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Thats the spirit!!


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Had a claw taken out of our cats eye today at the vets in Herne hill, and for no reason other than he could, a really nice guy called Mike who was there with his cats, offered us a lift home!! That's the community spirit that we moved to East Dulwich for! I often throw in little extras on jobs I am doing for nothing, because its nice for the community,BOOM karma insurance pays off! There are few enough areas in london where you get that feeling of belonging to a genuinely nice community `so thanks Mike and for the rest of you forumites pay up the karma insurance its good for us all and makes Dulwich a nice place!!

hugs as ever

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self interested altruism?? haha no I'm just stating that if you are altruistic it comes back I wasn't asking for expecting it! If your cynical that comes back too. The cat shat on the bench no doubt, but I'm not sure cats have karma ar dogs have dogma either come to think of it......
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Thought this was an alcohol related thread. Sorry.

But just have to add, motorcyclists often stop for one another when we come across someone broken down.

It's a nice thing. And I'm off to take Spacey to the vets tomorrow on the back of the motorcycle. Wish us well!

Hope your cat's ok now!

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I'm all for community spirit and helping each other out, not for any reason other than because its a nice thing to do. In these days of saturation media coverage of anything bad that happens, doesn't it make you feel better about your 'lot' if people around you show kindness and generosity? In this vein, I want to repeat my offer to help anyone in our community on fire safety precautions in their home. If it's on the forum, or chat, or a visit to advise you about smoke alarms, not a problem, just get in touch.
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HAL9000 Wrote:


> Ted Max Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > self-interested altruism


> That looks like an oxymoron to me. Have I missed

> something?

Think you have Hal - I think Ted's post speaks for itself.

Karma schmarma - be nice to people because you can and it's the right thing to do.

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HonaloochieB Wrote:


> That's all very well and glad you got some payback

> and all, but back up there a little.

> Just what the dickens happened that necessitated

> removing a claw from its eye?


I want to know this too, and still no answer :))

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I think Ted's post speaks for itself.

Karma schmarma - be nice to people because you can and it's the right thing to do.

Thanks for the defence, RosieH. Of course, true altruism as you describe it is often seen as desirable - but is it achievable? For instance there are those who think that even acts of kindness that appear selfless may in fact be done because they make the person doing them feel good about themselves. But does that matter?

A philisophy of enlightened self interest (to use a less paradoxical and more common term!) can often lead to an increase in overall happiness, as well as a payback for the good doer.

It has particular relevance in business today - what is CSR if not enlightened self-interest? Is it better that companies act greener, more socially responsibly? Yes. Does it matter that they do so because, to use the hackneyed phrase, they hope to do well by doing good? I'm not so sure.

Iain's "pay up the karma insurance its good for us all and makes Dulwich a nice place!!" is as good an expression of enlightened self interest as any I have seen. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. In fact it may be that it is the least harmful and most achievable balance between egotism and altruism.

I hope all the cats related to this thread are OK.

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annaj, I doff my cap to your greater knowledge of Joey's utilitarian ethics. I shall add Friends to the reading list.

Atila, what if you are a miserable sod who likes getting nothing better than a good punch up? Does that mean you can treat others in the same way?

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