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Everything posted by eddie

  1. DadOf4 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good news > http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30454240 > > for an hour or 2 anyway All fixed now. They are going to fly through the night to clear the backlog.
  2. ED Warehouse will officially close its doors this Sunday at 5pm. Loads of bargains still to be had. Everything from men's and ladies vintage and designer clothing, furniture, jewellery, children's shoes, cushions, curtains, gifts and lots lots more. Final reductions are in place and if the last few weeks are anything to go by then its going to be a bit crazy!! We have had a great time in East Dulwich and we thank you all very much. We look forward to seeing you very soon at our next exciting venture. Thanks and goodbye. ED Warehouse
  3. The closing down sale at ED Warehouse is well under way. Lots of stock already gone. Do pop in over the weekend if you get a chance and check out some bargains.
  4. Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sorry to hear this. > > When is the sale? Sale has started!
  5. david_carnell Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is the entire warehouse closing or just some of > the stalls within it? > > For instance, is the children's shoe shop going > too? It's the entire warehouse. Some traders may be able to find other venues.
  6. ED Warehouse vintage store is CLOSING DOWN. We are having a mega clearance sale. All stock must go. There are discounts of up to 75% on a wide range of products from clothing to furniture, jewellery to crockery, art to curtains, plus lots more. We have enjoyed our time in East Dulwich but regretfully the overheads are just getting too high in the area and that makes it necessary for us to close. We hope to see you at the clearance sale for some bargains. ED Warehouse 1 Zenoria St East Dulwich (behind Caffe Nero)
  7. I suspect that you have just posted your friends pin number on here. Might be worth changing it. It can happen that when a sales assistant puts the amount into the machine, they forget to press enter and then the customer puts in their pin number, thus the large amount that appears. Its no excuse but people should always check the amount.
  8. So are the Mary Portas charity shop rumours true?
  9. BJL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > eddie: I think the figure you quote for playing > music in a shop is bit misleading. According to > their tariff (here) the PRS licence for a shop up > to 100 square meters - say the old chemist on the > corner of LL and Matham Grove - is ?151 a year. > Shops larger than 6,000 square meters (are there > many on Lordship Lane?) can pay "up to ?2,000 a > year" but only if they've been caught without a > licence. The PPL licence (for record > companies/performers) is at a similar level ("your > music licence could cost ?122.64 a year"). PPL keep billing me ?1800. They joys of having high ceilings!:)
  10. Agreed @IanSE22. But it?s not just the rents. Business rates are a killer and are based on the rental value of the premises, so in East Dulwich they just keep going up as well. Miss one payment instalment or part of, with Southwark Council and it is straight to the Magistrates Court, extra costs and a potential visit from the bailiffs. Just to play music in a shop can cost up to ?2,000 a year in licence royalty fees. Banks are now very reluctant to allow landlords to lease shops to independents unless they have an established history of trading. They view them as too high risk to enable the landlords to pay their interest commitments. In the short term in East Dulwich I am sure that shops will be rented out when they become available, however I am not so sure about the long term look of the high St.
  11. The point was that 83% of tickets issued in Southwark occur in East Dulwich. So is the area being targeted or do people generally not enter bus lanes in the rest of the borough?
  12. In the last year Southwark Council have issues 1,176 tickets to motorists using bus lanes. Of that 978 were issued in East Dulwich, the remaining 198 was the total for the rest of the Borough. The bus lane on Lordship Lane has netted over ?60,000 for Southwark Council in fines to motorists in the last year. Who knows how must extra they have got for other parking tickets. CCTV vehicles are only used for bus lane infringements in East Dulwich, not the rest of the borough. Southwark Council are treating East Dulwich as a cash cow. 83% of tickets issued!!! Remember that next time you go to the local ballot box.
  13. An ?un-official and un-scientific? review of the premises on Lordship Lane from Goose Green to the Police Station (excluding North Cross Road) has identified the following usage of space: Retail Shops 53% Bars, Restaurants & Take Away 25% Estate Agents 13% Banks, PO, Office, Other 9% If you include business?s on the side streets off Lordship Lane then the ratio for retail space in nearer to 60%.
  14. East Dulwich makes Sky News and not in a good way. The top 20 burglary black spots in the country??.. East Dulwich SE22 comes in at number 9. So insurance premiums will be hiked up. Time to review your home security.
  15. ratty Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > In ten years time it will no longer exist, having > disappeared up it's own arse in September 2016. My favourite post ever read. Thank you. It had made my day.
  16. E.d. Warehouse Concept Store have a great range of gifts for Christmas. Choose from new or vintage. Great for that gift that is a little different. 1 Zenoria St, behind Caffe Nero.
  17. CONTROVERSIAL 20mph speed limits designed to cut road casualties are not working, official figures show. Deaths and injuries in 20mph zones are UP a quarter in a year ? while on 30mph roads they are DOWN. A report from the Department for Transport shows there were 2,262 fatalities and injuries in 2011 on 20mph roads in built-up areas ? 24 per cent more than in 2010 when 1,827 were recorded. That compares to a one per cent reduction in casualties on 30mph roads in built-up areas. Experts say motorists don?t concentrate and become frustrated in 20mph zones ? and pedestrians are lulled into a false sense of security. In Portsmouth, a blanket 20mph limit on built-up roads was introduced five years ago. The number killed or seriously injured in the city rocketed from 79 in 2007 to 143 last year. More councils are setting 20mph areas under powers introduced by Lib Dem Transport Minister Norman Baker. Road safety campaigner Claire Armstrong of Safe Speed called for a halt to lower zones. She said: ?A 20mph limit does not make the road safer. Thirty is absolutely adequate.? The number of people killed or seriously injured overall on all roads in Britain increased by two per cent last year ? the first yearly rise since 1994. Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4481938/Official-Casualties-soaring-in-20mph-zones.html#ixzz24TVdwLw4
  18. KidKruger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Drivers should indicate all the time for > everybody, whether they see other people/road > users or not. you do not have to indicate at a roundabout if you are going straight ahead
  19. Ken Livingston once told us the Olympics would cost ?2.2b. Now the costs are running at about ?11b. So we are told ?55m to build a tram link. Get real. That would just be the management fee!!
  20. Local resident to local politician: ?Can the area behind the police station be used for parking? Local politician; ?Southwark council does not have the sort of spare cash required to buy the land? Seems to be a perfectly reasonable response by a local politician in looking after what all our local taxes are spent on. However this is the same local politician that has proposed the following council expenditure; 1. Buy a business, knock down the building it is located in and extend Burgess Park. 2. Knock down the flyover on the Old Kent Road as it? only serves commuters from Kent? So nice to see local politicians looking after our local interests! Ya have to smile. Did I see that the Lib Dems were beaten in the local election by a penguin?
  21. I would like to know what an elected local councillor is doing entering into discussions with Waitrose about their options in opening a store in East Dulwich. On what authority does Councillor Barber do this?. To state that he has discussed with Waitrose options about taking over the Iceland store, or other buildings does not in my opinion fall within his remit. Iceland is a private business. So are all other businesses. Does this mean that Councillor Barber has identified other buildings that would suit Waitrose?. Buildings that are owned or leased by private individuals and private companies. The big question is how has this been reflected in other local council decisions that are being taken. Councillor Barber appears to have been working on this for a long time as reflected in his ED Forum post starting 1st Jan 2011. His objection to the revised planning process, although deemed more cost effective and efficient, may not suit his agenda if he is unable to influence decisions like M&S taking over Iceland. Local businesses are extremely concerned that local councillors, that are elected to represent us, appear to be in negotiations with other companies with a possible view to taking over their leases. Councillor Barber has been asked to declare his interest in this matter on a number of occasions. He has failed to do so in a satisfactory manner. He uses the East Dulwich Forum endlessly for his own political agenda and maybe his own private dealings. I call on him to now clearly declare his interests in these matters and disclose what discussions he has had with Waitrose. Eddie
  22. the-e-dealer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Only if he sits on the Committee for that decision > because I think he has expressed views and met > with the applicants and others who have an > interest. Also if he is lobbied by his > constituents he cannot be part of the decision. I think James Barber should declare his interests on this matter.
  23. James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi alice, > The freeholder who has applied for planning > permission talks about M&S. > Seperately I know the Iceland lease is close to > ending. I'd be amazed if Iceland would offer as > much rent as M&S would/have. > I'm also clear that Waitrose would like the site > as is without the extension - and I've spoken at > length to them about options. > > Hope this helps. James, I thought you were on the planning committee. Is this not a conflict?
  24. It looks like on a national basis that Labour has re-gained some ground but a lot of that was at the expense of the Liberal Democrats. Some political pundits say that that is because they are in government and it is normal when there are elections mid term. However the Libs got severely hammered at the last local elections as the public remember their broken promises just for the sake of power. It may be that trend is continuing. People may feel that that they are not being listened to and in some cases blatantly ignored. Our own local councillors should take heed of that and the impact of voting for things that are proven to be completely against the will of the majority of the people.
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