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former East Dulwich councillor - how can I help?

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The bottles full of urine at the corner of Worlingham,/Crawthew roads. There are about 20 there this morning. What it must be like for the owner of the house on which they lean doesn't bear thinking about.The locals are finding it disgusting and sickening.

Someone saw a min-cab driver dumping one lot

I wish I could offer you a solution. All I can think of is a CCTV camera, which as this spot is often used for fly tipping would be quite useful anyway.

Presumably it's breaking the law concerning fly-tipping and also waste disposal.


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Hi James,

I wondered if you could tell who I should contact to complain about my waste collection. Every week our bins are left strewn haphaszardly everywhere..... I am starting to feel paranoid as well as everyone elses seems to be in decent order. I do admit we have a wall that makes it a little tricky to get the bins back in place but it only takes a few extra seconds to do this! Driving me CRAZY.

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Dear James,

Thanks for saying you will look into the freezing showers @ Dulwich baths. I'm afraid to report things are getting worse. I went there yesterday to find all the benches in the male changing room had been removed which made changing difficult. When I asked at reception the lady said they were working on them that day so she assumed they would be returned soon. Why should the benches in a new establishment need to be taken away! I hope they are refitted very soon. What else will go wring i have to ask.

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Dear James, I and some local residents are a little bit confused as to when the Adventure bar was issued an extension of hours from 1oclock to 2 o?clock Friday and Saturday, as most of the papers that we have had from the licensing department show that they had refused these extended hours. They say that there licence was issued on the 13th August 2009, this is when we objected to it, and it was found that two 16 year old girls were let into the bar and served alcohol. On the 20th November 2009, 28th November 2009 they applied for a temporary event notice to extend their hours from 00.00 to 02.00 hours, on a Saturday night. Why did they do this if they already had a 02.00 licence which was issued on the 13th August 2009? Could you please try and find out exactly when this 2oclock licence was approved.
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Hi Fred,

Please see attached decision 20 April 2009 showing 2.30am final close Fridays and Saturdays.

It did make me laugh to see our MP Tessa Jowell highlighting opposition to the applied for extension - having been resonpsible for the law that has disempowered residents to stop such late hours.

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I think its terrible how someone writes a post and in minutes they are being written to in such a rude way, every one is entitled to there opinion, but it gets a bit nasty on here with such harsh posts being written.

The forum Is Great and its helped all of us in one way or another, does it really need to get to the point where offensive comments are made .

Come on guys lets keep it respectful at least.

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I know this has been brought up on countless occasions, but the issue about the rubbish coming from the flats on Melbourne Grove really has to be tackled. This morning the spread of refuse is worse then ever - and I have attached a picture to illustrate my point.

Melbourne Grove is consistently littered with rubbish from the flats as they have to put their litter out in sacks. But due to the high frequency of vermin (foxes, pigeons etc) these bags regularly get torn apart. This is having a knock-on effect on the street as a whole with the old Thai Restaurant being used as a dumping ground for unwanted furniture and this problem will only escalate further.

I do try and do my bit when I can and tidy the litter as I know it isn't hygienic for it to be blown around everywhere, but I can't do much about people fly-tipping huge pieces of furniture. I have called the council about this and they say the flats aren't allowed bins and can't use the industrial ones used for commercial purposes on the road either! however I disagree and have attached a picture of a 'mini' bin that I think would be an ideal solution, as putting rubbish out in sacks in an area highly populated by foxes is NOT a viable option. I disagree with the council as they say properties can't have bins protruding onto the street, but I think this is better than having broken glass, nappies and sharp tins strewn everywhere - in an area with a lot of toddlers and traffic, plus it's unfair on the roadsweepers having to spend so much time on this street.

I am not blaming the flats in any way, as I know that they are only doing what they have been told to do. I have attached a past thread too as a lot of people really want a solution for this and that seems to be - just give the flats some mini bins!

Please help with this matter, as it is pressing. Everyone who visits the street always comments on it.


messageRe: Rubbish in Melbourne Grove

Posted by windy.g 18 October, 2011 16:41

Could not agree more with katefords post! As a resident of that end of

m. Grove I am disgusted most mornings on my walk to the station.

Several flat tenants have approached the council on numerous occasions

re getting bins of some sort and have had no help, on my last call we

were told the only option would be to collectively organise

collections (as the shops do) but it would be at our expense. They

have refused outright a large bin as they state there is nowhere

suitable to put it even though a. The pizza place has one outside

(albeit business) and b. We have suggested appropriate places (I.e by

the old hospital entrance).

The response we consistently get is to continue putting bags in the

street and also keep reminding us it's against the law to use other

people's bins or place on top of litter bins.

So really we have no alternative and most do put their bins out first

thing so rubbish is not strewn about but we would really like a

solution to this also.

Hello, I posted the original message and I believe the issue has

worsened and with the refuse collections being cut this is even more

of a problem. Every week poor Melbourne Grove and the area near the

station is littered with rubbish and I know it is flats No5-No7 and I

also know that this has been reported many times to Southwark Council,

but it's still happening as unfortunately the council are toothless.

I know that as No5-No7 are flats they are not allowed wheelie bins and

as James Barber told me they cannot leave wheelie bins out as they

have no driveway. However I disagree strongly with this, as surely

unsanitary mess caused by rubbish strewn across the street only to be

picked at by vermin such as rats, pigeons and foxes is far worse than

some bins taking some of the real estate off the pavement?

With the new flats that are being built in place of the old Post

Office and Thai restaurant this issue is only going to get worse. I do

feel very strongly about it as it reflects badly on the whole of East

Dulwich as Melbourne Grove is an area that sees a huge amount of

traffic, as is the Train Station which also feels the affects of this

littering. Also the bin outside Mark & Son is often on fire - the

newsagent owner told me that lit cigarettes are often thrown in the

bin and the workers have to get about 10 buckets of water to put it

out each time. This has got worse since there are less collections and

one day something terrible will happen if there's a fire and they

aren't around.

Now really the solutions are simple:

1. Get a bin which has a cigarette disposal unit built on top

2. Give the flats wheelie bins OR a specially designated area for

industrial bins that they have access to nearby

3. More litter collections

4. Here's a thought - let's stop wasting money on putting down speed

humps that will only be removed when the buses are diverted down

Melbourne Grove again (in case TFL sue them for ruining their

vehicles), only for the humps to be put back a week later... and so

the cycle of madness goes on.

messageRe: Rubbish in Melbourne Grove

Posted by MazzyStar 14 October, 2011 21:42

Bravo Kate Ford!

Couldn't agree more - I'd rather have wheelie bins taking up a bit of

space than continually wade through old tins and nappies. I called

Southwark Council as well and a nice lady said she was aware of this

problem as it has been reported many, many times.

And it's still happening. Sort it out please Mr Barber!!!

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Hi James, Thank you for attachment regards the Adventure Bar licensing hours.

I will try and make the LSC meeting.

I objected to the hours in 2009 and my objection was refused, as Mr J Mitchell will tell you as I corresponded with him at the time.

I also objected this time and my objection was not put through once again, because Mr Dorcas Mills

thought that I was only asking for a link to the documents from the LSC, which was not the case, therefore my objections have not been documented.

We in Ashbourne Grove cannot understand how this licence was granted when the LSC knew that two sixteen year old girls were served Cocktails in this bar why were they not prosecuted like any other retail outlet.

Also the designated licence holder lives in Hounslow, and said ?he only visits the bar once or twice a week?. How on earth did the LSC allow a licence in the first place?

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Re: the rubbish on Melbourne Grove.

I've posted on this subject many times before. This morning I saw Melbourne Grove and felt so deflated. Rubbish was everywhere and someone has also dumped a mattress, a wardrobe and loads of bits of old tat by the old Thai place.

Please can you take an action on Kate Ford's post Mr Barber before the situation gets worse!

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Hi Fred,

Licensing laws became a real pickle in 2005 and I suspect wont be fixed until the countries finances are fixed - changing them will limit business and no national politician wants to be seen to be doing that for now.

I've asked if you can be one of my witnesses on Monday. Hope that works for you.

Hi Kateford,

I'll see if I can get a site meeting with officers to look at how this can be fixed permanently and thank you for your ideas. IF you'd like to attend that meeting if council officials can support it please email me your contact details.

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Thanks to everyone who submitted their views to the council licensing process for the Adventure extension to 2am cloasing for Thursdays and bank hliday sunday. Special thanks though to Fred and Joe who joined me in formally objecting at the licensing sub-committee.

The decision - No to Thursday 2am closing, yes to 2am closing on bank holiday Sundays. Several useful conditions about ensuring the front doors are kept closed, telephone number for complaints.

I will also try to establish quarterly meetings with this enterprise for residents to have issues addressed.

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Hi James, Thanking you for your very good work at the LSC, a lot of residents down here , feel they have been let down by the LSC, and the licence for Sundays following Bank holidays to 2am should not have been granted, I personally feel and I would think most of the residents in Ashbourne Grove and elsewhere feel, that our voices where poured on deaf ears, like the licence before, it should never have been issued, had this been in a Magistrates Court, I am sure it would never have been granted, It?s done now, and I think that we know have to try and make enough noise as to try and get these Bad Licensing laws back in front of the Magistrates who have the legal knowledge to see the point of view of residents having to put up with unsocial behaviour and binge drinking.

Once again James thank you for doing you?re very best for the residents of Ashbourne Grove and neighbouring area.

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Hi Fred,

Prior Tessa Jowell's 2005 licensing act magistrates courts did decide on licensing but applicants had to prove a need and that they would'nt cause harm. To be fare to the Licensing sub-Committee the current licensing legislation reversed the burden of proof to residents having to prove an applicant will do harm. Proving the vomit, urination outside of Ashbourne homes is due to Adventure clientele is nearly impossible.

Saying that, the suggestion from one councillor from Peckham that Ashbourne Grove residents should confront very drunk people being anti social in the middle of night - effectively asking locals to be vigilantes - without any Police supervision, training or support wasn't helpful.

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Hi James, Thank you for your reply.

Most of the residents in Ashbourne Grove would like to appeal against the decision of the LSC.

They feel that they have been walked all over and ignored at the expense of profit for businesses.

I would think that a lot of other people in the area would think the same, can we not put out feelers as to the extent of the local residents feelings, and act accordingly, as these laws are defiantly against the interest of residents and local businesses. Especially as these bars are attracting people from outside of the area.

As for the road changed in Forest hill etc, is there a link to the planes that we can see.


Fred Ricketts

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On the Lights on Forest Hill consult I wasn't clear until AFTER I had done the questions which option was to keep the lights. They need to make it clearer. The Diagrams we can download refer to a PAGE 2 where is it !

I'm in favour after 1 near miss and one accident before the lights went in. But re-phasing might improve traffic flow.

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Hi Fred,

I would counsel against an appeal. The applicant won the right to open until 2am Bank Holiday Sundays - that's four times this year.

I would suggest we ask people to use the 101 non emergency number to report EVERY anti social incident. Then if a pattern emerges seek licence reviews to solve the problem.

IF you are determined to appeal then call me so we can discuss who will make the appeal, how we can cover costs and the risks of costs being awarded against any failure.

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Blackcherry appears to have been sold and renamed Draft House.

The first thing the new owners do is apply for shorter licensing hours.

They have applied to be open Thus, Fri and Sat 10am until 1am and the rest of the week 10am until midnight. see attached. This is dramatic improvement on the current 2am and 3am closing.

If you think Lordship Lane and East Dulwich already has enough anti social problems from late night revellers then please do SUPPORT this application by emailing [email protected] and please copy me [email protected] but also ask that they close at midnight on Thursdays. Equally if you think we don't have enough late night drinking tell me that.

Whenever you see or hear any anti social problems that don't warrant a 999 call please do call the the non emergency 101 number. Without reporting problems they never happened as far as licensing and Police officers are concerned and businesses can keep on causing alcohol fuelled problems for East Dulwich.

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