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COP 26


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Controversy time

I'm already fed up with the coverage of COP 26 , don't know about anyone else but what I want to see / hear is the conclusion and not all the sound bites leading up to it.

Whilst it's an important event, I just think the focus should be on results and not politicians getting photo opportunities fist bumping each other.

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Depends what you think the level of coverage needs to be and how this works for and against taking action on climate change. Yes it's a chance for good publicity and hell our PM likes the limelight. Also the TV coverage can raise the profile. But hell nobody wanted to discuss the UK's zero carbon plans when I posted here and it dropped out of the media in only a day or so.
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Nigello Wrote:


> Do you really think that is all they do? Do you

> not realise that every TV-facing high-up has many

> other delegates who do the real work? Obviously

> not.

If you read my message correctly, it's about the coverage and that I for one want to see results and not the endless media drivel / photo opportunities that are put on the television.

I'm not under any illusion and know that real work is done away from the cameras however personally would prefer to see simple updates on :

What's been achieved that day

What's been agreed and implemented at the end.

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I only recently found out that COP stands for 'conference of parties' and that there have been 25 previous ones. I can't recall such coverage of those. Call me cynical but I don't know this one is being whipped up by the media, we've known about climate change for some time now.

I can't honestly see big polluters as China & Russia changing their ways.

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I dont even know why we need a COP.....not when the Dulwich Sports Ground Bonfire night/fireworks show this Sat night has gone 'green' with a 'virtual bonfire'....I for one can't wait for my children to experience the fastastic thrill of a fire projected on to a screen, with the sound coming out of some nearby speakers.

This (defiitley not token) gesture for one night of the year will certainly be appreciated by all the local green loving punters who will drive to the sports ground in their SUV's, while leaving their central heating on at home so its nice and toasty when they get back from a tough night supporting such an important green intitiative...


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My word, the facetious and ignorant (unaware not low IQ) comments shows why we are going to hell in a handcart. Well I suppose whilst the world burns this and previous generations who did little to stop things worsening, and only took this seriously when it will be too late, will be with Satan having a similar experience.

That's not to say that the Prime Minister both plays gesture politics and looks for every opportunity for publicity (or a load of hot air as others have coined it...)

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