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Illegal street trading-Clean and shine mobile vehicle valet on lytcott Grove

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I wonder if anyonce has had Clean and shine mobile vehicle valeting camped outside your house this weekend? I thought it was completely illegal to set up a business on a residental street. I don't begrudge people trying to run a business but these people seem to think it is OK to park a van with industrial cleaning and usher cars round to clean on a road. I have reported them to southwark council as passed on the reg of the van etc. I do hope these people are caught as not only is it illegal and unfair to those who are guenuine traders, the machine and people who are running this set up are really noisy and don't care that they are disturbing neighbourhoods. They also have two young children that are left to play in the street whilst the father cleans cars.
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you lot are pathetic why not mind your own business and let people make their money on the side. people are not as fortunate as you, therefore everyone has to make money on the side.. and as a matter of fact the kids were not playing on the street they went in lytcott grove estate park to play.
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Was the time between 9.00am - 6.00pm? If so, this is working hours. The person is probably trying out a 'business idea', good on 'em for using initiative, I would say. In this day when unemployment is so high, you need all the business sense you can get.

It seems like some people need to get to 'grips', live in the 'countryside' or an 'island by themselves' because they are so easily irritated by noise and what everyone else is doing...and SUPERGRASSERS with that also, and not to mention jealous! Its so easy to pick up the phone and call the council to report someone. Have you thought that this person has kids to feed and school will soon be out for summer which means he will need EXTRA CASH to support and entertain his children, he may well not be as RICH as you 'sarahdSE22' and YOU HOPE THAT THEY ARE CAUGHT? he could well be a genuine trader, then what will you do next??? Will you protest?

Poor bugger - I wish him every luck and success!!

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KylaKevin Wrote:


> It is our right to have our environment very

> clean, safe, smooth and unnoisy but you should try

> first to talk with them and let them know about

> your peoblems so that they may understand the

> condition.

Is it? Where does that right exist?

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t3_dul Wrote:


> you lot are pathetic why not mind your own

> business and let people make their money on the

> side. people are not as fortunate as you,

> therefore everyone has to make money on the side..

> and as a matter of fact the kids were not playing

> on the street they went in lytcott grove estate

> park to play.

My thoughts exactly - and OP forgot to mention that the fella lives at the end of the road..

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Yes mind yur business. If it weren't for David Cameron maybe a lot more people people would have jobs and not have to resort to making ends meet somehow or another.... I'm sure he kept an eye on his children.... And as t3-dul said we may not all be as fortunate as you....... MIND YOUR BUISNESS
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I do and don't agree with you all. People getting off their cushions and being entrepreneurial is outstanding and to be supported. However, there are rules and licensing for a reason. I'm sure this van is just trying to make an honest crust, but it may also be a clever cover for doing more unsavoury business deals. It?s not completely unknown for cars on Lytcott and surrounding streets to be visited by police sniffer dogs - and no one wants that outside their front door.
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By the way I've seen two other illegal street companys operating. One has an electric truck and dares to go into peoples front gardens and delivers milk . The other is worst. They enter your garden with a bucket and a rag climb a ladder and look in your windows. Bastards!

Luckily the guy with a truck and a spinning stone disk who handled real knives has been driven underground.

Oh and the Kids with a bicycle and a bag who look through your letter box - usually just after you have left for work. Lock them Up!

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So none of you will mind when you're caught out by illegal traders? Not saying that this applies here but there are licencing rules for the public's protection. Glad to see everyone in ED is so trusting that they will believe any company they see around

Anyone want to by a nice bridge I happen to have for sale in cenatral london?


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orford28 Wrote:


> small cars in and out 8 pounds



How do we get in touch with you?

I've only washed my car twice since I bought it around six or seven years ago! Maybe it's time to depend on more than the rain :))

Not that having a clean car has ever been anywhere near the top of my list of priorities, but still ....

A lot of assumptions made by the OP, btw. Good luck with your business.

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