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Gym Advice

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Hi i'm new to the area and am a student at King's Hospital. I really want to join a gym that is local so that I will actually use it. I live off Lordship lane so would ideally like on not too far from here.

I have looked at Fusion at Goose Green but at ?28 a month just for a gym no pool I thought it was expensive!

I have heard about JAGS but they have a ?70 joining fee which is putting me off although it has more facillities than Fusion.

Please could someone local give me advice on local gyms. Ideally I would like one with a pool or classes included. Do you think I should wait until January to see if there are any special offers to be had?

Thanks for any advice

(I'm sure there must be something on here about local gyms but the search doesn't return any results)

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I was in LA Fitness tonight (it is so much better now that they've spent some cash on it and done up the changing rooms etc). I was warming up on the rower when one of the fitness guys came over, introduced himself, turned up the resistance and gave me a few pointers... without trying to convince me to do a PT session! I usually use other branches of LA Fitness and was quite pleasantly surprised by Sydenham.

I think online, they're also doing a single month's membership where at least you could try it out and see how often you're going to go/what the journey is like etc without having to commit to 12 months.

One thing to definitely consider is going to visit the gyms at the times that you're going to want to use them to get a sense of how busy they are and how easy it is to get onto treadmills/equipment. Take an extra look at the resistance area - if you're into free weights, you'll probably be OK. But if you're planning on using the machines, there's usually only one of each so you can end up with gridlock if a wave of people come in after work, use the multiple treadmills and then all head for the weights. Decent space for stretching is worth checking for too.

There may be fewer special offers in Jan - it's primetime for new members with resolutions so they don't have to work as hard to sign people up. Don't be too concerned about a joining fee - you might be able to negotiate it downwards or away altogether with a bit of luck. It's one of the things that they can be more flexible about.

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Hi flathunter - for classes I can recommend Push Studios near LL (behind William Rose). No pool but they have just expanded their classes timetable I think, and they have a pay as you go option for their classes. I have been to the pool at Peckham Pulse (next to the library) which is ok (they also have a gym and classes but I haven't been).
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Hi flathunter - for classes I can recommend Push Studios near LL (behind William Rose). No pool but they have just expanded their classes timetable I think, and they have a pay as you go option for their classes. I have been to the pool at Peckham Pulse (next to the library) which is ok (they also have a gym and classes but I haven't been).
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