of fucking charlatans.

My OH told them she thought they were unprofessional and devious and seeking only to line their pockets and didn't care about patient welfare and that they could shove it - and she got the above letter a few days later!

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Unfortunately won't be able to make the meeting and am currently unable to leave as in the middle of a referral process (although will be jumping ship as soon as I can!) Does anyone know if there is a process of submitting a statement to the 'listening committee' prior to the meeting? Although doubtful they will take the blindest bit of notice.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would totally go but I can't make it to that time because of work - which is irritating..

To be honest it doesn't seem that anyone has been happy with the GP's response thus far - saying that the staff are well trained - we appreciate your comments etc...

If anyone is going would appreciate the outcome

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'well trained'

They might be doing exactly as management tell them :)

'we appreciate comments'

but we won't change anything

evey2k Wrote:


> I would totally go but I can't make it to that

> time because of work - which is irritating..


> To be honest it doesn't seem that anyone has been

> happy with the GP's response thus far - saying

> that the staff are well trained - we appreciate

> your comments etc...


> If anyone is going would appreciate the outcome

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I went to the evening session and wasn't impressed.

There were three discussion groups and everyone was invited to air their views. So far so good...but

- There were no independent facilitators. The person who lead our group's discussion was actually the PR and Comms person for Concordia so not exactly impartial.

- No one took any notes. I was told that as similar issues were raised at the morning session there was no need to record discussion points. Although after my prompting the Concordia representative did write a couple of sentences.

- Medical and admin staff attended, which is fine, but I had a specific issue about one of the doctors who was sitting in another group and didn't feel that I could raise it in that environment.

On the positives

- Feedback from both events will be shared with patients and as I understand a follow up action plan is to be developed.

- There is now a new Practice Manager in place, Sonia Hall, and everyone was encouraged to raise any issues with medical care and admin direct to her, so at least I now know who to contact.

- Concordia has applied for a capital grant from the NHS to refurbish the building which they admitted is not up to standard.

- There's a consultative forum in place to help ensure proper communication between patients and managers.

There were a lot of complaints about reception staff and levels of customer service. The response - CCTV to be installed - which I think is a shocking way to treat people. Surely more training and development with adequate supervision is more appropriate, but what do I know.

There were also complaints about high turnover of staff however were told that there now should be more consistency in who we see at the practice and locums aren't utilised to the extent that they were in the past.

The other thing that was mentioned which is my personal bugbear is long waiting times to see medical staff. Last week I waited 40 mins to see a doctor for a five mins appointment which is in my view unacceptable. Another woman reported waiting over an hour for her appointment and this clearly needs to be sorted.

It was interesting to find out that Concordia took over managing the practice around seven years ago which I think was when it all started to go downhill.

I'm trying not to be cynical but my overall feeling is that this was more of a reputation management exercise rather than a genuine attempt to meaningfully engage with patients. It was telling that the Comms person mentioned that Concordia was concerned about the significant number of negative comments about the practice on the NHS Choices website.

As I say I want to be fair but am not convinced that there's going to be any actual change on the ground.

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Concordia is exactly when it went wrong. I left then. The GPs were deeply unhappy and started leaving. They introduced the nonsense phone triage system for appointments and the place started to feel neglected. Until the takeover I loved the place and had had really good medical care there.
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Nothing about them referring patients to clinics/facilities because Concordia have done a 'deal' with them rather than it being best/most convenient for the patient? I am past caring - my OH and self have finally left (last week) and the paperwork is going through now. Glad to be out.
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I just received a response to my complaint (prev post) and was told the doctor in question would receive further training in maternity care. While I was pleased to have received a reply I still find it quite poor that this particular doctor's level of maternity care was below par and it took a complaint from a patient for something to be done.

On a side note, I happened to have an appointment this morning and overheard two separate patients complaining to the front desk about having waited nearly 2 hours for ther appointments! Oh dear.

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I've been taking my mum-in-law to her surgery over in Lambeth a lot recently and I am amazed that if she is not seen within 5 mins of her set appt time there are floods of apologies. We are always in and out within 15 mins of arriving. I am amazed what a pleasure it is to go to her surgery compared with the long waits I am used to, and others have complained about here, at Melbourne grove.
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