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Black cat-Ondine Road. It needs a home

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This cat has taken up residence in my front garden. Has been around for over 5 weeks. Very friendly, would guess fairly young - bright eyes, seems in very good condition. A very loud miaow! Have asked around and no owners come forward. Anyone recognise it/offer it a home?

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Tempted - I live on Goose Green, just down the road. Will look into the logistics of keeping a cat in a raised ground-floor flat - with no way of having a flap put in, would have to let him/her in and out.
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Jimbo - the cat has made it quite clear that it will not tolerate being raffled - it has its image to think of. It will however, if found a nice E Dulwich home, agree to be the E Dulwich forum mascot. It is a very E Dulwich type of cat - likes its food & very vocal.

Seriously I hope I can find a good home for it. It's a lovely cat & deserves better than becoming a tatty stray. I'd take it in myself but my own 2 cats would not agree!

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Hey there,

Have you checked with the Vet on Lordship Lane - Lomax & Partners: 020 86934677?

I am very tempted to rehome though it's possible he / she is just hanging out near you and is new to the area hence why you haven't seen the cat before. Let us know how you get on and will happily let it have a home if it doesn't already have one!

Keep us all posted please.

Jen x

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Our well loved cat died a few months ago of kidney failure and I have recently started the search for a new one.

We have a great house / garden for a cat and could offer a great home.

However, I am concerned about taking a cat away from someone, particularly as it hasn't been reported lost.

I would like to suggest I (or someone else of course) takes the cat on the understanding that if the owner suddendly reappears / lost poster go up, then the cat is returned. I would of course ask that you (PeckhamNative) keep an eye out for us.

Maybe you could PM me and we could meet up? I am off for a long weekend but back on Wednesday.

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We have a black cat who looks like this though hard to tell exactly from the pic. He has a purple collar and an ID thingy and a nick in one ear. He IS really friendly and my kids would be bereft if someone adopted him. He is around a lot at the moment but is very fickle if given too much attention. If this description fits then please leave him alone - he is loved, fed and extremely well cared for and I would hate him to be rehomed for no reason! There is a similar black cat who lives close too so could be him. In my experience cats usually find their own way home and if you feed them, pet them etc then they will only linger longer!

Thank you

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Hi Paula

I'm pretty sure I know your cat. When this cat first appeared many weeks ago I did at first think it was your cat visiting but I then saw yours and realised they were different cats. This cat has no collar or nick in the ear. It has been permanently in my or next doors front garden for over 6 weeks. It sleeps under my hydrangea bush or under next doors bushes and always appears whenever anyone goes in or out the front door. It never goes through to the back gardens and I've never seen it anywhere else in the street. It literally is here all the time. I've even got up in the middle of the night and opened the front door and it's there.

I've contacted local vets, Celia Hammond, Battersea etc and they don't have any similar cats reported missing in the area. I'm going to do another trawl up & down the street this evening so you'll probably get a little flyer through your door.

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If he/she is really sleeping rough then that is a concern. I live on upland road and am a cat owner already. We have a very cat friendly 90 foot garden with gardens all round that. If he really does need a home please give me a ring: 07951 102 241 and I can pop over to meet you. I will be around all day tomorrow, (Friday) if that suits. As already mentioned I think this is on the proviso that if his owner gets in touch then he is returned.


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Thanks everyone for your concern about this cat. It is becoming a minor celebrity!

Ive been in contact with 'upland' who is very keen to take on the cat with the understanding that there is a chance that a owner may still come forward. I'm going to do another blitz of the area with a flyer this evening to see if I can find an owner. I think this is very unlikely as the cat isn't just a visitor but is living in my front garden.

I will keep you all updated of developments.

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If you can get a collar onto him, I've had success before in tracing an owner of an apparently homeless cat by attaching a little capsule with a note on asking any owner to call? Turned out kitty wasn't so enamoured of the recent addition to the household - a 6 month old baby. I think the owners eventually decided to rehome her, given her obvious unhappiness.
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One quick suggestion: you mention you've been onto the vets, but have you actually taken the cat in for them to run their microchip scanner over its back to see if it's chipped?

If it's had the chip in for a while you may not be able to feel it under the skin with your fingers, but a quick zap with the scanner and you'll know for sure if there's one there.


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If no one comes forward than I suggest that you contact the Croydon Animal Samaritans (on web site) who are excellant at rehoming cats & never put a cat down. The longer the cat stays & you feed him than he / she will stay.

Cokey cat

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JenniferJ Wrote:


> If he/she is really sleeping rough then that is a

> concern. I live on upland road and am a cat owner

> already. We have a very cat friendly 90 foot

> garden with gardens all round that. If he really

> does need a home please give me a ring: 07951 102

> 241 and I can pop over to meet you. I will be

> around all day tomorrow, (Friday) if that suits.

> As already mentioned I think this is on the

> proviso that if his owner gets in touch then he is

> returned.

> Jen

jen im not being sarky or anything but what do you mean sleeping rough. i,ve 2 cats and the words sleeping rough and cats do not mix. if its warm soft and comfortable a cat will find it, even in the most inhospital environment. as for food they can always get a takeaway ie mouse,bird or any other suitable small animal.

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