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Everything posted by bluecanary

  1. Hey Admin, do you think it might be helpful to change the name of this thread tosomething more positive now the house is no longer being demolished?
  2. Jeremy, sometimes in reading between the lines you can end up with a completely different book. I think Penquin's thoughts are perfectly rational and valid, and above all calm, which is something the communicator from Heber would not have been when sending the message to parents being duty bound to report any situation that may present a threat to the children in their care in order to protect not only the children but themselves from any 'Where there's blame there is a claim' situations. A calmer message would have read something like ' This morning a yr 6 child was offered a lift by someone not known to them. The child refused the lift and continued to school. We will use our next assembly to remind the children of how to travel safely and feel sure that you will also take this opportunity to discuss this with your child. Meanwhile if prefer to make other arrangements for your child's homeward journey this afternoon blah, blah, blah.'
  3. When my daughter was a toddler she christened it the 'sad house'. She was saddened by the thought that the house was feeling lonely and neglected because of the lack of a family to care for it. It will be great to see the house finally happy and lived in.
  4. jumpinjackflash Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > pour into plastic bottles and leave them in random > places all around East Dulwich? No - it will never catch on!
  5. And for those wanting to give it a go: http://www.wikihow.com/Pee-in-a-Bottle
  6. I had the misfortune to choose a tree that died after a week (got full refund). It was too big & messy to put in the car to return so I contacted Southwark Bulk Waste and this is the reply. Yes, really! Dear ? Unfortunately Southwark council does not collection real Christmas trees as? Bulk items. However there are other options on house to dispose of the tree. ? If the tree is cut down it may be put in the brown wheelie bin outside as garden waste, however if the tree does not fit in the bin you may alternatively use the garden waste bags that are available from the library. As long as you the tree fits into a maximum of ten bags these bags will be remove for you with your normal collection. ? You may also take it to Reuse & Recycling Centre, Manor Place depot located on Walworth Road SE17 3BD. The recycling centre is?free for residents as long as you provide I.D of your?residency. ? ? ?Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further assistance. ? Yours Sincerely, ? Environment Services [email protected] 020 7525 2000
  7. http://whitelilygreen.blogspot.com/2011/12/handmade-thursday-pillowcase-angel.html I did this for my son many years ago but put the tinsel around the neck & armholes to disguise the cut edges.
  8. http://www.amazon.co.uk/BOX4BLOX-Lego-Toy-Storage-Sorter/dp/B004UJFUP2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1321258596&sr=8-2
  9. first mate Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If it was for one night okay, but it isn't. What's > more, people don't seem to do their back garden > stuff until 12-1 in the morning....why? I can > almost guarantee there'll be more tonight too. It > is never one night, for years now it goes on night > after night. Don't care if it's Diwali, Guy Fawkes > or Bill's Big Birthday- if you are going to let > off fireworks it'd be real neighbourly to finish > by 10-11pm. Whoops, there goes New Year celebrations!
  10. Well hanging out of the window yelling "Shut up!" didn't stop them, but it sure helped me feel better! Seems to have quietened down now, thank goodness.
  11. Is anyone else being driven slowly insane by the incessant beeping of horns by vehicles waiting at the the temporary lights at the roadworks on Lordship Lane? Why are they hammering the horns? Do they think it will have some effect on the lights? The lights are very frustrating I know, try turning out of one of the side roads (I live on Mount Adon Park), but this is a residential area, not blooming Brands Hatch Short of standing on the corner and screaming like a fishwife, what can I do?
  12. Yes, but will they close the school and open a waitrose?
  13. Silly me left my debit card in the swipe machine at a self-serve till in Sainsburys a short while ago and didn't realise until I got home. You can imagine how quickly I dashed back (they weren't answering the 'phone) and was so relieved to find that some kind person had handed it in. Thank you so much, whoever you are.
  14. Not everybody drives. Indeed it's possible that a large part of East Dulwich that don't. Those that can't afford to run a car for instance and the elderly. Also due to the number of local schools I would imagine there will be a large amount of Mum's calling in for their shopping either after dropping off the children or on the way home from collecting them. Incidently, there are two Somerfields in Camberwell.
  15. fractionater Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bluecanary Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I've seen rats in the bushes at Sainsburys and > > I've also seen them in Dulwich Park. > > > BC - what you doing hanging around the bushes at > Sainsburys and Dulwich park?! Now, that would be telling!
  16. I've seen rats in the bushes at Sainsburys and I've also seen them in Dulwich Park.
  17. Hello Moos, where did you spring from? No, that wouldn't have been me then, sorry must have not seen/forgotten the bit about the pedestrian crossing. Of course I stop where mandatory. I also stop to be courteous to pedestrians and vehicles when it is safe to do so. Moos we seem to have crossed posts. My first post to you refered to your first post to me, and of course not to the second which is addressed above.
  18. Ah Moos, I nearly missed you there! Believe me I am far from perfect, and being a new driver no doubt make more than my fair share of mistakes, though hopefully none that will ever result in an accident Please God.
  19. Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm loving bluecanary's work ;-) > > > In other words, everyone except me, me, and a bit > more me! > > Where do you shop bc? Where do you go out to > dinner, or have a quick drink, or have a pleasant > afternoon stroll? Where do you chat with your > neighbours and window shop? I've got a healthy ten > bucks in my pocket that reckons that you do none > of the above in ED? > > It will be utterly impossible for a driver to > appreciate the challenges of LL unless they accept > that ED is a community. Get out more. You'll be > happier. :) Ouch Huguenot! I have lived in East Duwich for just over twelve years and do all of the above on foot locally but not exclusively. I fail to see how being part of a community gives pedestrians the right to amble across the road wherever they see fit and expect the cars to stop for them as if by some devine right. As has already been pointed out, what message are we giving to our children? My daughter was hit by a car just past the Harvester a few months back, it wasn't the poor driver's fault but my daughter's, she knew it was wrong to cross where she did (having been told countless times) but thought she'd be fine, after all, everyone else does it. Unfortunately for her she crossed in front of a bus so the driver didn't see her until it was to late. Yes, East Dulwich is a community, as is anywhere, but it is not centred around a village green with nowt but the butterflies and children happily playing in the meadow to think about as we wander around buying our overpriced organic free range victuals, hailing neighbours whilst strolling across the road to call in on one of our many drinking establishments. I'm surprised no-one has got a sunday cricket game going on Goose Green yet. So that will be 10 bucks you owe me Huguenot!
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