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Winter babies club (due Dec 2013, Jan/ Feb 2014)

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I'll hopefully see you there too on Sunday!

I went to the Gaia Studio yoga last Saturday and it was really good. Just to say that it was very busy and a few people were turned away at the door as it was oversubscribed, so so email ahead if you want to go. I'm going along tomorrow.


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I've just had my weekend plans postponed so may also come along on Sunday.

Just a note to say that prenatal Pilates at Push Studios is now being offered on Saturdays at 10:45. Haven't been to this class before myself but plan to go tomorrow.

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I haven't been to any classes at Push, but have been to prenatal Pilates (tues 7pm) and prenatal yoga ( thurs 7pm) both at esph, and really enjoyed both. Have also been to the yoga room in the gardens (mon and thurs at 8pm) and can recommend that as a very relaxing class!

Had 22 week scan today and all well, which makes it all seem a bit more real!

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Great to see that some of you are preparing for a hypnobirth, remember the techniques aren't only for birth but really useful elsewhere in life too, both for you and your partner.

My autumn HypnoBirthing classes have started - they run over 2 Monday evenings (and some Wednesday evenings), cost ?159 per couple and include 3 mp3 downloads. Groups are limited to 3 (very occasionally 4)couples. I focus on the practical techniques, the classes are small and fun and, as a hypnotherapist, I'm able to ensure that you are using the hypnosis techniques correctly to benefit a maximum.

There may also be a Saturday morning class (1 session) in Oct or Nov.

If you would like to work in your home there is the option of hosting or even arranging your own group. We can of course also arrange a private course to suit your budget and availability. A shorter private course can be combined with an online course to reduce costs.

Do call me on 07963 046 456 for more details, I'll be delighted to answer your questions.

Kristin :)

Kristin Hayward DCH DHP

07963 046 456

[email protected]




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Hi guys ! I'm on the cusp of the autumn and winter babies club - due to have a baby girl November 29 . If she's anything likes she may well arrive a little late ! Would love to meet some of you for tea and cake pre and post birth !

Dee xx

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Just checking back in to say hello and as a few people are interested in a coffee and catch-up, seeing if we can make it happen! As an opening gambit, how are people fixed for the afternoon of Saturday 28th Oct? Or the afternoon of Sunday 6th Oct? Don't suppose any of you are in my NCT group are you (start with Tessa Dailey on Sat 28th...) x

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Super! I can do both the 28th and the 6th (duh, that's why I suggested them - stating the bleeding obvious there) and am more than happy to meet as many of you as poss so why don't we pencil both in? Anybody have any venue preferences? Was thinking Chandelier or Vintage Pretty, poss Chandelier as slightly more room?

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Hello ladies!

Did anyone make it to the nearly new sale?

I had every intention of going but we were out quite late at a comedy gig on saturday and I enjoyed a much needed lie-in/sunday papers and breakfast in bed before venturing out to shoot arrows at targets!

Would love to meet up. Can't do the 28th as (rather excitingly) we've got a 4D scan booked! I'll be exactly 28 weeks that day :-) Can do the 6th though. Not been to either of those places you've suggested so I'm easy.

Tara x

P.S. I went for my 15 week midwife appointment at The Gardens Surgery and saw the most wonderful Midwife. She's called Claire and I just wish she could be there to deliver my child! She was lovely to talk to and very knowledgeable. I discussed hypnobirthing, delayed cord clamping and my reluctance to get a vaccine (whooping cough) that's not as yet been tested on pregnant women and she was able to help with all of my questions and offer advice.

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I can do 6 October (not 28 Sept)

Perhaps we could have two mini meet ups, one on each date, if some of us can make one and not the other?

Edited to say I've just caught up on posts & seen two dates has already been suggested! You're ahead of me- great idea!

Thanks for organising;)


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Great! Let's say 3pm at Chandlier on the 28th (for those that can make it) and the 6th. I'll post nearer the time to check we still have takers for both dates but it's sounding good. @Tara - I was really tempted by a 4D scan! Will you find out the sex in advance of that? And if not, do you think you'll be able to tell from his/ her little face? Great to hear about your midwife. I had my 28 week check with my lovely Lanes midwife this morning and heard a great tale about an intrepid cat attempting to steal a placenta that had been placed to one side after a homebirth. I have two cats, am planning a homebirth and now have visions of a cat tearing round the house dragging a placenta after it.

Really hope nobody is reading this whilst eating their dinner!

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I got up early Sunday and went to the Peekaboo sale event. A huge turnout - car park was full, my toes were trodden on several times! I didn't get much as I have most things already but some of the sellers had some lovely items from clothes to moses baskets, baby monitors, books and some snazzy pushchairs at half price or less. There were definitely bargains to be had. My favourite purchase was a boxed and unopened 200ml bottle of Bio Oil for ?5 as mine had just run out :)

Not knowing whether I'm having a boy or girl makes shopping a little tricky as the selection of non pink/blue items is limited.

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