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Everything posted by Chillaxed

  1. Allan Quartermain. Ahem, quarter is a part...?
  2. I drive very rarely (Zipcar), walk and use public transport for most journeys. I used to cycle but drivers, pedestrians and other cyclists put me off it (and the little sh*t who nicked my bike from under my nose). I've seen such bad behavior on all sides that taking sides or pointng the finger seems useless.
  3. So you braked for the cat? A ha, you're a closet cat lover! woodrot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I ride but also drive so am aware of both sides. I > did nearly cream a bike a few weeks back when he > came through on the inside on the other side of > the road as I was turning right, as a car had > stopped to let me across. I was @#$%& mortified > and embarrased.probabaly my fault for crossing, > but scared the shit out of me.I ahve been on the > other side of this when it has happened to me when > riding. > > oh yes. lets bring cats into this. I was zooming > along the old canal path through peckham ( always > best to zoom along here, as the yoot soemtimes > target you ) when a cat ran out in front of me. > being a cat i.e stupid, it stopped right in front > of me and I went over the bars, temporarily > dislocating my shoulder ( I am big, so the > momentum was pretty serious ).luckily my shoulder > popped back into place as I chased the @#$%& > through the bushes, but it escaped into someones > garden. > > vermin.
  4. Homemade on Barry Road. Also, I enjoyed a brekkie at Luca's recently, but it's a bit hit and miss. There are loads of comments on here about the service, but functional rather than overly friendly suits me at any time prior to midday.
  5. This. DulwichFox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Timothy Treadwell and girlfriend Amie > Huguenard..killed by bears > > Foxy..
  6. No, you hate Spurs because you think you have to, being an Arsenal supporter. Parkdrive Wrote: > How sour are those grapes? Sums up why I hate that > club. I wasn't going to put a comment on here > about coming fourth as I don't believe, like many > Gooners, contrary to popular misconception, that > it equates to a trophy. But you know what, Spuds > got their highest ever total in the PL and came > 5th, and think they've had a decent season. Their > best squad for many seasons, and still 5th, our > worst season and squad for a long time and STILL > above them. And the @#$%& that wrote that piece > says we haven't won a trophy in years, yet the > choking cockerels last won the title in 1961. In > conclusion, Fcuk off totteringham, you'll always > be in our shadow. Doubtless I'll get some stick > for this but I don't give a Bale, sorry, Monkeys.
  7. Nope, the one Sue refers to above where she went toe to toe with DJKQ for 9 pages. No idea how to link threads and maybe shouldn't if it was deleted for legal reasons.
  8. Fook me, just read the other thread on this. Not sure whether I'm more or less informed on the case now.
  9. Scared the sh*t out of my little lad, in a 'scary but entertaining' way.
  10. If you need to save, pls don't save on the booze and have a cash bar. If you have loads of free booze the guests won't notice that they're in the local church hall with Now That's What I Call Music 67 on loop.
  11. They're (too) expensive, but 24 grand sounds awfully high. The very top end, Ecclestone-style weddings must skew the average - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/motorsport/formulaone/f1news/8882383/Bernie-Ecclestones-ex-wife-spent-12-million-on-daughters-wedding.html The hubby looks like a trustworhty, down-to-earth chap though.
  12. I think your last point hits the nail on the head. He's a knob so people ridicule him for this. Your Arsenal examples do nothing for me. Come on the Geordies!
  13. I'm no fan of Brave John Terry but I understand you need to be in your kit to collect a medal or lift the trophy. And if you've played your part in winning the thing, why not?
  14. I'm with PGC - Lords is the only option. Indeed, you're obliged to go on behalf of all of us unable to because of family commitments.
  15. ElmGrove, you can order Bath Gem through Ocado - from memory it's an OK price too. I am enjoying the new Sovereign Golden Ale from M&S at the mo'.
  16. Thanks. I've no doubt you're more knowledgeable than me or most on this subject, so bear with (educate!) me. If you are taking a council tenant out of the pool by selling them a home, why do you need to replace that stock? Or, with the proceeds of the sale (albeit reduced) shouldn't you be able to at least partically replace that stock? I ask as my first reaction to council homes being sold at a discount to council tenants is not that it's a plot to return to Dickensian slums. What are the steps in between?
  17. "With regard to councils, when they sell through right to buy...they are not getting anything near the market value of the property. The Tory government have always decided that massive discounts should be given to council tenants (Labour reduced the discount - the coalition have made if bigger than ever). WHY? It's designed to render councils incapable of replacing that stock. WHY? Because we have affluent and ignorant tories in power who think we should return to a Dickensian world of overcrowded slums for the poorest, provided by private landlords." I don't follow the logic here. How does the right-to-buy scheme render councils incapable of replacing that stock?
  18. Not wanting to feed the troll, but I really enjoyed the fair and esp. all the kids enjoying themselves. Thanks to anyone who donated their time and effort to run the event.
  19. Sorted, thanks DulwichFox. Looking forward to the book being published so I can bone up on your other parenting tips. DulwichFox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It would seem that not much will change. People > will still be able to enjoy a Drink/Meal with > their Children. > > Except the children will not be able to tear > around and will need to be more closely > monitored. > > Take the kids to the park first so that they can > expend all their energy, work up an appitite and > enjoy > a quite relaxed meal/ drink afterwards. > > Cannot see the problem. > > I suppose there may be an element of Pubs > worrying about being Sued by parents when one of > their little > darlings falls over and grazes their knee. > > Fox
  20. Yes, I've noticed you're not one to waste paint John K.
  21. If my Mum and Dad lived in London I'd be leaving my son with them every other weekend!
  22. Not sure about thousands but I agree wholeheartedly. Good to see some are suing him for his millions. El Pibe Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Maybe he had a working demo device or something. > > I find it a bit depressing that all he can be > charged with is fraud when clearly he has > effectively murdered thousands of people.
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