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Good programmes on CBBC for 5 year olds - Advice please!


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I have nearly five year old twins, who have pretty much outgrown CBeebies now, so we are wanting to introduce them to CBBC. However, I turned it on the other day, and found that a lot of it seemed quite low quality and/or too old for them. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice or thoughts about good quality shows for them on CBBC. We let them watch about an hour of telly per day, and I could record programmes on at any time for them to watch later, so it wouldn't matter when the shows were on.

Thanks for your help!

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My five year old loves 'The Secret Show' on CBBC. It's a cartoon (but don't let that put you off), funny and good graphics. It's about secret agents. We record it so not sure when it's on.

I had high hopes that my son would take to Blue Peter - but I had to agree with my son - the two most recent episodes were really boring. The Guardian ran an item the other day saying that Blue Peter is suffering its lowest viewing figures ever. I loved this show as a child so hope that this is just a blip and perhaps we've just been unlucky with recent episodes.

A great show is Sam and Mark's Guide to Dodging Disasters on CBBC. Very funny, educational too. We've seen them dodging danger in episodes about volcanos, bison, vampire bats,hyena etc.

Oh and must agree with the previous poster about how funny 'I'm sorry I've lost my head' is - but my 5 year old has sat completely stoney faced as I've laughed my head off. So not sure what age this show really suits.

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we have been recording the david attenborough Life series and watching that bit by bit. The insects one was a massive hit.

predators is taking a bit more explaining. but quite engrossing.

also my hot tip is radio 7 between 4 and 5 'big toe books' where they read loads of different stories. my kids love it.

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