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Everything posted by ironjawcannon

  1. We tried Daniel too, see phone number above, I needed a new bottle trap for my sink as it had been fitted incorrectly by someone else. He came on the same day and promptly efficiently did the job. It is rare to see someone so quickly!!
  2. They usually suggest you bag the items and label it "RAGS" so that the shops don't have to search through it for useable stuff.
  3. Just the other day my husband saw a greater spotted woodpecker in our tiny patch of garden. We do have a feeder and get lots of sparrows tits etc. And happily have seen our first brood of sparrows feeding their young on nearby branches. Happily not drowned by the weather, yet. They nest every year in our roof.
  4. Yes but beware slugs and snails brought out by wet weather.....
  5. hope you informed local police, they can keep an eye out. apparently thieves usually try again in the area.
  6. At Camberwell green end of Camberwell New Road. Blocked off to northbound traffic. 11.00p.m
  7. Do get the TFL cycle guides. They are free and give good alternatives to busy routes making cycling a joy! https://www.tfl.gov.uk/roadusers/cycling/11682.aspx
  8. yes there was an incident near the Canning a person was on the road, hit by car or something and they taped it off even after the ambulance had gone. so probably collecting evidence. buses from lordship lane turning to peckham at Goose green.
  9. A few weeks ago I had a strange "cleaner" type smell which was there every day and felt and I could not get rid of it or find where it was from. I had used an aerosol spray of the neutradol type and thought it was that. I do not usually use these and I was surprised that the smell seemed to remnain for so long. It seemed to get worse when the heating was on. I only occasionally get a faint smell now but it lasted for a couple of weeks and was quite distressing. I live in Ivanhoe Rd by the way. Could it have been the spray?
  10. Sorry the link didn't work. I would like to support you in keeping it open.
  11. Yes, I live in Ivanhoe Road and we have always had this problem. It is when everyone is getting up and using water, not sure what can be done.
  12. This is a great service but beware, you can only have one collection a month. Just call them and list what you want to be removed. You can't add anything at the last moment as they won't take it.
  13. This person is clearly a dangerous driver .....and boasting about it too!
  14. Not sure plant pots can be recycled. If anyone wants to know what the numbers that you can find in the triangles on the base of some plastic items, there is a website http://www.thedailygreen.com/green-homes/latest/recycling-symbols-plastics-460321 which may help.
  15. mynamehere Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would like to see the car park turned into a > vertical urban farm which would include everything > that you are doing: art, bar/restaurant + bees, > fruit trees, chickens, vegetables, vines a green > house on the roof? Parking at the bottom. Grape > vines hanging down the sides. Yes brilliant idea!!! Lots of people could get involved.
  16. I live there and have done for 30 years and love it, you get all the greenery too. Only occasionally are they a bother. The airpolane flight path is worse. Most people who have moved in tend to stay as it is nice area too.
  17. Are there never any witnesses to people bolt cutting these locks? I wish people would challenge the person doing it.
  18. we moved to Ivanhoe Road in 1981 and it was not there then, built during the 80's though I think. Contact the council planning it might help. Admittedly your landlord should know!
  19. There is a nice separate cycle path round elephant and castle. Do try tfl.gov.uk for routes and get them to send you cycle maps too. Or from Lambeth Bridge go up to wiggle through to St James Park and through st james and bond street area, bit wiggly but less traffic and the park is nice.
  20. This was sent to me, don't know who wrote it but I though it was worth sharing...... Subject: An Open Letter to David Cameron?s Parents Dear Mr & Mrs Cameron, Why did you never take the time to teach your child basic morality? As a young man, he was in a gang that regularly smashed up private property. We know that you were absent parents who left your child to be brought up by a school rather than taking responsibility for his behaviour yourselves. The fact that he became a delinquent with no sense of respect for the property of others can only reflect that fact that you are terrible, lazy human beings who failed even in teaching your children the difference between right and wrong. I can only assume that his contempt for the small business owners of Oxford is indicative of his wider values. Even worse, your neglect led him to fall in with a bad crowd. There?s Michael Gove, whose wet-lipped rage was palpable on Newsnight last night. This is the Michael Gove who confused one of his houses with another of his houses in order to avail himself of ?7,000 of the taxpayers? money to which he was not entitled (or ?13,000, depending on which house you think was which). Or Hazel Blears, who was interviewed in full bristling peahen mode for almost all of last night. She once forgot which house she lived in, and benefited to the tune of ?18,000. At the time she said it would take her reputation years to recover. Unfortunately not. But, of course, this is different. This is just understandable confusion over the rules of how many houses you are meant to have as an MP. This doesn?t show the naked greed of people stealing plasma tellies. Unless you?re Gerald Kaufman, who broke parliamentary rules to get ?8,000 worth of 40-inch, flat screen, Bang and Olufsen TV out of the taxpayer. Or Ed Vaizey, who got ?2,000 in antique furniture ?delivered to the wrong address?. Which is fortunate, because had that been the address they were intended for, that would have been fraud. Or Jeremy Hunt, who broke the rules to the tune of almost ?20,000 on one property and ?2,000 on another. But it?s all right, because he agreed to pay half of the money back. Not the full amount, it would be absurd to expect him to pay back the entire sum that he took and to which he was not entitled. No, we?ll settle for half. And, as in any other field, what might have been considered embezzlement of ?22,000 is overlooked. We know, after all, that David Cameron likes to give people second chances. Fortunately, we have the Met Police to look after us. We?ll ignore the fact that two of its senior officers have had to resign in the last six weeks amid suspicions of widespread corruption within the force. We?ll ignore Andy Hayman, who went for champagne dinners with those he was meant to be investigating, and then joined the company on leaving the Met. Of course, Mr and Mrs Cameron, your son is right. There are parts of society that are not just broken, they are sick. Riddled with disease from top to bottom. Just let me be clear about this (It?s a good phrase, Mr and Mrs Cameron, and one I looted from every sentence your son utters, just as he looted it from Tony Blair), I am not justifying or minimising in any way what has been done by the looters over the last few nights. What I am doing, however, is expressing shock and dismay that your son and his friends feel themselves in any way to be guardians of morality in this country. Can they really, as 650 people who have shown themselves to be venal pygmies, moral dwarves at every opportunity over the last 20 years, bleat at others about ?criminality?. Those who decided that when they broke the rules (the rules they themselves set) they, on the whole wouldn?t face the consequences of their actions? Are they really surprised that this country?s culture is swamped in greed, in the acquisition of material things, in a lust for consumer goods of the most base kind? Really? Let?s have a think back: cash-for-questions; Bernie Ecclestone; cash-for-access; Mandelson?s mortgage; the Hinduja passports; Blunkett?s alleged insider trading (and, by the way, when someone has had to resign in disgrace twice can we stop having them on television as a commentator, please?); the meetings on the yachts of oligarchs; the drafting of the Digital Economy Act with Lucian Grange; Byers?, Hewitt?s & Hoon?s desperation to prostitute themselves and their positions; the fact that Andrew Lansley (in charge of NHS reforms) has a wife who gives lobbying advice to the very companies hoping to benefit from the NHS reforms. And that list didn?t even take me very long to think of. Our politicians are for sale and they do not care who knows it. Oh yes, and then there?s the expenses thing. Widescale abuse of the very systems they designed, almost all of them grasping what they could while they remained MPs, to build their nest egg for the future at the public?s expense. They even now whine on Twitter about having their expenses claims for getting back to Parliament while much of the country is on fire subject to any examination. True public servants. The last few days have revealed some truths, and some heartening truths. The fact that the riotcleanup crews had organised themselves before David Cameron even made time for a public statement is heartening. The fact that local communities came together to keep their neighbourhoods safe when the police failed is heartening. The fact that there were peace vigils being organised (even as the police tried to dissuade people) is heartening. There is hope for this country. But we must stop looking upwards for it. The politicians are the ones leading the charge into the gutter. David Cameron was entirely right when he said: ?It is a complete lack of responsibility in parts of our society, people allowed to think that the world owes them something, that their rights outweigh their responsibilities, and that their actions do not have consequences.? He was more right than he knew. And I blame the parents.
  21. Yes, It is an important bus route. It is difficult to go towards Brixton any other way. Sometimes I have waited rather long but moe people would use it if it was reliable.
  22. There have been kestrels in the area for years. Could it be a kestrel you saw?
  23. I have been waiting for this blossom all winter!! I bet it is because the funding for pruning trees will come out of this years budget if they do it now. But how silly, when it is absolutely the wrong time!!
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