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Is there a community council for East Dulwich that residents can participate in? Or who can 'we' turn to discuss matters such as:

- shops coming to ED

- security + traffic issues in and around ED

- general ED council issues

I would love to get involved in making sure ED becomes a better and safer place to live in, maintaining its 'up & coming' status - also in times of recession.

Is anybody else interested in making sure the ED council 'hears' from its residents - please let yourself be known!


There is indeed a community council for East Dulwich, which meets about every 6 weeks

Go to the www.southwark.gov.uk to see more details cocnerning community events

As for the shops in East Dulwich, I am talking to the traders at the moment about how the Peckham Town Center Management Group can share some of our documentation / best practices with them and when they are ready i am sure they will be able to also offer a voice for the business community as well.

There are loads of ways of getting involved; the cynics amongst us say that whilst that is true, they actually take very little notice and the Community Councils are very re-active not pro-active.

They even have their own forum!

But those links should lead you to all you need to know.


PeckhamRose Wrote:


> There are loads of ways of getting involved; the

> cynics amongst us say that whilst that is true,

> they actually take very little notice and the

> Community Councils are very re-active not

> pro-active.

> They even have their own forum!

I tried joining the "Southwark Councils Discussion Forum", of which the forum you mention is part, a few months ago. I soon came to the conclusion that the whole forum is more or less moribund, nothing like a live discussion, and essentially of little use to man or beast. http://www.southwark.gov.uk/SouthwarkDiscussion/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2373.

If anyone's had a rosier experience, please do say.

I have currently just become involved with my local one to preserve the old road signs, and as Southwark have just decided to remove theirs, about eight around the village that served the area well for over 45 years rather than do as a couple of places have and refurbish them is pointless and takes away the character of the area. There are two now left, if anyone agrees with me and is going to the next meeting please raise it for me there. I did email them but had no response (surprise surprise) or from any other besides Transport for London who added their support if you want any backup. If they can be stopped in their tracks to keep the last ones and do them up it will be a consolation goal for history.

As I said reactive not proactive.

Remember the fiasco about the graffiti Southwark did over the William Morris Angels mural?

I do go to Community Councils now and again but one finds oneself sitting there wondering what bombshell they're going to land on us each time, rather than them saying,"We are thinking of doing this, do you all think it is a good idea? If not, we won't do it."

I really am a dreamer.


See link to council website about community council meetings. E-mail the contact stated and she will send you the agenda of each meeting in advance.


A number of the meetings are held at Christ Church, Barry Rd (at Lordship lane junction).

Hope that helps.

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