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angry 185 bus driver - the sequel? (Lounged)


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lenk Wrote:


> I'm amazed you all manage to have so much

> interaction with a bus driver.


> I've said at most 4 words to a bus driver in my

> life.


> They like it that way.


> Do them a favour and have your Oyster ready /

> correct change next time, and marvel at how

> smoothly everything goes.

What were the 4 words, oh enlightened one?

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Wait 'til you get on a bus and it's Nigel driving Lenk, then you'll understand. People don't interact with him because they want to, it's because he insists (in an unpleasant manner) that they do.

When I was on a bus with him I found it quite amusing, just thinking "no way, he actually does exactly do what everyone says he does". He's a legend in his own cab.

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Horsebox Wrote:


> lenk Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I'm amazed you all manage to have so much

> > interaction with a bus driver.

> >

> > I've said at most 4 words to a bus driver in my

> > life.

> >

> > They like it that way.

> >

> > Do them a favour and have your Oyster ready /

> > correct change next time, and marvel at how

> > smoothly everything goes.



> What were the 4 words, oh enlightened one?

"Don't spare the horses"

Or similar. It was a long time ago.

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Well said Horsebox..

Horsebox Wrote:


> Kalamity Kel, I'm amazed that you feel the need to

> stick up for this cretin so much. I've been on his

> bus a couple of times, and both times he's been

> distinctly unpleasant.


> Once my Oyster had unexpectedly run out of credit

> and when I politely asked him if he had change of

> a tenner (fully prepared for him to say 'No,

> sorry' and for me to have to go and charge the

> card up), he made a huge spectacle of the whole

> process, turning of the engine, huffing and

> puffing and mumbling as he looked through his

> change box and then finally pulling a fiver out of

> his jacket before complaining to me "See, I've had

> to use my own money now" to which I asked him if

> he would be OK without it and that I was sure he

> would get it back at some point throughout the

> day.


> If I hadn't been running to a schedule I would

> have got off the bus and waited for the next one.

> As it was I had to sit downstairs quite close to

> his cab so witnessed more of his odd, nasty

> behaviour.


> At every stop he would keep the passengers waiting

> outside until the exit doors were firmly closed,

> made a big show of scrutinising every paper ticket

> and yes, calling people back in an unpleasant tone

> when he wasn't satisfied that they weren't fare

> dodgers, and being generally unpleasant,

> especially nasty to a lady with a walking stick

> who obviously struggled with getting her pass out

> of her bag whilst remaining balanced and upright.


> As she walked down the bus he was muttering to

> himself "In your own fcuking time love" and doing

> more of the pathetic huffing and puffing.


> He's a nasty piece of work and his nickname is

> well deserved - either he enjoys being that way or

> he's got some other mental issue whereby he

> doesn't realise he's acting like a @#$%&.


> In either case he shouldn't be working in a public

> facing role.


> Sack Him.

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sophiesofa Wrote:


> That is so offensive and not true. Of course they

> have brains and they definitely are not all

> disgusting. Bus drivers earn a decent living and

> they have to put up with a lot of crap (i know

> lots of jobs have crap involved). I try and avoid

> buses if at all possible because they're so

> unreliable and generally frustrating but there's

> no need to insult their intelligence.

My point was bus driver?s behaviour shows their level of Intelligence to be rather ? LOW.

If they behaved in an intelligent way they would not be showing how VERY small their Brains are?..

Black CAB drivers have only proved they have good memories nothing else.

Minicab drivers are bus drivers who aren?t thick enough to accept the low level of pay or an ability to get to the depot on time or they don?t have the right to work in he UK. They become arrogant within a few days of contact with busses and cabs on our happy streets.

What annoys me is the lack of use of Horns for fear of starting WW3 road rage this time it?s personal.

The other day I hooted to warn a driver his car was car rolling back into mine and it was as if I?d insulted him and his entire family. I though must have been an of duty Bus driver.

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thebeard Wrote:


> My point was bus driver?s behaviour shows their

> level of Intelligence to be rather ? LOW.

> If they behaved in an intelligent way they would

> not be showing how VERY small their Brains are?..



> Black CAB drivers have only proved they have good

> memories nothing else.



> Minicab drivers are bus drivers who aren?t thick

> enough to accept the low level of pay or an

> ability to get to the depot on time or they don?t

> have the right to work in he UK. They become

> arrogant within a few days of contact with busses

> and cabs on our happy streets.



> What annoys me is the lack of use of Horns for

> fear of starting WW3 road rage this time it?s

> personal.


> The other day I hooted to warn a driver his car

> was car rolling back into mine and it was as if

> I?d insulted him and his entire family. I though

> must have been an of duty Bus driver.

Dude, seriously, CHILL OUT!

I mean, I agree that there are some serious personality disorder issues going on in those fields you mention, but from what I read you're just as bad as them. Do you get this crazy about everything?

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I'm double chilled out!

Just speaking my mind.

The Bully Bus drivers.

This has been the case for years but nothing changes.

South London Bus Drivers are a Disgrace.

They are the ones who are NOT chilled out.

I just say it, as it is.

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thebeard Wrote:


> My point was bus driver?s behaviour shows their

> level of Intelligence to be rather ? LOW.

> If they behaved in an intelligent way they would

> not be showing how VERY small their Brains are?..


Wow you really are a small-minded, opinionated chap.

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I agree with sophiesofa,

just yesterday I was running for a bus on grove vale and the driver waited for me. As I got on the bus, with a big smile, he said "well I wouldn't want you to late for work would I"

This put me in a really good mood.

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I was once on a bus with 2 big sacks of compost and lots of other crap and the bus came to it's last stop but I knew that the rest stop (can't remember proper name) was a bit further along so I asked if he'd let me get off there instead and he did no problem. A different bus driver also stopped at a stop that wasn't a designated stop for his route because i'd been an idiot and was daydreaming. They're not all meanies.
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timtim Wrote:


> thebeard Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > My point was bus driver?s behaviour shows their


> > level of Intelligence to be rather ? LOW.

> > If they behaved in an intelligent way they would


> > not be showing how VERY small their Brains

> are?..

> >


> Wow you really are a small-minded, opinionated

> chap.

Yes my small-minded opinions based on what I have seen and experienced.

Bus drivers not stopping to pick up.

Bus drivers not stopping to drop off.

Bus drivers doing 50 mph.

Bus drivers going round corners at 50 mph.

Bus drivers harassing pedestrians.

Bus drivers harassing car drivers.

Bus drivers jumping red lights.

Bus drivers arguing with mums with prams.

The small list goes on and on ??

The reason for this behaviour besides the size of their brains yes you guessed it cost cutting.

When there was a conductor and a driver that partnership ended up with two ? brains making a whole brain and there were fewer problems.

Still there were quite a few thick conductors but the driver was able to focus on driving which meant the worries of passengers would not end un in bus driver rage in the driving department!

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thebeard Wrote:




> I'm double chilled out!

> Just speaking my mind.

> The Bully Bus drivers.

> This has been the case for years but nothing

> changes.

> South London Bus Drivers are a Disgrace.


> They are the ones who are NOT chilled out.


> I just say it, as it is.


PRESSING return many times.

Someone get 'Nigel' a login on here, I'm on his side.

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Yes I have also experienced everything on your list but I also have a list of things nice bus drivers do. There are good ones, ok ones and crap ones just like in every other job. I think bringing back conductors would be a great help to drivers though. Bus driver rage is scary.
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lenk Wrote:



> In a MIXTURE of DIFFERENT cases.


> PRESSING return many times.


> Someone get 'Nigel' a login on here, I'm on his

> side.

That made me laugh VERY good Thanks best laugh I?ve had all day.

Ahhhh my sides?

I know you really think Nigel can use a computer?

But could he write anything that could possibly justify his outrageous behaviour?


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You are one of the reasons I love this forum I really had a great laugh.

My face is aching from grinning and laughing.

So very funny.

Maybe Nigel gets down the pub with his bus mates and has a right old laugh about what he got away with the punters on his 185 bus.

Funny funny funny ?

Oh lol

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Why doesn?t Transport for London spend it?s money on a system which would see buses arrive at fixed times at stops?

In Germany buses wait at their stops until it?s the correct time for them to go.

HERE buses race from stop to stop so the drivers can get back early.

Bus Stops are placed half way into the road so as to stop the traffic!

It?s nonsense.

The millions spent on a rotten system run by idiots to drive us all round the bend.

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Beardy, I'm no fan of the bus. But I don't think your points hold water.

Essentially London has a very old infrastructure, including narrow, twisting roads which were never designed for the current volume of traffic, let alone bus lanes. Similarly, bus stops are in the road because pavements and roads are narrow, there's nowhere else to put them.

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thebeard Wrote:

> >>

> Bus Stops are placed half way into the road so as

> to stop the traffic!



Really? Where exactly? Lived in South London my whole life, can't think of many places that have that.

And you're right - this topic IS supposed to be about 'Nigel'. So why do you want to make it about the whole of TFL and the way they run the buses? Personally I think the bus system as a whole is actually much better than in recent years, although I agree that the drivres need a refresher course in manners. But what do I know?

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TLF could compulsory purchase houses shops whatever they needed to create proper bus stops.

Most roads have very very long bus stops anyway ?though they call them bus lanes?.

They could wait on these.

I don?t see why they can?t have proper systems satnav computer based to make buses run to a schedule timetable.

This is about Nigel he is so obviously stressed with the work getting home and dealing with people.

TFL need to help Nigel and his mates.


Why not give NIGEL an Electric bus limited speed of 30mph and cables overhead, which would stop him driving like a loony, would also be green maybe it?s the diesel fumes driving him and other londoners nuts.

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thebeard Wrote:


> Why not give NIGEL an Electric bus limited speed

> of 30mph and cables overhead, which would stop him

> driving like a loony, would also be green maybe

> it?s the diesel fumes driving him and other

> londoners nuts.

Would it stop him acting like an arsehole though?


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thebeard, you really need to extract that copy of the Daily Mail out of your a***..

I can't believe that your trying to justify angry Nigel's behaviour by blaming it on the rotten infrastructure etc etc, the guy would be a d*ck no matter how good the system was, he is a bully, end of story, you've obviously never dealt with him. I've dealt with many pleasant drivers, including the awesome speedy, safe-driving lady on the 185 today.

Also, those sweeping offensive generalizations regarding their brain size goes to show just how intelligent you are.

( having a beard doesn't make you more intelligent.)

( Btw- I'm not a bus driver, related to one or affiliated with tfl in any way, shape or form )

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