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Eric York the (non) dogwalker


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It?s taken a lot of consideration to post this, but after speaking to several people, I decided I had to otherwise I would be an accomplice if I didn?t warn people.

Eric York was my ?dog walker? for two and a half years, when you get to the end of this story, you will realise that is a rather inflated job title. Being new to the area, I found out about him from the local pet store on Northcross who had a postcard with his details, and I was told by the person in the store that Eric was the best dog walker around.

I know my dog very well if he breathes heavily I know whether it?s a wee or a drink he wants. So needless to say it had crossed my mind previously that he wasn?t walking my dog when I would come home and my dog would be bouncing around. However, I quashed these silly thoughts, as how could someone be that cruel to a dog when they run a business taking care of dogs? And in addition, I thought we had a good relationship, I paid promptly, cash every time, I gave warning if I needed extra days or would be away, I even bought Christmas gifts and cards to say thank you.

I set up cameras in my home recently and what I discovered greatly upset me. I was having a surprise birthday treat, booked Eric knowing I would be back late. He did turn up to walk the dog, put him on the lead, and I am guessing made it as far as the front gate because three minutes later he returned my dog and left again. So I checked the camera again on the Friday, which is his regular walk day, and this time he didn?t even get his 3 minute walk. Eric walked in, pocketed the money, put the food on the floor and left again.

Needless to say I have since relieved him of his services and no, I didn?t get any of my money back or any kind of apology. I sought legal advice and I could pursue under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 but it would be civil proceeding, small claims etc. etc. and I just want to forget about it after this.

As many of you dog (pet) owners will understand, my dog is the most precious thing in my life. I feel absolute guilt I put him through this, but luckily I know he will forgive me as he is a soppy git. But watching him wag his tail on camera as this person walked in and left him to suffer needing to go to the toilet was heartbreaking for me.

To all the doggy owners in the park who know who I am, I also thank you for keeping an eye out for us and letting me know you hadn?t seen Eric ever walk my dog (or rarely see him in the park at all!). And thank you for the recommendation of our new doggy walker who is brilliant!

I'm happy to speak to anyone who wants to PM me and I can send the evidence of this. I sincerely hope I also save another dog from suffering.

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I seem to remember someone else posting in the last few months with a similar story relating to the same dog walker? Absolutely terrible, but I'm glad you found out and have been able to do something about it.
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This is dreadful, I have a dog who I love dearly and I completely understand how hard it is finding the right person, who you can trust. I met a fair few walkers when I first moved to the area. I was lucky enough to meet someone amazing who genuinely loved dogs and would always go above and beyond for my little guy. Makes me feel so sick reading this post, such a long day for them to be stuck inside. I'm almost certain my old neighbour used him and then moved to my Walker as she had same concerns.

What was his response?

Do pm me if you would like her details.

Cuddles to you and pooch.

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For the other thread, yes that's the same person. Someone told me about the post and encouraged me to post. Thank you for offering recommendations, I have found a fantastic new dog walker who is well known on here and also seen all the time in the park actually walking dogs.

I just hope that with a bit more publicity, this won't happen anymore - whether he realises he can't get away with it and do his job, or whether people choose another dog walker, hopefully there will be a lot less stressed dogs.

And I'm also grateful that East Dulwich has a wonderful community who look out for each other. It's refreshing

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Oh gosh that's horrible.

I read another thread about him a few months ago and was hoping he'd stop "Dog-walking" after being outed like that or at least stop his dodgy behaviour and actually walk the dogs he was paid to walk. I am so sorry for you and your pup, I hope other people that hire him read your post and look for someone else.

Is that why he goes by different names?

I'm glad you found someone else to walk your doggie friend :)

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Well done gleonce for taking the courage to post this-having spoken to you in the park I know how difficult this was for you. I hope now other dog owners take heed & dispense of his services.

It disgusts me that someone who claims to be an animal lover could neglect the poor dogs he is meant to be caring for. I will now also be able to see your lovely boy during his daytime walk with your new dog walker- who does actually walk the dogs.

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The blonde man working in the North Cross pet store is Eric York's partner. He recommended Eric to me once, a while ago. I never used him, thankfully, although I did meet him once in Peckham Rye, and that was several years ago. He did have a few dogs with him.
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So sorry to hear about this.... If you do consider small claims, it's pretty straightforward and can be done online... costs about ?35-50 depending on the size of your claim (may be higher if you are claiming more):

These are the steps and costs: https://www.gov.uk/make-court-claim-for-money/overview

Online claim form: https://www.gov.uk/make-money-claim-online

Making a complaint to trading standards: http://www.southwark.gov.uk/info/200098/trading_standards/1462/information_for_consumers

I would also let the local vets know as many will get recommendations from them

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is Eric the short blond guy with longish hair - I suppose he must be in his late 30s early 40s? if he is the guy- he has been a dog walker for many years - I used to see him with about 4 dogs in Dulwich park when we had our dogs ( about 4 years ago)
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I am the poster of the original thread on this cowboy. I'm glad you decided to post this, after you PM'd me a while back. I contacted the RSPCA at the time who said there was nothing they could do, despite the obvious cruelty to animals. I envy the fact that you have video evidence, I wish I did, I'd like nothing more than to make his life a misery as he has done to so many people.
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Thank you, your advice is greatly appreciated. That's a good idea for the vets, mine is right next to the park. Also, someone has PM'd saying a man has approached them asking if they need a dog walker and it sounds like it matches his description.

I will also try the council route as well. With regard to small claims the thought of having to deal with him again turns my stomach and I have no other proof of when he did/ didn't walk him over the 2.5 years aside from suspicions. But if we go on ratios, and 2/2 on camera, he didn't, it's safe to say he probably wasn't walking him 99% of the time, which also disgusts me.

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I can't believe this man has done this AGAIN after already being shamed on here, he must have some front! I would be SO ANGRY thinking I was out all day and my dog was in safe hands, getting out for an hour, this is disgusting, I really cannot believe I'm ready about him again! Those poor dogs! How can you walk in and out again? Any dog lover would know how that must be for their dog, disgusting!
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Oh my god - how awful.

I'm totally a pet person, and whilst I have cats now & not dogs, I do have a pet sitter to come and feed them & clean their litter trays when I'm away and I totally trust her. I can't imagine finding out she'd not been doing what I pay her for. I'd be heartbroken :(

I'm glad that you found out though, and that you have shared it on here.

Love to your doggie!

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Does anyone know of a good reliable dog walker they could recommend please? It is only for a few days but we need someone next Wednesday (30th) and for a couple of days the following week. I have tried kamilla but unfortunately she is unavailable.



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