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Everything posted by neilson99

  1. Its a great idea, go for it, it would be fantastic addition to the area and Greenwich, Notting Hill (has 2) Clapham, Brixton etc all show a local cinema can be a success and have a future! Would be interested to know when you would locate but I guess that confidential for now, ED would be great but Forest Hill is only very short bus ride away so would work well there too I think. Good luck!
  2. Losing respect for James Barber - are you serious? It's 10 mins walk max. That aside, interesting that you feel you are with remit to comment on issues on Forest Hill Road (the road that borders Peckham Rye common) but you deny that the Peckham Councillor has any right to have a say as its "so far away from the area they represent". Are you having a laugh? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hi trinity, I've been away for a few days. I've just reported the Pelican crossing on forest Hill Road for not working. Weird that TfL should blank you. Can you please email me your experiences and I'll then forward that to my TfL contact asking how they'll improve things for future helpful citizens. -------------------- Regards [email protected] 07903 964130 Liberal Democrat Councillor for East Dulwich Ward [www.jamesbarber.org.uk] [twitter.com] James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sorry. Frustrating to see A Peckham Rye councillor > talking about a Lordship Lane issue so far from > the area they represent.
  3. I had a quick look on the website for the local distribution network company - (it used to be EDF, - the state owned French leccy company, not an offshoot of our favourite local online community) and no news on there. Customer services can be contacted on 0800 028 0247 The media contacts are also listed below, so if any one does have a serious issue get through here and you'll probably get a quicker and better response than from the cutover services! By coincidence, the Media Manager for the South East is, one "James Barber" , any relation to our JB? http://www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/wcmqs/news/media-contacts/
  4. More speed humps, road widening and road closures then? Oh, and we'll get some shiny new paving. How imaginative!
  5. James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Extending the number 63 bus to Honor Oak station > has been cmapianged for by both local Labour and > Lib Dems for a number of years. > Obviously makes lots of sense especially since the > East London Line has a lot more passengers than > predicted when the number 63 was dismissed as > marginally outside cost benefit on the low > forecast ELL train useage. > > I would be curious how Val Shawcross intends to > pay for the extension if elected. Average bus > route receives ?4M subsidy pa. Well If Boris hasn't frittered away #8million on his new route master bus that 1. could've been paid for by the private sector and 2. will do nothing apart from massage his already giant blonde ego, we could've had the money to extend the route for at least the next 2 years! What an utter waste! I'd be interested to see the cost benefit on this (tho I'm sure some highly paid consultant was brought into make sure the right answer was found.) Other than that, if Southwark council stop burning our taxes with their ridiculous traffic "calming" and road "improvement" schemes that we have seen throughout Peckham Rye and East Dulwich over the last few years then there would be a few quid there to spend on something that would actually make a difference to people in a positive way.
  6. But if we don't have car parking charges how else will we pay for all the consultants telling us where next to dig up/close off/narrow the roads of ED, or cut our bin men and recylcing services even more?
  7. Thank god! Thames Water have come back and opened up a big dig at the bottom of Peckham Rye! Woo! I was starting to miss their customer first community focussed works! Almost got to the station without any traffic hassle today - such a boon in this cold weather to be able to sit on the bus for an extra 10 minutes in the warm! With a bit of luck they'll close of the whole of Rye Lane again and set up a good divert so I can warm up with a nice walk every morning and evening. Just in time for Christmas so those mince pies won't be having too much impact on the waist line! Anyone know how long they plan to stay for?
  8. I'll happily rent my flat to anyone with OCD and needing to clean or training to be a painter and decorator.
  9. There's something interesting about the psychology of people who come on this forum to just have a whinge about something that they don't like, don't use and which in 99% of cases (smelly fish van and an additional 20 seconds walking time aside) doesn't seem to affect them! If you don't like it, fine! Just keep on walking to J Sainsbury or wherever. I often wander through the market, by the occassional smoothing or sarny, its not Harrod's or even Borough Market granted but generally I just think a bit of free enterprise by individuals who bring something a little different and say hello as you wander by, rather than faceless corporates like the Co-op or Iceland is a good thing, so more power to them. The council could do worse than encourage one of those christmas markets to give ED a boost over the weekends running into Christmas.
  10. Fair play to you if you're not going to seek job seekers allowance. And well done for saving up, there's lots of people who would take the state benefit whether they need it or not (see child benefit for the millions irrespective of need) but then by the same rule don't expect the discount which is a tax payer funded benefit. Good luck with the job hunting!
  11. We widen footpaths, make buses twice the size which stop every few hundred yards, then insert additional narrowing measures that take up half of the road so buses are unable to pass each other, add in a couple of oversized sleeping policemen, the constant digging up the road to add never used cycle lanes and the un-coordinated water and gas mains replacement - and then we wonder and complain that traffic is cutting through smaller residential roads? Why is this really a surprise? What should be 5 minute bus ride down Forest Hill Road to Peckham Rye station is now a decent 15/20 minute journey at rush hour - depending on whether Thames Water or Southern Gas have decided to open the road up again with no reference to their impact on the local community. Having cars and busses queing all down the road does nothing for the local air quality, let alone the average commute. Is it too much to expect the local council and councillors to think about what the residents of the area need in entirety, rather than a peicemeal approach that presumes in advance that we all have bags of spare time to spend commuting at the start and end of every day, and that anyone who uses a bus or a car instead of a bike or walking is the devil incarnate, a danger to children everywhere and the wholesale wreckers of the planet? Rant over! I feel better already!
  12. On tonights episode! I always knew there was something dodgy going on at Bushells! Repeat tomorrow I think??
  13. I think its really good, visually interesting stuff. Mesmerised by the spinning light tube. I would say though your PR could be better, I only happened across the art installations on the way up to Franks. Keep up the good work though.
  14. Thanks Plough what a very generous offer! I'll definitely take you up on that and drop you a line as a reminder before hand!
  15. Whatever happende to the american guy who did the thursday night quiz? he just vanished and so did my attendance at the plough...i'd make it back if he were to return.
  16. As a cyclist that rides from Colyton Road to Trafalgar Square, I've never used the ridiculous bike lanes on Forest Hill Road and I've never seen them being used - utter waste of money, typical council end of year capital expenditure. The Grove Vale widening will make traffic more difficult to predict - cars going at a certain speed I know are going straight on, if they are going so slow that they might turn, it makes riding very nervous. Even if its stopped the traffic lane you're in, you have to have some guts to go around to the right in the face of the oncoming cars and busses. I'd be amazed if anyone who was actually involved in the planning of any of these schemes has to regularly use them by bike, foot or car for that matter.
  17. I was broken into 2 months ago on Colyton Road and since then have had an ADT alarm fitted. Very happy with the service. ?99 to install and ?20 a month thereafter. Just spent a week in Italy and a week in the USA, and never once worried about whether my flat was secure or not. I asked the installer whether they were any use and he quite honestly said it is just a deterrent and at the end of the day if someone is determined to get in, they will get in, alarm or no alarm.
  18. Yes! Though I've no idea what or where my wadge is
  19. We let the dogs run free and put metal railings around the kids playground to keep them inside...seriously!
  20. Yes, lets all become Special Police officers and then we can also stand around like the rest of the Met and watch the place get torn up.
  21. Just another thought...if some one went along in the night and painted the substation with red masonary paint, would they get done for graffiti????
  22. Great idea! Not only would it improve public transport, but a double decker crawling up and down the hill each way would slow down traffic as well! Two birds with one stone!
  23. Hi toast yes i live on Colyton for 18 months and lived onm Ryedale for 23 years so know it well thanks. I'm not saying it doesn't need some investment, if there is 400K to be spent then great I just think that there must be a better, more imaginative and sustainable ways of improving the area than by putting in new pavements and painting some bollards and an old substation to make the place look like we've been invaded by left over props from the telly tubbies! (or twatty boho - chich!)
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