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Everything posted by missus

  1. I wish I'd have never seen the second page. Louisa, you are such a bore. YAWN.
  2. "Lordship Lane has shops which are the envy of London - ED Deli, William Rose..... hurrah!" ....Hurrah until you realise that you've paid 6 quid for a miniature pot of sun dried tomatoes or ?20 for a decent bit of sirloin.....
  3. I'm heading back to uni in October and I'm quite anxious to be more economising when it comes to food (and everything else, if I'm honest). I know you are probably all thinking, "Why doesn't she eat baked beans on toast or cold rice pudding out the tin like the I did when I was a student!?" but it may amuse you all to know that, at the royal age of 21, I suffer from a severe case of food snobberyitis.... (Yes, when my student loan comes in, I head straight for the M&S food hall NOT Wetherspoons...shock! horror!).. My 'given' excuse is that I really enjoy cooking but I really need some cheap meal ideas that are as nutritionally balanced as possible so that I don't end up, at the end of term, sobbing into a bowl of lidl own brand choco pops which I am forced, by my own folly, to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!! All recipes(and money saving tips, if you have any) welcome....
  4. Just watched the 10 o'clock news which was running a piece on how squirrel meat is making a comeback.... To my surprise they said that Franklins (Yes, they mentioned East Dulwich! Woop woop!) was serving up this rare 'delicacy' which was, they assured the viewer, very popular in Victorian times!!! I guess I was just curious to know if anyone had actually had it? Just wonder what it would taste like, I suppose....?!
  5. There have been many smokers on here who have been duly offended by your remarks yet still remained reasonable. Reasonable does not mean engaging in a polemic which, may I remind you, you started, in an 'on the fence' manner. Also would like to point out that it was only when you got hounded by the majority did you start all the "well that's your opinion and i totally respect it" BS. If your so darned reasonable and un-bigoted, as you have miserably (and somewhat posthumously) attempted to display, then why didn't you treat the smoking woman in the same way?! Lig, you are precisely the definition of dogmatic and it's actually hilarious that you are suggesting those who have a strongly differing opinion to your own are the obstinate ones!Just go away now. Seriously. In the name of the forum, the admin and the wholly fed-up, just sellotape your fingers together. Please.
  6. Yes, so the former example's addiction can be considered to be less than the latter's.... hence why the former have managed to give up and the latter have not.
  7. "as Lig said, there are help for smokers out there, patches etc..." ....Are you actually serious?! Patches?! You are very lucky, my dear, that you decided you were above smoking cause if you still continued you would know that patches don't make a blind bit of f'in difference to most people who have smoked up until the point of getting pregnant (i.e. a long time). RE your comment on willpower. Have you not considered that smokers have the same amount of willpower as you but a greater level of addiction?!
  8. .... are you familiar with the definition of 'addiction'?!
  9. HeidiHi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Smoking is not a risk we have to take, smoking is > something we choose to do. ..clearly not, and have never been, a smoker then, HH?!
  10. Isn't this the very problem that people are arguing?! It's a question of whether you believe it is acceptable for anyone, be it the Government or Ligurosity, to tell you how you should or shouldn't behave in your own personal time. I think the key word in your paragraph, HBF, is 'tend to have underweight and often iller babies...'. Tend to does not mean, if you smoke it's absolutely inevitable that permanent harm will come to your baby. Just as we all know it is bad, we also can be pretty certain that a couple of fags here and there is unlikely to do such damage. I think mothers should be allowed to do as they please in the eyes of the law for sake of individual rights. I get what you are saying about the babies taking on the consequences of such actions but that is for the mother to come to terms with herself as a responsible expecting parent, NOT for the government or any other busy body to interfere in. The idea of it progressing to become ASB is positively ludicrous and would be just another example of state-based morality pervading individuals life style. Why? Because the same argument that has been stated over and over in this thread, holds true. The gov sees things in an assumptive overview; like Lig, it does not look at the individual cases such as SWF's, who achieved masses by cutting down and achieved little totally giving up... What does this achieve?! Nothing but a brooding resentment towards people/collectives who are, it appears, ever increasingly encroaching on personal freedoms.
  11. Couldn't have summarised more perfectly myself, Lawrence! Hear hear!
  12. SeanMacGabhann Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > cutting missus, cutting "lol"!
  13. I've already been to see it twice since its release on Friday.... 8-) Although, I think it was more to take in the glow of the wonderul Mr Di Caprio once again. Tom Hardy (Eames) was pretty yummy too! All adds to it being a new personal fav...
  14. 1) Somewhere that sells good make-up! Like a Space NK.... yay! 2) A decent chinese restaurant (Mr.Liu's is alright but it's not all that and the decor is really grim). 3) A Sushi place!! 4) Somewhere that sells nice underwear... ...Generally less silly gift shops and less Indian restaurants would make for a better ED!
  15. "Growlybear, you do not know that the woman acted with 'such restraint' for starters. And the fact that you assume that many people would have hit out is sad." In comparison to how you acted, I think Growlybear has made a correct assement in that the woman in question acted in a restrained manner. What's more, the fact that you find Growly's assumption that 'most would have lashed out' to be 'sad', is down right stupid. Hitting out can be either verbal which is what you would have, in my opinion, deserved, or physical, which I'm sure no one on this forum is condoning (even if a few are secretly wishing would have happened [NB// Probably more will think this after your outrageously pompous stereotyping session above]). Oh and here's something constructive; don't ever assume that your parameter for moral acceptability is the same as everyone elses and, moreover, never assume that your morals are so finely-tuned that you have the right to tell others how to live their lives. Helpful?
  16. GinaG3 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > KalamityKel Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > timmy its timmy he's a little lamb with a lot > to > > learn, timmy its timmy he's a handful of > trouble > > at every turn, timmy leaves the farm to go out > to > > the world, trying to be cool he's number 1... > > > > Just dont ask! > > SNAP!!! TRIPLE SNAP!
  17. The old offensive defensive comes into play. You know exactly why Peckham was suggested - because you are more likely to find someone who would not tolerate your superlicious behaviour i.e. rightly told you to f**k off!
  18. But the point is most of us would keep it to ourselves because we wouldn't be so presumptuous as to think it was our right to distribute our opinion. Don't put your actions up for debate if you aren't ready to receive a rebuke or two... As far as I am aware that woman, whether you think her right or wrong, was not asking for commentary of her lifestyle choices whereas you came on a public forum and asked directly for commentary on yours. I'd just graciously take the fact that there are many who oppose what you did and leave it at that! Whats more, HH, no one cares if you, as an individual, were exemplary during pregnancy, or your sister or your mother.... why? Because we don't know you or them OR the woman in question OR will ever know the child she produces. Lig, If you think it's bad then good for you but I suggest you contain your-holier-than-thou attitude within your private messages with your disciples, otherwise it is inevitable that you will get slated, perhaps even personally, which quite clearly you are not finding particularly enjoyable.
  19. Absolutely! I feel like 3D is being shoved down the movie-goers throats.... Why?! It doesn't really enhance the movie any more than a really good high definition and....well, 3D gives me a headache..... :S
  20. I saw Inception yesterday and, I must say, I thought it was an absolute triumph - I can't wait to see it again! Bit of a screen epic at almost 3 hours long but I heartily recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the likes of The Bourne Identity, Shutter Island, Matrix and so on.... ...Anyway, was just wondering what anyone else thought of it seeing as there have been such polarised reviews on this particular movie, with some heralding it a masterpiece and others saying that it has been over-hyped.... Anyone seen it yet? Loved it? Hated it?
  21. Yes but to be fair to those business', they reserve those spaces only during work hours solely because they need to and not for purely whimsical, selfish purposes. The cones are gone after 6 so I don't really think it's a fair to 'have a go at them' even if it is technically illegal....
  22. I see your point Kalamiphile, but you seriously have to consider what level of anti-social behaviour you feel powerless to. OK, mugging is a lot more serious and harder to directly stand up to; but are you seriously suggesting that these angry people feel powerless to a naughty 11 year old chipping away at a playground? In fact, your social critique illustrates precisely the point, K. Rather than shouting out of the window and writing a grumbling notice on the forum, perhaps as adults we ought to assume our age and wisdom-given authority over this child (which is notably correct and proper if your reference to, as a child, being dealt with and marched home to your parents, is to be rightly acknowledged) in order to stop him doing what he is doing which obviously negatively appeals to your sense of morality. It's no good sitting and whinging about 'oh his parents obviously never brought him up properly'.... What is that going to solve? If you really think he is the 'moral scum of society' then go and sort himself out yourself for sake of purging your own blatantly self-righteous soul and doing your bit to 'save the playground'. It's all a question of how much you really care... enough to act upon your feelings? Unlikely. (Btw don't take offense at the 'you', Kalamiphile, as it's more an open plural than direct remarks) On a lighter note - thank god the thing is actually open! Been going to Dulwich Park instead which is generally mobbed!
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