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Everything posted by youandiaredominoes

  1. Glad but also sad to see this debate I started raging on - I've posted here about the latest blot on the station. Only a fence, I know, but just another example of poor design and consideration of the environment of the station: http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5,1210050 I am sure local stations are getting busier and busier but Denmark Hill seems busier than ever and the design has not provided the additional space or flow required to deal with a demand which is large, particularly with high employment at the local hospitals and teaching colleges.
  2. Does anyone get the train from Peckham Rye/Denmark Hill which goes to E&C, Blackfriars, City Thameslink, Farringdon, St Pancs and get a good phone signal on the way? Mine is very flaky and I certainly don't get any signal from City Thameslink to St Pancras (except for a short window at Farringdon). But, I still see people using their phones, either surfing or even taking a call... Is anyone else able to do this?
  3. Now we have a horrible fence erected on the platform 4 side of the station - it's so ugly but not surprised. Also, I don't understand the point of it because it is quite a low fence and won't keep much out...
  4. I've just been to the dentist and whilst my teeth have no pain I have been told I need three fillings to stop potential rot. This will be expensive, but is it necessary??
  5. I have great sympathy for the local trader but if we're all honest it is about cost and convenience. Who has time to go to all the shops down the high street when its easier to go to Sainsburys and do it all in one fell swoop? It's a sad situation to be in. However, I am willing to pay a little more money at a proper butchers and occasionally a grocer. Are we all guilty of the demise of the local shops? Is it fair to blame the supermarkets?
  6. I probably walk through the Dulwich Hamlet FC car park a couple of times a week and every now and again there seems to be a new bundle of clothes strewn in the corner of the car park. The clothes are womens clothing, comprising of quite a few bras and often a wig. I see different bundles on different occasions... very odd.
  7. There was a planning application for this premises, no? Also, a quick look on Right Move shows that the flat above the shop is up for rent...
  8. Good news about the lifts. Anyone know about the state of the rest of the station? Some concrete fell down the other week, I think under the old bridge at platform 1. This bridge has a weight restriction.
  9. Thanks Sue, that's good to know. Even with a ?1 increase, they are going to be a lot cheaper than Virgin.
  10. Virgin media keep upping the monthly cost for broadband. It's a reliable service but getting expensive. Anyone have any experiences of PlusNet? Look like a nice friendly Northern company...
  11. I'm on 3 and my partner is on Orange or EE (whatever it's called). Our mobile signal is really bad, particularly indoors. I have to go outside to get a proper signal which is not good. I have tried a virgin sim card and that was no better. We live near Grove Lane, on the top of the hill but that doesn't help one jot.
  12. Twitter is saying broken down train just outside Denmark hill station - hope there's air con! Also the rumour mill says some of the bridge had fallen down but this is unsubstantiated at present
  13. What about other train routes? Is whole of the station closed?
  14. TfL are reporting that the overground is currently suspended due to an obstruction on the tracks at Denmark Hill. Anyone have any further info? Not ideal on one of the hottest days of the year!
  15. RosieH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Are there any plans for a second entrance on > Windsor Walk does anyone know? Was trying to work > out what the activity on that side was today. That would make some sense. I remember when they had a temporary entrance there a couple of winters ago. We need multiple exits around the station's site. I am interested to see what they are going to do with the old ticket hall - currently being refurbished. Hopefully it will reopen and be another option but might not be an exit as there isn't really a space for ticket barriers. If the Phoenix bar was not there, then the station might be more spacious. You could have spill out where the outside of the bar currently is. However, am I right in saying that historically there was once a brewery and pub on the station's site and this burnt down, and hence The Phoenix was built sans the brewery. Can't argue with history...
  16. What about some railings directly outside the entrance - people can easily spill out into the road? I think the pavement is too narrow during busy times, usually you have a station entrance set back a bit from a road to allow people to loiter and wait. It seems very little thought has gone into how people use the station.
  17. I know some of my fellow east dulwich-ites commute via Denmark hill station - what do you make of the new entrance? It's not improved much in my opinion - you can now walk down to the platforms using two dofferent routes but the foyer and outside the entrance is a mess. There is no clear in or out so people just pile in, there is only one oyster machine and the queuing space for that is not big enough and people in the queue obscure the departure boards. There's no cash machine anymore either. Then there's the space outside the station - the pavement is narrow and gets blocked up with people - especially smokers- who get in the way. It's chaos!
  18. Not the result of a 3 point turn but a cyclist was knocked off his bike on the champion park bend at about 1.20-1.30pm. It didn't look good and he wasn't moving. Hope he is ok. Such a dangerous corner and motorists can be so reckless.
  19. I think it was a cyclist Edit 3.38pm - sorry my comment related to a separate incident on the bend on champion park. A cyclist was knocked off his bike.
  20. I haven't seen a 'no u-turn' sign on that road but I might be wrong, either way people still do it. The drivers who drive quite quickly around the corner are the reckless ones. I just think the people who attempt 3 point turns are crazy for doing so because of the drivers who bomb around the corner - can't trust other drivers! Yes, there have been about 3 or 4 accidents on this road in the past year, including that man who go knocked over and where flowers are still left in his memory.
  21. Saw Liz White (Annie Cartright from Life on Mars) in sainsburys.
  22. Reported it already to the council, the police and my landlord (who owns both flat, but is useless). Alas it continues - its like they're stupid or ignorant, or something. As I say, there are other complicated factors at play and it is difficult to get to the bottom of what is going on but all I know is there are frequent disturbances and the police call round every now and again. Also - sorry Lynnne for hijacking the post somewhat. Should i start one afresh if this is a bit of a tangent?
  23. Hi pugwash Thanks for your reply - I understand why you do this manoeuvre but it is very risky. Some drivers might not be as wary as you about the traffic bombing around the corner. It's really heart in mouth stuff. One accident along this stretch of road saw a car go onto the pavement and uproot a (fairly young) tree. But, on another day it could be a person? Myself, I haven't seen people do the 3 point turn and turn off down Grove Lane - they tend to go back towards Dog Kennel Hill. But there is a problem of access to that area near Love Walk/De Crespigny - not sure what the solution is.
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