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ed councillor (asked for advice, 27 hours later, still waiting to hear)


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you know the one. he's ready and waiting to help. well, he was contacted yesterday cos of three flooded shop cellars and asked for advice on which bit of the council might be able to help. 27 hours later, those involved are still waiting to hear... and the water level is still rising. thames water do not want to know, btw
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so does he guarantee to respond within a specific timeframe?

he's got one or more of the following family / kids / job - right? or maybe he has gone away for the week.

i don't even get a response within 24 hrs from well-oiled machines like the banks and utilities, etc so it doesn't seem especially unreasonable for him to not have replied still.

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PeckhamRose Wrote:


> 020 7525 5000

> Southwark Council.

> Don't blame one man - indeed he has kids and a job

> and does his best.

> You're setting him up to fail. Unfair.


If you mean I'm setting him up to fail, which hopefully you weren't, I wasn't criticising the councillor, just suggesting that phoning the council directly would almost certainly point in the right direction quicker than waiting for an answer via an internet forum.

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a councillor is our democratically elected representative charged with ensuring the local authority provides the services we want. he is not the primary point of contact for finding out about services. Call the southwark call centre I'm sure they'll help you or look on the website.


it's unfair to criticise a coucillor in the way you've done

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an update. a tory and a labour councillor were subsequently called.both responded almost immediately and both were of tremendous help to the three shops involved. experience shows that calling the southwark council call centre gets you precisely nowhere. barber set himself up as the port of call and no one was being unfair in expecting some sort of response, certainlynot when polling day is the first thurs in may. sorry to offend the lib dem massive on this board, but there it is.
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PeckhamRose Wrote:


> Sue of course I was not criticising you.

> I was addressing myself to the original poster.

> Thought it was obvious. Sorry. x


Sorry. Misunderstood. :-$

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Is this thread title in the mix for daftest thread title of the year award?

It sounds like 'I stamped my foot and nothing happened' and probably says more about the person who posted it than it does about the councillor.

Am thinking of starting a thread titled 'My Ocado delivery is 27 minutes late and I'm late for my coffee morning'

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