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So who is it - who is on Come Dine With Me?

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HeidiHi Wrote:


> I got a letter asking me to take part in Come

> Dine with me but had to decline as I have a new

> baby.

A new baby??? In ED???? Surely not???? Have the papers been notified??? I mean, sod Come Dine With Me - this deserves a documentary all to itself! Can I ghost write the biography?

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A lecture on maturity from one who takes almost any opportunity to make what actually amount to vaguely mysoginistic attacks on mothers and their kids. I also noticed the other day that your lack of empathy meant you didn't understand why broken pavements bothered people - er those with disabilities, the elderly and those with poor sight could probably explain but it's all just about you in your world and anything not in your place is an affront. I guess your just another passive aggressive idiot poster. Hey ho.
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???? Wrote:


> A lecture on maturity from one who takes almost

> any opportunity to make what actually amount to

> vaguely mysoginistic attacks on mothers and their

> kids. I also noticed the other day that your lack

> of empathy meant you didn't understand why broken

> pavements bothered people - er those with

> disabilities, the elderly and those with poor

> sight could probably explain but it's all just

> about you in your world and anything not in your

> place is an affront. I guess your just another

> passive aggressive idiot poster. Hey ho.

I read your response with hilarity, Quids, as I can only reflect that perception, for you, is projection. "Passive aggressive" from the guy who bandies round abusive terms to other posters who disagree with his world view. It is rather sad that you feel the need to misinterpret so much of what I say wrongly and then launch into your silly little tirades.

And your statement "but it's all just about you in your world and anything not in your place is an affront..." is just such a blatant example of more projection. I make comments and observations that are not about 'you' in 'your world' and you engage in abusive language and statements about someone who doesn't match your precise set of filters and prejudices. Instead of discussing the point you have, for the umpteenth time, chosen to post a childish personal insult about me.

Tell you what, Quids, I am really glad that my posts occasionally annoy you as you sound like the sort of t**t who thinks he has the right to police the world, everyone else's opinions and that everyone should agree with him. Instead of venting your spleen here (and then going into denial and accusing others of doing the same) why not take it to your therapist, suck your thumb and say "There's this really mean guy on an internet forum who has views and says things I don't like. How dare someone not agree with me ? The bad man makes me want to cry!"

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Domitianus Wrote:


> HeidiHi Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I got a letter asking me to take part in Come

> > Dine with me but had to decline as I have a new

> > baby.


> A new baby??? In ED???? Surely not???? Have the

> papers been notified??? I mean, sod Come Dine

> With Me - this deserves a documentary all to

> itself! Can I ghost write the biography?

Well done, satire worthy of Richard Littlejohn, than which there is no higher pointing out.

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HonaloochieB Wrote:


> Domitianus Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > HeidiHi Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > I got a letter asking me to take part in

> Come

> > > Dine with me but had to decline as I have a

> new

> > > baby.

> >

> > A new baby??? In ED???? Surely not???? Have

> the

> > papers been notified??? I mean, sod Come Dine

> > With Me - this deserves a documentary all to

> > itself! Can I ghost write the biography?


> Well done, satire worthy of Richard Littlejohn,

> than which there is no higher pointing out.

You couldn't make it up!

(To properly get into the Littlejohn vernacular you would need to mention 'the homosexuals' at least 8 times within that short paragraph.)

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I love come Dine with me, I love the narrator especially. I have no idea why they wrote to me asking me to be part of the show, weird considering I watch it all the time ( and no, I didn't write asking to be part of it!).

I would have taken part, but as I was very ill after having my first child, thus I was unable to,I cannot wait to see who did take part as it would be interesting to see who my competitors might have been!

( Ignoring all the sarcastic comments posted in reply to my first post as that is what you do with kids trying to seek attention...ignore!)

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Domitianus Wrote:


> HeidiHi Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I got a letter asking me to take part in Come

> > Dine with me but had to decline as I have a new

> > baby.


> A new baby??? In ED???? Surely not???? Have the

> papers been notified??? I mean, sod Come Dine

> With Me - this deserves a documentary all to

> itself! Can I ghost write the biography?

This is just the kind of quality sarcasm that if he were still alive, Groucho Marx would be hurling round the golf course towards Alice Cooper and Iggy Pop.

"Take this", Julius might say.

"Stop that 'Grouch' you're killin' us here" both Vince and Jim might reply.

Well, they might.

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