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Everything posted by TJ

  1. Pls see below reply from TFL. If we all put our point across now, hopefully we can get this changed. Pls all email: [email protected] Routes 63/363 Thank you for your recent email on the abovementioned routes. I fully understand why you would like the routing you have mentioned and the possible benefits it would bring to yourself and fellow users. We continually monitor the bus network to see if any changes can be made to improve the level of service offered to passengers. The suggestions we receive from passengers are an important part of this process. Please be assured that we make every effort to connect local centres and residential areas - and to respond positively to requests for direct connections. But it is not always possible to provide a direct link for every journey or implement all of the suggestions we receive. Ultimately, we have to make sure that we use the resources available to provide services that will benefit the majority of passengers using a route. Currently we have no plans to extend or re-route either routes 63 or 363. However, both routes are due to be reviewed very soon, and your suggestions have been noted. Please be assured that where possible, we will always strive to improve the network. Thank you once again for taking the time to contact us and if I can be of any further help please feel free to get in touch.
  2. I hear William Rose are doing some specials this week to mark this important event...
  3. Thanks Jah, Fine for me - but not my pregnant missus. She gets out of puff very quickly. Also, if i was going to walk to LL I would justtake a bus to Forest hill or Denmark hill. I just would like to see the 363 route extended 400 metres up forest hill road.... it would just help link up more areas to HOP. MP - Touche!
  4. otherwise known as a fob-off. The 363 would be a better extention as it stops so close.... I'll try again..
  5. ok prophets etc was bit harsh..! anyway - the more ED ers who use HOP the better in my book. It is fine for those who fancy the stomp, but those with child / children have no chance...
  6. Ha Ha! Yes, those famous mountainous ice covered peaks of south London..! He was taking the mickey! Good on you all for supporting this - However, to sean, who along with Snorky is the prophet of doom in every circumstance... Having an unused train station - or even underutilized is not a good idea as it simply adds pressure to other routes, and investment in the underused one falls away.
  7. I live up at the Over / Underhill end of East Dulwich. We seem to have some very poor links to the train stations. There isn't a ED bus link to Honor Oak Park, which is a great station, not very crowded with a fast and reliable line into London Bridge and Charing X direct (on occasion). From Honor oak Park, there are busses to Nunhead, Brockley, Forest Hill, West Dulwich etc but all skirt around us. As this station is going to be part of the East London line extension, I think it would be wise to apply some pressure to TFL to get them to extend the 363 and 63 up to Honor oak park so we all have some more options. Currently the 363 and 63 stop about 600 metres away on the other side of the hill - which seems very strange to me. Please can everyone go to the following page and send an email to apply some pressure to help improve our links and also relieve some pressure on ED station! TFL Thanks!
  8. Ken said himself that political leaders should be limited to 2 terms in office. I have done the honorable thing and not voted for him this time as he keeps going back on his word - or riding roughshod over what people actually ask for (congestion zone extension - no-one wanted it, total waste of time / money, consultation exercise advised against it, he did it anyway). Sorry Ken - your officially a crony now - and have become the person you so despised 8 years ago and the reason people voted for you in the first place. Boris is also a total dickhead, and even worse - a tory..
  9. woodie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think its a tough stretch to make a restaurant > work there. One of those dead spots.Could be a > coffee shop could open it up a bit. Its very > functional, chemist,post office, barber, > newsagent, bookies, launderette. Not really an > evening spot or afternoon hang out type of area is > it? Will take imagination to make it work. I dont know - the Herne is pretty good value for a night out at the weekend or even for a lazy saturday / sunday afternoon. A nice bunch running it, good food and good beer. Its my pub of chouce bya country mile (noted there are way to many kids in the summer etc etc).
  10. Yes, pls tell where - I will drive my backfiring old banger past at every opportunity.
  11. the white stuff on your shoes is not just salt from the road, but also fat liquors and your sweat in the leather seeping out and solidifying. Easy solution is to wipe clean with a damp cloth then use a leather nourisher (Bally does an excellent one for shoes) and then polish with wax polish as usual. Also - don't let your shoes dry out before you do this... and dont ever dry them nr a radiator. Never - never use silicon polish or instant polish. Just adds to the problem.
  12. I don't think parking a scooter on a pavement is always illegal. Its a grey area, and if the attendant doesn't know the rules, can easily get it wrong. On the road in question, a scooter could be considered an obstruction on one side, but because of the layout on the other side of the road, there is a legal argument to say they are not obstructing (wheelie bins are a permanant feature and a scooter has a narrower profile, so is in effect less of an obstruction). I would always make sure a wheelie bin is next to your scooter to prevent the issue.
  13. got to say - find virgin excellent. only went tits up once for 30mins when it was still NTL - use it 10-12 hrs a day for home business & personal with no problems. their customer services seem to have improved too and even are polite and in the uk so you dont have to yell your password at them 4 times and then enter polite 'banter' about the lovely weather (as rain lashes against the window).
  14. Oh - I just remembered, i once saw him get out of his car (old crappy thing - not a parking enforcement van), not wearing a uniform and give a car a ticket that was parked in the disabled bay - it was about 8am on a sunday morning. I wonder what that would mean from an appeal / legal point of view? What hope have we got if the wardens are giving out tickets on their days off!
  15. i wish we could have a good pizzeria - even a pizza express would be ok, chain or not. italian with pizzas would be ok too. i also think a good interiors shop would work - not silly little ?10 nic naks and crap vases, but a good place selling classics and cool stuff. There is one in honor oak nr the station which is excellent.
  16. Hi Sophie. if you are taking about hillcourt, just take a photo and appeal, they normally overturn it. It is one overzealous guy who also targets the disabled bay that is never used (appeal in progress on that one too) Also a good idea to have a drawstring bag to cover the plate when parked as a warden is not allowed to move it to read the plate.
  17. wow - My house seems to be surrounded by hits - i often wondered if the space next door was because of damage.. is this the most exhaustive list?
  18. Its not an ET4 but off a GT125/200 - I had the same happen. In Clapham if it makes you feel better.
  19. Crap food is crap. Italian or not. Tourist traps are crap the world over. Italians tend to be a friendly bunch. You can't trust them, but I like them none the less (having spend a lot of time in all regions over the last 8 years for work & holidays) Spread your wings and get away from the forum a bit more often.
  20. I just find the Snorky attitude unnecessary. Or do I just find Snorky unnecessary....? I would like to suggest a flight to Turin in October (truffle season) , take a cab to Alba. Walk over the hill past Barolo to a little place called the Three Stars and have their tasting menu. Tell me then about your attitude to italian food. Oh - the wine may be ok too. Enjoy.
  21. I am so glad that it is something of note - and regardless, I think Snorky is about due a writ and being driven out from ED for being such a miserable toad. Good luck to the new owners - and Snorky - if i find you in there I am going to push your face into your plate.
  22. All I need is to know if there is a trick to getting the bay removed. It is ridiculous to have spaces permanently allocated to someone who does not exist.
  23. It will, yes. Why you feel the need to question the validity of my post is also strange. Do you know the space I am talking about? If you can't help just butt out. Unless you are my neighbour - in which case you need to get out more.
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