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Everything posted by treehugger

  1. OH was walking the dog in Peckham Rye at 10 this morning when he was amazed to notice smoke coming out of the ground, to the left of the path heading east from Barry Road. He thought at first it was a small bonfire and then realised after days of rain, that this could not possibly be the cause. He scratched away at the earth and as he dug a bit deeper, more smoke came pouring out. Unnerved, he went on his way round the park. On his return, the emergency services had been called and about six firemen (with buckets of water) and a policemen had cordoned off the area and were standing round scratching their heads as smoke continued to gush out of the ground. When he came home and showed me his video we were rather stunned and speculated that this truly must be the end of days as foretold in that wonderful film 2012, whose plot centred on the thinning of the earth's crust. How appropriate that this should all start in ED, we thought, and only a few days later than the Mayans forecast (fair margin of error)... Later, at 4pm the area was surrounded by workmen from various electricity companies who had dug up the area and explained that it had been caused by electric cables shorting out underground, and they saw this kind of incident around three times a day. Rather disappointing given our speculation - BUT they still hadn't got to the root of the issue. I've not given up on my original hypothesis that all ED folk will be lifted up to heaven in a rapture tonight!
  2. Mirena coil changed my life - that and internet grocery shopping (I mean it!). I was getting extremely heavy periods and the severe pain that I had had prior to having children was coming back. Yes it is painful on the day it is inserted - like period pain and requires nurofen, a hot water bottle and bed for the rest of the day. But after that absolutely fantastic. No periods, no side effects, no contraception worries. I really, really recommend it.
  3. Ok thanks for the clarification. I knew about the others, but the pond area must be new - perhaps for the cygnet... I quite agree that all dogs should be under control everywhere in the park, even in "non-leashed" areas and if the owner cannot control their dog, the dog should be leashed.
  4. I don't think dogs have to be leashed around the pond, do they? They are not allowed in the Japanese garden or the fenced off picnic area, but I'm not sure about leashing in other areas...
  5. I truly believe there is no better place to live in London than ED!
  6. Saw the article in the Standard tonight. So sorry to hear about the break in, sounds really awful. Well done for getting Harris girls involved - I saw the mural this evening, I hope you can get it made permanent, it would be an excellent addition to that end of Barry rd. suzanne, you are a fantastically successful local business, i would hate to feel you are struggling after such an awful situation. I noticed your vans are not around, if you need support, please pm.
  7. I would like to tip our binmen at Christmas to show my appreciation, but don't know how to do it or even if it is appropriate. When I was little they would come and knock on the door and my Mum would give them something. Maybe they are not allowed to do that any more. Should I just go and accost them on the round before Christmas? I'm a bit too shy, and fear it would be taken the wrong way? Also our hardworking roadsweepers, who do a great job and I am sure are rarely thanked....
  8. For older girls (rather than the four year olds) the Olympics has created fantastic role models. Females who are applauded for the strength and capabilities of their bodies, their determination and their focus. This comapres so well to vacuous celebrities whose only value to the trashy magazines that cover them are their increasing/decreasing weight. It's important that we continue to use these role models to imspire our children. And it doesn't have to be team sports - what teenage girsl wouldn't enjoy zumba for example?
  9. I went back to work when my first was three months and then when no 2 came along I went back when she was five months (16 months between them). I was full time and the only way I survived was by having a fantastic nanny 4 days per week and my mum on a Friday. I wasn't left with much money, but was promoted at work over the next couple of years so could afford it more easily. Kids LOVED their nanny and she did loads of things with them that I wouldn't have. When they went to school (ages 4/5) my husband changed career and took on the prime parenting role. They are both at Uni now and are super young people, well adjusted, adaptable, well-mannered etc. I am sure much of this is down to their early start with a great nanny. I never felt guilty because I knew they were happy, well-cared for and loved. It was a crazy and exhausting period, but time passes and it all gets easier. Good luck everyone who is grappling with these issues now.
  10. About 30 bottles on the corner of Worlingham rd this morning.
  11. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr Scorer at FHC, She has been my GP for 20 years and is knowledgeable, sympathetic and understanding. She only works part time, so you have to make an appointment in advance - but if it is a non-urgent issue, very much worth it. I have nothing but praise for FHC who have never let me or my family down.
  12. More beautiful trees in full leave having severe surgery this morning - it's sooooo horrible.
  13. What do you have to do/be to be considered a posh toff?
  14. One of the nicest, if not the nicest street in ED. I really hope they know what they are doing....
  15. I think Tessa is great and she did an excellent job over the Olympics, right from the very start. Instead of carping, if you think you can do a better job of representing your constituents why don't you stand for election for the Council, get involved and try to make a difference?
  16. I hate the way they look too, but my husband explained that it makes them stronger in the long term and it also means they don't need so much water which is good if we have our normal dry weather (not this year though) and reduces potential subsidence due to roots...
  17. Is it a camper van and do you live on or near Barry road (bottom end)?
  18. This post has brightened up my day and I have literally LOLed. Hope Dougal made it and the learner driver not too upset...
  19. Your stories of times gone by in East Dulwich are really interesting, Computedshorty. Makes me realise just how lucky we are now, and how we complain about, in comparison, quite trivial things.
  20. Good luck with this, it sounds lovely. I just hope the planters don't get stolen....
  21. No, don't increase the speed. It is potentially a really dangerous stretch with small children wandering around and dogs off the lead. Cars have to come second there.
  22. It is truly amazing - a very different way of looking at the world. I urge you to visit.
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