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Lilly Allen is gorgeous

Mick Mac

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Harsh I think the Doors wrote some great music, Light My Fire was proper good The End and When The Music's Over.

Keef Wrote:


> Quite right! Famous for being dead basically.


> In response to *bob*

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Cassius Wrote:


> Who cares if he was interesting - I thought this

> thread was about who you'd like to shag.

> Interesting men and good shags are not always the

> same thing. And I still think Lily Allen is on

> the chubby side.

Au contraire, I would suggest interesting men are probably far better in bed than pretty ones - less of a lie back and adore me attitude.

As for Lily Allen being a chubster, I think she looks lovely and a very healthy weight (what is she, a size 10 at the most?) Without wanting to don my blue stockings, I think it's sad that women now have to aspire to a size 6 to be deemed attractive (in some eyes).

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I think she's quite pretty but then I like till girls and barmaids and a little bit of honest arse. Jamie wonstone also cute but agreed sick to death of posh mockneys with famous parents jogging all the limelight.

Kate bush, there was a fine looking loon in her prime!!!

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"Au contraire, I would suggest interesting men are probably far better in bed than pretty ones - less of a lie back and adore me attitude"

I'm not talking about making love - I'm talking about having a shag - horses for courses!

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Cassius Wrote:


> Gosh *Bob* you sound so interesting yourself - mmm

> let me guess - balding and 3/4 length trousers. A

> real East Dull-wich man.

That's me! Fortunately I have an enormous penis and go like the clappers when I'm - as you put it - making love.

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mmm let me guess - balding and 3/4 length trousers. A real East Dull-wich man.

That was called for. You obviously care very deeply for Jim.

I'd say you have about as much reason to draw those conclusions as I'd have to say

Let me guess, thrumpy greesy haired minger?

Probably not, but you get my point.

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Honestly, Cassius.

If you were to shut your eyes and imagine I were Jim.. bearing down on your, drooling down the side of your face and whispered cringeworthy monotonous pretentions in your ear, you might enjoy it.

I bet Jim made love. The tit.

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Cassius Wrote:


> I'm not talking about making love - I'm talking

> about having a shag - horses for courses!

Haha, so was I. Well not a shag so much - it's always seemed such a meh word, sort of a pointless effortless dollop of sex. Now, on the other hand, for something altogether coarser, you definitely want an interesting man.

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Lily Allen, she's not bad looking I spose, but i find everything that she says or does to be utterly vapid. The world will briefly mourn her coke fuelled death by misadventure, and swiftly move on to the next gobby talent vacuum.

However, I wouldn't refuse the offer squiring her from the back whilst she leans out of a window and smokes a fag.

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Apologies, some of us like to start early.

I like that saucy bit of fluff of Countryfile with her breatheable jackets and stout footwear (Julia Bradbury I think ?)

and obviously Girls Aloud should be viewed as a multipack and should not be sold separately.

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I hope all you wannabees are up to it ...

Not Fair lyrics

Oh he treats me with respect,

He says he loves me all the time,

He calls me 15 times a day,

He likes to make sure that im fine,

You know I've never met a man,

Whose made me feel quite so secure,

He's not like all them other boys,

They're all so dumb and immature.

There's just one thing,

That's getting in the way,

When we go up to bed your just no good,

It's such a shame,

I look into your eyes,

I want to get to know you,

And then you make this noise,

And it's apparent its all over.

It's not fair,

And I think your really mean,

I think your really mean,

I think your really mean.

Oh your supposed to care,

But you never make me scream,

You never make me scream.

Oh it's not fair,

And it's really not ok,

It's really not ok,

It's really not ok.

Oh your supposed to care,

But all you do is take,

Yeah all you do is take.

Oh I lie here in the wet patch,

In the middle of the bed,

I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by,

I spent ages giving head.

Then I remember all the nice things,

That you ever said to me,

Maybe I'm just over reacting,

Maybe you're the one for me.

There's just one thing,

That's getting in the way,

When we go up to bed your just no good,

It's such a shame,

I look into your eyes,

I want to get to know you,

And then you make this noise,

And it's apparent its all over.

It's not fair,

And I think your really mean,

I think your really mean,

I think your really mean.

Oh your supposed to care,

But you never make me scream,

You never make me scream.

Oh it's not fair,

And it's really not ok,

It's really not ok,

It's really not ok.

Oh you're supposed to care,

But all you do is take,

Yeah all you do is take.

There's just one thing,

That's getting in the way,

When we go up to bed your just no good,

It's such a shame.

I look into your eyes,

I want to get to know you,

And then you make this noise,

And it's apprante its all over.

It's not fair,

And I think you're really mean,

I think you're really mean,

I think you're really mean.

Oh you're supposed to care,

But you never make me scream,

You never make me scream.

Oh it's not fair,

And it's really not ok,

It's really not ok,

It's really not ok.

Oh your supposed to care,

But all you do is take,

Yeah all you do is take.

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Men be very nervous about this particular lady before you get too carried away. She might just write a song about you (as Brendan already fears). I mean, imagine if you suffered the 'worst case' scenario? You know, the dreaded droop. What post-coital lyrics would she pen then?! Don't get me wrong, I feel for her, but writing a song about something that can be caused by nervous anxiety just seems a tad insensitive... On the other hand, it's a very catchy tune that would be very good to line dance to.
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Good tune!

Maybe she?ll have to become a lesbian.

Otherwise she?ll need to have a number of 240v mains vibrators to get her there.

Poor thing nothing more frustrated than a woman who can?t get satisfaction.

Hear about bloke with a little togger?

When he dropped his pants the girl says,

?Who do you think you?re going to satisfy with that??

And he says


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I couldn't stop laughing

No I just couldn't help myself.

See you messed up my mental health

I was quite unwell.

I was so lost back then,

But with a little help from my friends

I found the light in the tunnel at the end.

But you're calling me up on the phone

Just to have a little whine and a moan

And it's only because you're feeling alone.

At first when I see you cry

Yeah, it makes me smile.

Yeah, it makes me smile.

At worst I feel bad for awhile

But then I just smile.

I go ahead and smile.

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